Dem Wascally Wabbits
I think I have a fairly good grasp of the meaning of Easter. I believe I also have a good understanding of it being a very important, if not the most important of all religious observances for Christians. Even many people of no, or only nominal faith celebrate Easter on some level, sometimes it being a predominately commercial one. However, I must confess my ignorance pertaining to the many finer details associated with this religious occasion. I've never really understood how bunnies fit into the whole Easter festivities.

Oh, I see. That's where Easter eggs come from.
Thankfully the busy bunny above found some time in his frenzied schedule to deliver a load of chocolate my way.
Have a great day y'all, whatever your faith may or may not be.
PS: For anyone who may have concerns for the chicken in the photo, I have it on good authority that the activities taking place in the above image were mutually agreeable between the two participants. My highly respected, all-knowing & super secret sources also revealed to me that the chicken recently gave birth to a cute & bouncy 3 pound baby chickabbit. The proud parents named him Harold. It's possible there'll be an abundance of pretty foil covered elaborately packaged chocolate Harold clones on all supermarket shelves next Easter. Fine. Don't believe me. O ye, of little faith.

Oh, I see. That's where Easter eggs come from.
Thankfully the busy bunny above found some time in his frenzied schedule to deliver a load of chocolate my way.
Have a great day y'all, whatever your faith may or may not be.
PS: For anyone who may have concerns for the chicken in the photo, I have it on good authority that the activities taking place in the above image were mutually agreeable between the two participants. My highly respected, all-knowing & super secret sources also revealed to me that the chicken recently gave birth to a cute & bouncy 3 pound baby chickabbit. The proud parents named him Harold. It's possible there'll be an abundance of pretty foil covered elaborately packaged chocolate Harold clones on all supermarket shelves next Easter. Fine. Don't believe me. O ye, of little faith.
"I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried...."
What the !?!
Ok, we obviously have different ideas about what the bunny is doing with the chicken...
You goose ;D
There go my thoughts of fuzzy little bunnies.
Hope you have a good day....stay away from the Peeps...stick to chocolate!
I think that image would put kids off for life when it comes to receiving easter eggs!!
Reminds me of a cow (yes, female) who used to mount everything in site. My poor pony was never the same...
Actually, just FYI, rabbits, chicks, eggs, etc. are all symbolic of a renewal of life (rabbits breed like...well, rabbits; chicks born from eggs, eggs contain new life) which is connected with Christ's life!