Shadow Shot Sunday #95

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Anita 2. Guy 3. Christine(RavenRidgeGardens) 4. DianeAZ 5. Christine(FamilyOfFour) 6. JonnyHamachi 7. Sunnymama 8. Christina 9. Chie

The Shooters:
1. DiahnOtt 2. Elizabeth 3. FredaMans 4. SummerKitchenGirls 5. Lindz 6. happilyretired 7. rsully2sphotography 8. BarbaraFinwall 9. ctmott

The Shooters:
1. MolokaiGirl 2. TomHilton 3. Kylie 4. Cassie 5. Carolyn 6. FaithHope... 7. LongIslandDailyPhoto 8. BLOGitse 9. Anne

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #95

Redcliffe Jetty

Humpybong Creek Precinct

Humpybong again. I just really like typing the word Humpybong.

No description required for this one. It's quite self explanatory

These pics were taken on Friday while out & about in Redcliffe. It was so very windy that I'm surprised the pics aren't much fuzzier. I couldn't keep the camera steady, & on a couple of occasions I was almost bowled over by the wind. Strolling along a jetty on such a day probably wasn't the brightest of plans. Fun though!

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Catherine, Mexico City
3. Magical Mystical Teacher
4. IvyC.
5. Quiltworks, MA, USA
6. Gerald (Ackworth born)
7. Dina - Jerusalem
8. Ralph
9. robin-one still frame
10. Birgitta - Sweden
11. Guy, Regina, Canada
12. ldh
13. CHIE
14. Patti V.
15. Molokai Girl
16. High Desert Diva
18. Pam, Florida, USA
19. Rajesh, India
20. Anne
21. Tom Hilton
22. Shannara, Sweden
23. Jen
24. christina
25. Vicki - IN, USA
26. John
27. Stine, Canada
28. Min fotodagbok Sweden
29. Sunnymama
30. Carin
31. Evelyn Howard, Australia
32. Jill, Northern CA, USA
33. angie
34. Rinkly Rimes
35. Rose
36. Generik
37. HotFudge
38. toby
39. Lindz
40. ctmott
41. Sam
42. Gemma@Greyscale,AUS
43. Kylie-Chasing Purple Dreams
44. Margaret Gosden USA
45. Just B
46. Eden, Australia
47. Lee Mills
48. Faith Hope and ...
49. Cassie
50. Kim @ SavvySouthernStyle
51. spunkee
52. Lab Shadows
53. rsully2sphotography
54. texassky
55. Jonny Hamachi
56. Melanie
57. Christine, California USA
58. photo phase
59. The Summer Kitchen Girls
60. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
61. Christine (Our Family of Four)
62. Kacy Allhorsestuff USA
63. My Camera's Eye
64. Paz's New York Minute
65. Martha Z
66. Freda Mans
67. carolynUSA
68. Lindy MacDuff
69. Megan
70. Barbara Finwall
71. Angela-NZ
72. Angie, West Australia
73. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
74. Maria Berg, Sweden
75. Mark, Bagman & Butler
76. wanderlust
77. Mary
78. RawThoughtsAndFeelings
79. MOO: NE WI via DC
80. Reach Beyond Limits
81. me and my camera
82. Sherrie
83. Coffeedoff UK
84. Desert Colors
85. Diahn Ott
86. Michelle@Shades of Red
87. hapzydeco
89. JoAnn
90. hrg at Sacred Ruminations
91. jazzbumpa
92. Joysweb
93. Christina, Sweden
94. eye of the beholder
95. shellbell
96. Sarah
97. alexa in nyc, usa
98. Lynne
99. prkl, finland
100. Carly's Photography
101. Sara Chapman, Seattle USA

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thank you!


Gerald (SK14) said…
O I do love those benches.
frayedattheedge said…
I would enjoy typing Humpybong if I had a reason to type Humpybong!! Super shadows - I like the benches best. Thanks for putting me in the collage this week.
Dina said…
That windy? Wow, hang in there.

I love the little bird in the shadow of the dolphins at Humpybong (hey, but it's not so easy to type). :)
robin. said…
Humpybong-Humpybong-Humpybong. I copied and pasted it here...i just loved saying it. the benches are my favorite shadow shot this week.

happy sss everyone!!
Birgitta said…
Very nice shadow shots here!
Guy D said…
Beautiful photos as always everyone!!!
Chubby Chieque said…
TY for letting me join ur collage.

BRB am in a hurry for the wedding party.
Nice shadow shots ~ looks like the bright sun must have been high in the sky when these shots were taken.
Patti said…
I'd like to type Humpybong myself. So I did. ;-)

Is it a place? Interesting name.

I like the perspective of the bench photo, with all the angles and shadows and a dramatic cloud formation behind.

Have a great week, Tracy.
Humpybong. Humpybong. Humpybong. You're RIGHT! It is fun to type and say! I love that bottle brush plant by the water's edge. The bench shadows are pretty cool too. Have a great rest of the weekend!
Sylvia K said…
I love the word Humpybong!! Saying it out loud makes me laugh! Great shadow shots, Tracy -- as always! Love the benches and that brilliant spot of color near the water at Humpybong! Hope your weekend is going well!!

penny said…
Your shadow shots are wonderful, Tracy. The brilliant red bloom on the Bottle Brush tree is gorgeous.
Tom Hilton said…
Excellent shadow shots--the benches and the porpoises are my favorites. And 'Humpybong' just makes me laugh.
Ralph said…
What a fine day near the water, the benches creating nice shadows, prompting the tourists to take a seat while the sun shines and before the clouds take over the sky. The concrete penguins are serenading us from their rock - perhaps they are chanting an ode to Humpybong. With a name like that, who wouldn't??
Shannara said…
Those benches are really a nice pic. But I think I like the one with the dolphins best!
Jen said…
Happy SSS to you!
I hope all that wind blew those big old clouds away.
Great shots.
John said…
We have been blessed with a couple of days real pretty weather.. now its raining oh man.

Great shots!
MyMaracas said…
Humpybong. Hehehe. ;-)

I almost missed the little duck in the shadow of the porpoises.He seems to be trying to post like them. Great set of photos!
Anonymous said…
Humpybong is a fabulous word! I like it too. Windy? Sounds like March in Ontario! Your photos look great!
sunnymama said…
Love the bench shadows and Humbybong looks a wonderful place! :)
bobbie said…
Humpybond is a song in itself.
A beautiful series of shots too.
A Wild Thing said…
I do love to hear the names down under...watched a program the other night about First Australians...FABULOUS!!! Though made me a bit weepy, same as we treated our Native Americans. Hopefully we'll learn from past tragedies, it's that WHITE man thing did we get so special...good stuff!!!

Have a great Sunday Tracie!
Unknown said…
Happy Sunday. Once again, lovely to see them on one page.
Generik said…
Humpybong!? I'm going to make that my Word of the Week.

Not sure how I'll work it into a sentence, but it sure is fun to say.

Happy Shadows!
Carin said…
Great find Humpybong! and a of my favourite places to roam around and read, read and read more!

Have a nice Sunday and enjoy your week!
picciolo said…
hehe I'm not surprised you like typing the word Humpybong! It sound happy. I'm glad the wind didn't knock you over
: )
toby said…
Great shots! But even more - thank you for doing this every week! Even when I don't participate, it's so much fun to come and visit :)
Happy Sunday!
Lindz said…
it surely look fantastic, doesn't look like it's windy at all, lucky you didn't get hurt yourself and your camera still intact.
You get the neatest shadow/pictures. They are all lovely..even the shadow around the sign. Really nice.
Happy SSS.
Sam said…
Humpy Bong - that's so cool - of course I know Humpy is an Aboriginal house - isn't it? ...and bong is water hole? I could be wrong there!

Your photos make me happy - not sure why but they do. I missed last week's SSS because I was looking after Dad - he had a cataract surgery on his right eye and this week he has the left one done. So, I'll try and schedule my SSS this week - try and be a bit more organised!!

The weather down here is cooling down - it's so, so nice!! It was a super humid summer that we had this year - how's it going up in Brissy? Have you been having those storms?

Hope you're well dear Tracy - have a fabbo week!
The bench shadows are my favourite too. Well done for getting the foliage photos so clear on a windy day!
Gemma Wiseman said…
I relate to wind on the pier! I was over at Westernport Bay and there seemed to be no wind till I wandered the pier there! But our ASutumn weather so far has been just beautiful! Interesting set of shadow shots! Hope you have a great weekend!
Hot Fudge said…
Humpybong - hmmm ... sounds slightly illegal to me. Well done for staying on your feet during that incredible wind, and well done for finding some sunshine!
admin said…
Humpybong is my new word of the week! hehe.... :)
Cassie said…
Just spotted that little ducky hiding in the Shadow Shot of the dolphins! That's my favorite this week. That Bottle Brush tree shadow made me want to sneeze!! hehe.
What we risk to get our shots! I like the benches. I imagine meeting you there one day!
It has rained heavily today, the wind and rain slashing the windows - sounds that belong on the coast not the city, yet I do welcome the sound, if not the wet.
Brenda said…
Thanks for giving me the idea to look at my photos differently..that was fun...
readingsully2 said…
Great shots. Love the benches the most. Thanks for including one of mine in your gallery. :)
Christine said…
I like these shots, Tracy. I couldn't tell at all that it was a windy day. My favorite is the library sign - lots of shadow there.
Thanks for including my shadow shot in your collection. I was so busy looking at all of the other beautiful shadows this morning that I didn’t even see mine! Thanks once again for hosting SSS I am really enjoying myself here.
"Avid shadow chaser saved from rough waters Sunday morning while taking pictures for her blog"....we can almost read it - thank goodness you were watching your step!!
Loving that first picture - the benches look so small compared to the background - fun shot!!
Enjoy your weekend Tracy! said…
You are such a trooper for the cause,
thanks Tracy!
Love your shadows, & especially that bright flowering red shock of color.
I've never heard of a Humpybong before but I do like the way it sounds.
: )
Christine said…
Hi Tracy!! I just love the bench & penguin statue shots, they are all so bright & sunny, YAY!! Thanks for including one of my shots in this week's mosaics & for fixing my link boo-boo last week :o) Hope you are having a slendid weekend!!! Happy SSS!
My Camera's Eye said…
Pretty Photos, as usual!
allhorsestuff said…
I like that Humpybong too!
Paz said…
Lovely shadow shot captures.

fredamans said…
Thank you for the showcase!

There are some pretty groovy shadows this week. Kudos to all the photogs!
Elizabeth said…
My gosh, Shadow Shot Sunday has really taken off--there are so many participants! Looking great!
Anonymous said…
Genial brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
Angie said…
Wow - lots of great shadows!!
Humpybong Humpybong Humpybong Love it!!!
Sam said…
Just wanted to wish you luck with your move - and fingers crossed re- the internet! We had a dreadful time with it when we moved two flights down in the same block of flats!!! OXOX's
MOO said…
Humpybong? Sounds like a good name for a rap group, eh?

City Shadows
Beautiful shadows, and I like the texture in the third picture!
Unknown said…
I love the shadows, and Humpybong is an amazing name - we just don't have great names like that in the US...

Thanks for including my cannon shot in the gallery!
Tracy said…
Your bench shot is so serene, Tracy... so tranquil...ah... And a really great week of shadow--nice mix of subtle and dynamic! Happy Weekend, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
All your shots are lovely, but the benches in the first photo is my favorite today.
Hugs and blessings,
wanderlust said…
Humpybong. What a fun word!
great shadows, so glad I found another challenge ;-)..... could not resist participating this week

christina, sweden
Thanks so much for doing this, Tracy. It's so much fun to see all these great, artistic shadow shots. And fun to take them, too. Humpybong is even more fun to say out loud. People do look at you funny, though.
Loved your shots today.
Sarah said…
Humpybong is indeed a great name! I like the library/gallery sign too-very nautical looking.
Nice shots! The benches look lonely. I'm guessing no one is there because of the wind.
I like saying humpybong. Humpybong, humybong, humpybong. Whoever named it that must have a good sense of humor.
Hi Sweetie...
What a beautiful celebration of shadows over here. I had no idea anybody had a shadow post. How exciting for me. I love shadows. I saw the button on PJ's blog so popped over to see what it was all about. Thank you so much for sharing.

Next week I would love to participate. I actually have a shadow posted today on my blog. I would love for you to stop by and see. It was by accident. I was trying to capture the wildflowers and captured me too. How fun was that?

Thank you so much for sharing today. I love the Library sign and the benches are so awesome. Ofcourse I realy adore the bottlebrush tree draped in the waters edge. We have one of those, so I love the way they drape themselves. So pretty.

Have a beautiful shadow Sunday my friend. Country hugs, Sherry
Unknown said…
Beautiful usual..every week, love all the collages. Very easy for me, it's my shortcut to SSS on your collages :) Have a good week T, it's school holidays and I have a couple of days off before work...not sure which is more stressful, work or at home with the 3 stooges hehe :)

Hugs ...M
Late again, sorry. But better LTN, I always say.

I think the shadow on the bottom one is like all the graphics with drop shadows that we see everywhere. Life imitates art, as it so often does.
Chrisy said…
Humpybong Humpybong Humpybong Humpybong Humpybong Humpybong ... yes I see what you mean...
Anonymous said…
Humpybong!!! Haha. They have the funniest names in Queensland. It looks beautiful there. Nice and peaceful and shadowy!
Nessa said…
the dolphins are so cute and i love the splash of the red flower in the next picture.

Book Review - Moving In
Catherine said…
lovely collages and shots this week - thanks
Victoria said…
Humpybong?! Thanks for the laugh and a new favorite word!! Great pics as always :0)
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