Shadow Shot Sunday #83
Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!
Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Joysweb 2. SaraChapman 3. Anne 4. TomHilton 5. MariaBerg 6. SarahWallis 7. Anna'sAdornments 8. Sherrie 9. Dianne

The Shooters:
1. Jen 2. Terri 3. Ladynred 4. Dorte 5. FredaMans 6. maryt-theteach 7. Alexa 8. rsully2sphotography 9. John

The Shooters:
1. Lisa'sRetroStyle 2. GalleryJuana 3. Amanda 4. DianeAZ 5. SelfSagacity 6. Sam 7. LongIslandDailyPhoto 8. Pam 9. Gunsside
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #83

With Christmas fast approaching I wanted to post a few festive shadow shots before the big day had come and gone. Gosh Christmas is in less than a week. Yikes! These photos were taken of the Myer Christmas window displays in the Queen Street Mall. Do you notice the metal grill on the floor of the last image? It's there to collect the mess made by the little piggy in the middle. He regularly projectile vomits blue goo from all the blueberry pie he's eating. Nice! Most kids watching this found it highly amusing. As did I!

As Christmas Day falls before the next Shadow Shot Sunday post I wanted to take the opportunity now to wish everybody a most wonderful and safe Christmas. And happy holidays to all those who have them! Love Tracy xo
Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
Edit Monday Evening: Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!

The Shooters:
1. Joysweb 2. SaraChapman 3. Anne 4. TomHilton 5. MariaBerg 6. SarahWallis 7. Anna'sAdornments 8. Sherrie 9. Dianne

The Shooters:
1. Jen 2. Terri 3. Ladynred 4. Dorte 5. FredaMans 6. maryt-theteach 7. Alexa 8. rsully2sphotography 9. John

The Shooters:
1. Lisa'sRetroStyle 2. GalleryJuana 3. Amanda 4. DianeAZ 5. SelfSagacity 6. Sam 7. LongIslandDailyPhoto 8. Pam 9. Gunsside
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #83
With Christmas fast approaching I wanted to post a few festive shadow shots before the big day had come and gone. Gosh Christmas is in less than a week. Yikes! These photos were taken of the Myer Christmas window displays in the Queen Street Mall. Do you notice the metal grill on the floor of the last image? It's there to collect the mess made by the little piggy in the middle. He regularly projectile vomits blue goo from all the blueberry pie he's eating. Nice! Most kids watching this found it highly amusing. As did I!

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Merry, Merry Tracy!
Merry Christmas to you Tracy...Seasons Greetings to all.
Happy SSS.
Take care and have a wonderful Christmas.
As always ... I love the Shadow Gallery! Thanks for all you do to facilitate the sharing of Shadow Shots each week.
Hugs and blessings,
Happy holidays, everybody!
Thanks for including me.
Your post is fun. Just glad you didn't photograph the pig vomiting. :)
Greetings from Jerusalem.
So glad I made it in the showcase!!
Happy holidays to everyone!
: )
Merry Christmas,Tracy! This is a wonderful and fun place to meet the nicest people!
I will send the photo, MB
Love your Peanuts Christmas card too!
A very happy Christmas to you Tracy! You have given us all such a fun get together each Sunday! I think I have only missed one since you began and that was when I was snowed under writing school reports! Always a pleasure to join in!
Merry Christmas to you too Tracy!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Christmas to you too!
Could there be a more fitting metaphor for Christmas?
He, added, sheepishly.
Or maybe piggishly. It's starting to get confusing.
JzB the animist trombonist
Merry Christmas, Tracy. This is such a fun and creative photo meme!! I love participating in it.
I also love Snoopy and Charlie Brown. This week I posted a photo of my Charlie Brown doll that I took two years ago. He is still in storage. I should go look for him!
My first time participating
Relax, eat well... :)
Thank you so much for this wonderful meme you host so wonderfully every week.
I'm not surprised the projectile vomit is a real crowd pleaser among the young people-it really does sound very funny to see!
Yes that photo was taken in the summer-a couple of years ago at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park which I visited with my sister. I needed sheep! I will be back later with my shadow shot. Have a lovely Christmas!
Happy holidays Tracy
Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!
Thanks for hosting SSS it is so much fun looking for shots.
I wish you and yours a joyous Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year...
All the best
Regina In Pictures
Thanks you for including mine from last week in your gallery.
Happy Sunday and Merry Christmas to you!
Thank you for including my Sputnik in this week's photo collage.
This will be my first warm Christmas in a long time. It is kind of nice for a change. I guess a warm xmas is normal for Australians:)
Wishing you and your family a lovely end of year and promising New Year!
Fun SSs. I of course like the dog one best.
Merry Christmas to you my friend:D
Sorry I'm not regular with the meme...I adore it, just seem to get busy for some reason on sundays lately..not good as it should be a day to relax..hehe.
hope your holiday is great and I have to go and make a shadow shot post..
take care..
The little piggies too !!
...and a very Peanut Christmas to you!
Happy happy Christmas gorgeous one!! XX's
nintendo dsi r4
Once again, it's Christmas -
that delightful time of year
When hearts are filled with gratitude
and homes are bright with cheer.
When everyone's remembering
good friends and loved ones too -
So naturally, the warmest thoughts
and wishes go to you.
May your home be filled
with happiness,
your hearts with love,
your days with joy -
at Christmas and always.
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful holiday,
With love,
Merry Christamas and a Happy new Year,
MB, Maria Berg - Sweden
Amateur Privat Girls
Private Webcams