sweet sunday
I headed to Cleveland to visit the Redland Art Gallery today for the opening of the Mind Mapping exhibition. "Jack Oudyn records his memories and experiences of the world in visual diaries and artist books. Mind Mapping presents a selection of Oudyn's intimate drawings and collages spanning 20 years. The drawings explore themes of travel, work, health, news events and memories." ~ [excerpt from the Redland Art Gallery exhibition program]. I wholeheartedly recommend checking out this exhibition if you're not too far away from the Cleveland area as it's well worth a visit. It's on until the 18th of June, but if you can't make it along you can always pop on over to Jack Oudyn's Etsy shop where he has a range of his delightful art-flavoured little books available!
Enjoyed a double scoop vanilla bean and coffee gelati combo. Super yummy!