Shadow Shot Sunday #165

Gabba Gabba Hey! Shadow Shot Sunday!

Hi and welcome to SSS. If you’d like to join in, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click HERE for further info before submitting links. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the shadows!

Shadow Gallery
A selection of some of the submissions from last Sunday

The Shooters:
1. BLOGitse 2. Robin 3. Patti.V 4. Whizkid 5. RamblingWoods 6. Catherine 7. MeAnnMyCamera 8. billsoPHOTO 9. ElizabethSchmid

The Shooters:
1. SylviaK 2. Anne 3. CanadianGardenJoy 4. Karen 5. Anemonen 6. JohnMcElveen 7. Megan 8. Lynn 9. Jane

The Shooters:
1. DonnaCatterick 2. DianeStanley 3. MolokaiGirl 4. Anka 5. Kelly 6. EGwow 7. iTravel 8. Judy 9. Melanie

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #165

While you were sleeping... I took a photo of you. Whoever you are.

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Lisa's RetroStyle
3. Magical Mystical Teacher #1
4. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
5. Dina -Jerusalem
6. Sylvia K
7. Crafty Green Poet
8. robin-one still frame
9. Maboe
10. Anne
11. Ralph
12. Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio
13. Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life
14. Freda Mans
15. Bev, Canada
16. CanadianGardenJoy
17. Patti V.
18. Hyde Daily Photo
19. Hyde Daily Photo
20. Rajesh, India
21. CrazyasaCoolFox (Salem MA)
22. Kay, Alberta, Canada
23. Margaret Gosden, USA
24. Ms. Becky
25. Tatjana Parkacheva
26. BLOGitse
27. Annabella at Life`s Rich Pattern
28. Ms. Burrito
29. K. Matthews OR USA
30. whizkid, india
31. Lesley
32. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
33. Nostalgic Marveling
34. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 2nd entry
35. Chubskulit
36. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ
37. Rose
38. Spice Up Your Life
39. Francisca in the Philippines
40. Linda Makiej Photography
41. Stef
42. Mickie Brown
43. Vicki - Maraca
44. Gemma Wiseman
45. Martin Lower
46. E Makes Art
47. Running with Shadows!
48. Molly
49. Dawn, Newfoundland, Canada
50. Jean of all Trades
51. spadoman
52. Jo Williams Photography
53. angelanz
54. Jill
55. Andrea
56. Angie, West Australia
57. Christine
58. Dear Thingummy AKA Megan
59. Pieces of Sunshine
60. Photoblogista
61. Megan
62. billsoPHOTO
63. Tes
64. alexa in nyc, usa
65. FiveSibes
66. Lee Mills
67. Lighthousegal
68. Arija, Australia
69. Shydub
71. Much Love (Anna)
72. MamaGirl
73. HOOTIN' ANNI [horn cleat -boat tie]
74. Eden,Australia
75. NatureFootstep photo 2
76. Kenobiitti - Finland
77. Kelly's Thoughts & Ramblings
78. elizabeth Schmid
79. HelenMac
80. Twiggy
81. Dawn, Newfoundland, Canada
82. Vickie@Paint or Dig
83. jazzbumpa
84. joan
85. Colleen @Loose Leaf Notes
86. Kathe W.
87. Lesley
88. Magical Mystical Teacher #3
89. Maria Berg, Sweden
90. Long Island Daily Photo
91. Charlotta, Sweden
92. Jane at Levant
93. Rajesh, India
94. I shot a deer, a fawn, & a 4-point buck!
95. Lynne
96. Maria's Space
97. John McElveen
98. Kids Turf
99. amanda.

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thank you!


Oh, my! That looks like a very uncomfortable sleeping position--for the person. The shadows don't seem to mind at all!
Sylvia K said…
What a fun shadow shot for the day, Tracy!! I love it! Thank you for including me in your collage for the day and for the weekly fun of SSS! Over the past couple of years I have become so much more aware of the beauty around me and the shadows it leaves! Hope your weekend is going well!

Anca Pandrea said…
Love your shot! Thanks for including my circling shadow. Have a nice day!
Anonymous said…
Super shadow shot! Malcolm has to take the credit for the shot in the collage, as he spotted the fern shadow!!
He, he....pretty darned sneaky of you! Isn't it still winter where you are? Looks so lush. Great shot!! You stealth, you!
How could you find me there! :))
Great shot! LG Tina
fredamans said…
LOVE your shadow shot... LOL
Beverley Baird said…
Great shadows! Very interesting, fun shot!
have a wonderfulweekend!
Gerald (SK14) said…
what a splendid candid shot
Patti said…
Fun capture of sleeping human ;-)

Sneaky shot!

Thanks for including my photo in this week's collage.

Hope you are having a great weekend.
Ralph said…
We are left to imagine the preceding hours the person enjoyed/endured prior to this sleeping person's arrival. A wild night of partying or day of work. Whichever, the subject snoozed amongst lovely park shadows!
Tracy girl do stalk people for shadow shots now? hehehe .. do you think eventually they will find out they are "shot" and look for some sort of compensation ?? LOL .. OK .. I'll stop before you get too annoyed;-)
Thanks girl for including me in the collages?(I'm never sure about spelling that correctly .. it just doesn't look right to me) In any case hope you are enjoying what is left of your weekend and the weather is nice .. we are hot and sunny here and I just finished watering my gardens .. 3.5 hours worth of work and I am beat !
Joy : )
DougVernX said…
Ahh very sneaky Harriet. :) Great capture. I like how the palm fronds spread out there.
Ms. Becky said…
hah!!! fun shadow shot Tracy. I don't think their sleeping, I think they're on their cell phone! I love this photo. it has a really great mood. thanks for hosting SSS, and I hope you have a fun, joyful week ahead.
Clearly he/she is in another world - a great photo
opportunity seen from above.
BLOGitse said…
What a spy you are!
Greeetings from sunny and hot Helsinki, it's been great summer here!
Annabella said…
They certainly look very comfortable - it took me a while to work out that it was a bench although now I see it so clearly. Gorgeous shadows. Thanks for hosting!
Very nice selection.
Your photo is very good. Nice cadre.

Hi Tracy ... that is so cool ... a perfect picture! Hope your week is grand.

Kathy M.
whizkid said…
:) that photo, and your caption made me smile .

have a great week ahead!
Wish it WAS me. Love the idea of a sunny/shadow nap.

You'll love my shot this week:
Linda said…
Wishing it is me also!! cute creative shot!!
Francisca said…
Haha... snoozing on public benches... or anywhere... is a common activity here in Asia! Fun capture...
MyMaracas said…
What a great candid shot. I love the contrast between the feathery palm shadows and the sharp ones cast by the bench.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Not quite sure how the sleeping guy can be comfortable, but he offers a great photo opportunity in that shadowy corner! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
Martin Lower said…
Mine's a piece of my childhood this week...
Are you sure he was asleep?
robin. said…
...while you were sleeping...sounds like a movie i've seen. great shot tracy!!! have an awesome week.
E Makes Art said…
Ha ha ha!!! You're so funny!! No one is safe from you and your camera!!! Love it!! I've missed several weeks and am SO happy to be back again!

And the 3rd photo collage down is amazing!!! Brilliantly put together with such a nice feel to it! You are an artiste!!

Molly said…
Yoga Dreaming!
cathysrunning said…
Love your photo! I love to find little unexpected shots! Thanks for sharing and for having Shadowshot Sunday!
Anonymous said…
So happy to be finally participating in SSS! I love the composition of the person sleeping on bench photo. Can't wait to see everyone else's shots!
Unknown said…
Yeah, I think maybe this person is enjoy a break in the sun, listening to some music. I wish we had had more sun this week! Great shot Tracy. Happy SSS.
Unknown said…
Great capture, nice spot and lovely soft shadows.
muchlove said…
I do love a sneaky shot of a stranger! Looks like a good spot for a nap too ;)
Andrea said…
Hello Hey, i've drafted my post since last week and have been waiting since yesterday, but people posted while i am still asleep, mine is again at the tail end already, hahaha! I love that last photo resting on a beach maybe after a long walk.
A Wild Thing said…
What a hoot, fun being a voyeur for a quick shadow shot huh...funny though, it doesn't look like a winter's day...where's the snow?!

We're having a heatwave with no rainfall for weeks, the grass is all crispy making it easy for the chickens to find the grasshoppers...I don't want to complain though, it all goes away so quickly.

Have a great week Tracy!
Anonymous said…
I say hahaha too!
There really is no shortage of people sleeping on benches in Brisbane. I noticed it is a little bit of a problem there.
Thank you for including my photo in your collages.
You have a great week, too.
Linnea said…
Very fun captures. Love the soften colors and lighting. Thanks for hosting!
Lighthousegal said…
What a fun shot. Seems that the person is trying to block out some noise. I guess they just wanted to soak up the sun and shadows! Great shot!
billsoPHOTO said…
It's a Lahaina noon in Honolulu so we have minimal shadow
Alexa said…
Howdy, Stranger—cool shadow you have!
teresa said…
Wonderful shadow shots. There are so many great ones!
FiveSibesMom said…
Ha-ha!!! Caught napping! Great shadow shot! We had fun, as usual! This week my white Siberian Husky Wolf inspired my Shadow Shot. Hope you enjoy! Happy Sunday, everyone!
Well captured Trace, looks like a nice place to have a rest, none of that happening this weekend in Sydney it has been a wet and cold one for us! Happy SSS have a great week ahead, Lee x
Arija said…
Cool, that looks really comfy!
Shydub said…
All the pictures from the previous entry were gorgeous.

You have interesting photography and the subject looks cool. She seems like she doesnt care the heat.
xinex said…
Great shadow shot! Love it!...Christine
Diana said…
Love The SSS series!
Sam said…
Very cool shot! I love shots of people who are unaware they are being photographed!

Hope you are well now...although the 'flu can take a bit of time to recover from. Mine was just a very serious cold - I'm nearly, nearly better now.

Can you believe we're half way through July? The mind boggles! Soon it'll be Christmas! I must make it my mission to get back in the sss saddle before then - it's such a cool meme! XOXO's
Hootin Anni said…
LOVE THIS....especially what you typed below. Made me laugh "Whoever you are".

My shadow this week is of a horn cleat [what you use to tie up a boat at the dock]


Hope your weekend has treated you well.
Eden said…
Hahahaha..Love it so much. Beautiful candid shot.
NatureFootstep said…
honestly, I looked more on the person then the shadows. :)
Kelly said…
Aha! A voyeuristic shadow shot!! Nice, bold shadows from the bench!

Thanks for including my ripened tomatoes in your collage!
Spadoman said…
I hope you didn't make any noise and wake up sleeping beauty. Looks like that twisted positionnmight lend itself toa few aches and pains. Great shadows! I love the straight one that goes into the middle pf the trash can, it comes from an unseen source. Very good.

Elizabeth said…
Well, this guy looks relaxed!
Thank you so much for including me in the collage.
Do you remember Claudia?
I've stolen a couple of her photos for today!
love from NY!
Twiggy said…
First time I participate. It's a lot of really good shadow pics around! Love your picture.
Anonymous said…
Sorry all... I left the wrong link on Mr. Linky and had to add it again.
Great shot, but now I will wonder all day who this was and why were they sleeping on a park bench!
colleen said…
There's a lot going on that catches the eye.
Anonymous said…
She looks very comfy with her leg thrown over the top.
My daughter always did that when she layed on the couch. :)
Great shot!
Kathe W. said…
whoa that looks very un-comfy! Great shadow catch! said…
Tracy, your shadows are so colorful!
Charlotta said…
Could be fatal sleeping just beside the shadow. <:-o
jane said…
Love your shadows Tracy - thanks for including my Forties shot in your gallery - it made my day - sorry I seem to have messed up with my posting this week - Ive posted twice and also incorrectly me thinks - sorry!
Very cool shot Trace! Family things keeping me from being active at the moment. Hope you have a good week.
Chubskulit Rose said…
Summer shadows are so much fun!
Full-On-Forward said…


JOHN doesn't look like she's in a very comfortable position...and how long can she hold her hands over her ears? Funny photo :)