Shadow Shot Sunday #58
Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!
Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. maryt/theteach 2. Gemma 3. Sunnymama 4. PaganSphinx 5. Ria 6. Bee 7. SummerkitchenGirls 8. Yyam 9. Jacqui

The Shooters:
1. DiahnOtt 2. Rita/Cashjocky 3. Lisa'sRetroStyle 4. Sherrie 5. Shannon 6. MargaretGosden 7. Ginger 8. MonikaRose 9. Jabblog

The Shooters:
1. JulieKing 2. BrandiB 3. OneStillFrame 4. RaeBurton 5. DavidC 6. Jen 7. SylviaK 8. TwinkleStarArt 9. Paz'sNewYorkMinute
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #58

A couple of water fountain shadows. I caught them joyfully dancing. To the tune of what I'm not sure.

I received this cool award from talented Sydney artist Sam of Matou en Peluche (Plush Tomcat) blog. Thanks Sam! Here's a small sample of Sam's gorgeous retro-art deco inspired charcoal & pastel drawings.

Pop over to Sam's Etsy Shop to view many more of her beautiful prints. And great news! Sam is currently having a 3 for 2 winter solstice sale. I'm not a fan of winter but this news has suddenly made it sweeter!
I also received the 'Love Ya' award from BrisStyle buddies Amanda (Twinkle Star Art) and Ali (Charlie & Grace). Thanks heaps guys! As I've already received this award I shouldn't accept it again but I wanted to say thanks anyway. And it gives me a perfect excuse to show off some of the lovely items Amanda and Ali have available in their shops! Oh and BrisStyle team members are having their very own market next week! You'll find details at the end of this post. If your finger hasn't dropped off already from all of the scrolling...

A selection of Amanda's adorable childhood inspired illustrations. Many more prints are available here.

You can find more cool creations by Ali here (for big folk) and here (for little folk) so cute!
The upcoming BrisStyle market is shaping up to be THE BEST MARKET EVER! If you live in, or anywhere near Brisbane you'll not want to miss it. With approximately 50 talented local artists and crafters selling their wares there promises to be something to appeal to all tastes. Even yummy cupcakes! And great coffee! And live music! For further info and a full list of participating stallholders check in on the BrisStyle blog.

Handmade heaven in Hamilton!
My sincere apologies for the length of this post. I do generally try to keep the focus of Shadow Shot Sunday posts on the shadows and save other things for posting during the week but it doesn't always happen that way. As computer time will be very limited for me this week I don't think I will be back blogging again until next SSS, so I've basically crammed two posts in one here today. Have a super week ahead everybody. xox
Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants

The Shooters:
1. maryt/theteach 2. Gemma 3. Sunnymama 4. PaganSphinx 5. Ria 6. Bee 7. SummerkitchenGirls 8. Yyam 9. Jacqui

The Shooters:
1. DiahnOtt 2. Rita/Cashjocky 3. Lisa'sRetroStyle 4. Sherrie 5. Shannon 6. MargaretGosden 7. Ginger 8. MonikaRose 9. Jabblog

The Shooters:
1. JulieKing 2. BrandiB 3. OneStillFrame 4. RaeBurton 5. DavidC 6. Jen 7. SylviaK 8. TwinkleStarArt 9. Paz'sNewYorkMinute
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #58
A couple of water fountain shadows. I caught them joyfully dancing. To the tune of what I'm not sure.

I received this cool award from talented Sydney artist Sam of Matou en Peluche (Plush Tomcat) blog. Thanks Sam! Here's a small sample of Sam's gorgeous retro-art deco inspired charcoal & pastel drawings.

Pop over to Sam's Etsy Shop to view many more of her beautiful prints. And great news! Sam is currently having a 3 for 2 winter solstice sale. I'm not a fan of winter but this news has suddenly made it sweeter!
I also received the 'Love Ya' award from BrisStyle buddies Amanda (Twinkle Star Art) and Ali (Charlie & Grace). Thanks heaps guys! As I've already received this award I shouldn't accept it again but I wanted to say thanks anyway. And it gives me a perfect excuse to show off some of the lovely items Amanda and Ali have available in their shops! Oh and BrisStyle team members are having their very own market next week! You'll find details at the end of this post. If your finger hasn't dropped off already from all of the scrolling...

The upcoming BrisStyle market is shaping up to be THE BEST MARKET EVER! If you live in, or anywhere near Brisbane you'll not want to miss it. With approximately 50 talented local artists and crafters selling their wares there promises to be something to appeal to all tastes. Even yummy cupcakes! And great coffee! And live music! For further info and a full list of participating stallholders check in on the BrisStyle blog.

My sincere apologies for the length of this post. I do generally try to keep the focus of Shadow Shot Sunday posts on the shadows and save other things for posting during the week but it doesn't always happen that way. As computer time will be very limited for me this week I don't think I will be back blogging again until next SSS, so I've basically crammed two posts in one here today. Have a super week ahead everybody. xox
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I love your fountain splash of a shadow.
Wonderful selections from the artists that gave you the awards.
Enjoy your week and the BrisStyle market.
(made a typo in the previous post so I trashed it)
Congrats on your award!
Loved the rest of your post too - art-deco is gorgeous!
This is my first time playing!
Hope you stop by
Love your shadow shot, as always! Made me start thinking of songs for dancing water! Have a great weekend
Now for your shadow shot. I tell you, you get the neatest kind of shadows. Who would have thought to use a drinking fountain. So clever and so neat looking.
Happy SSS..
And congrats on well deserved awards! You are a wonderful ambassador for crafty Etsy people!
I have some busy times ahead too. I may not be participating for awhile.
Hope things will settle down for you and for me soon!
Congrats on the award!!!
happy sss.
I haven't linked here in awhile - I took a shot today I felt worthy of posting. It's good to be back.
You have a super week too!
I forgot to say how much I liked YOUR shadow shot. I like the flow of water especially. The shadows look a little like abstract sea monkeys. :)
Happy Sunday!
Beautiful shadow shot as well, so abstract & unique.
As always I love your weekly collages too.
Have a great week this week & thank you again for inspiring all of us shadow shooters Tracy!
Whatever the song that pops in the head - we love your raindrop shadows!
Congrats on the award - we love, love, love Sam's work - can't wait to check the rest of it out!
Have a lovely week!
Congrats on your 'great read' award (love the pic!!) - Hey Harriet certainly is a great read. And Sam's images are really lovely, aren't they?! I bought some of her deco ladies for my Mum last Christmas (it was really hard not keeping them for myself!!)
Happy Sunday, enjoy your week and see you on Sat :)
I've posted one here. :) Thanks for keeping this going!
It made me start thinking and the reason is maybe that I am using a webb hotel/hostel for my photo,,
And then get my photos from there to my blog.
I tried to drag one of my photo from the blog to the desktop of my computer and It did work, but I am using a Imac not PC if that have anything to do with it...
And of course I understand it has to be easy for you to do otherwise it take to much time.
Hope that one day we will find a way.
I like to look for good shadows when I am out with my camera.
That hope you will have a nice week.
and there was something wonderful about this weeks first collage --all the images of nature.
You are great to do this for us all.
Congrats on your award.
Hugs and blessings,
Love the dancing shadows.
Congrats on your latest award. Very cool, indeed.
Drop by at my place again.
Very cool and clever water shot! Looks so abstract I couldn't tell at first what it was... which I liked!
Beautiful art work! Thanks for sharing! Your waterfall shadow is awesome! Mine is posted at my place, Sherrie's Stuff. Have a great day!!
And the shadow collages are magnificent as usual.
Have a wonderful week.
I really like your cool watery shadows! Congrats on your well deserved awards. Thanks so much for the Twinkly promo ;) Hope to see you on Saturday at the BrisStyle markets.
Anyway, my shadow can be found here
Wishing you a wonderful new week.♥
The first time I looked at the shadow shot...I didn't see a shadow. I just kept looking at looked like a flat wall with textures and color on it...but no shadow. Then I read "fountain" and the water and its shadow finally jumped out at me. Neat!
Congrats on your well deserved awards:D
Hope you're busy doing something fun this week that is leaving no time for blogging;)
...i'm just afraid that nobody will enter and I'll look like an untalented twirp!!!
Love the SSS, hope to participate one day, if I can just get my act together!
Peace, Judi
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