Love & Secrets
Learning To Love You More is a website showcasing work made by the general public in response to "arty" assignments given by artists Miranda July (Yes! Miranda July! Writer/Director/Star of one of my favourite films, You & Me & Everyone We Know) & Harrell Fletcher. Anyone can participate. Simply go the the LTLYM website & choose an assignment that appeals to you, follow the instructions, submit & see your work posted online. July & Fletcher have also curated a selection of their favourite & most memorable submissions for publication. The LTLYM book was released in September 2007. So there's another reason for submitting your assignments to this cool collaborative online art project. For possible inclusion in any future publications!

LTLYM Assignment #9 - Draw a Constellation of Someone's Freckles
(photo above) "Muffin's Constellation" by Marya DeBlasi, Ohio USA
Another ongoing communal art project well worth checking out is PostSecret. People anonymously send creatively decorated postcards bearing secrets that have never been revealed before. Submissions range from the provocative to the profound, and many are uniquely inspirational. In 2004 Frank Warren started the PostSecret project. From a beautifully simple idea it has evolved into a multi-award winning blogsite, with the release of four best selling books & a three year PostSecret International Art Exhibtion which is currently touring. If you haven't done so already take a sneaky peeky at the international phenomenon that is PostSecret. Go on, you know you want to. It's ok. I wont tell.

LTLYM Assignment #9 - Draw a Constellation of Someone's Freckles
(photo above) "Muffin's Constellation" by Marya DeBlasi, Ohio USA
Another ongoing communal art project well worth checking out is PostSecret. People anonymously send creatively decorated postcards bearing secrets that have never been revealed before. Submissions range from the provocative to the profound, and many are uniquely inspirational. In 2004 Frank Warren started the PostSecret project. From a beautifully simple idea it has evolved into a multi-award winning blogsite, with the release of four best selling books & a three year PostSecret International Art Exhibtion which is currently touring. If you haven't done so already take a sneaky peeky at the international phenomenon that is PostSecret. Go on, you know you want to. It's ok. I wont tell.

I also like this site: It's for discarded shopping lists - very funny!