Shadow Shot Sunday #7
According to Dr. Carl Jung, the shadow is prone to project: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Jung writes that if these projections are unrecognized "the projection-making factor (the Shadow archetype) then has a free hand and can realize its object, if it has one, or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power." These projections insulate and cripple individuals by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between the ego and the real world. Jung also believed that "in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this, the shadow is the seat of creativity." – (excerpt from wikipedia)
Hmmm. Make of that what you will. Moving on now from the shadow psychobabble to the Shadow Gallery collages! I created two more this week using some of the super shots from participants. I’m constantly amazed by the clever and diverse range of beautiful photos I see each week from everybody. You're all so inspiring! Sandra from Bubble Babble has been uploading the collages into her blog sidebar, so go take a look. Onya Sandra for spreading the SSS love and featuring everybody’s photos in cute miniture versions! They look fantastic! If you’d like to participate, shoot a shadow, post it on your blog, add your link to Mr Linky found at the bottom of this post & visit other players. Have fun!
The following collages I made while listening to the latest Portishead CD. How good is this CD!?! I’ve been playing it to death for the last month. A haunting collection of gloomy and grainy film noir atmospherics that just seems to get better & better with each listen. The amazingly affecting voice of Beth Gibbons is just as captivating now as it was on their debut Dummy CD from over a decade ago. An incredible release, years in the making but oh boy was it well worth the wait! Sure, it’s hardly happy-go-lucky sunshiny, slurping on strawberry ice cream kind of music, but still very beautiful in an unconventional & spooky kind of way. Everybody should rush out & buy this CD. Seriously!
Shadow Gallery - From Little Things Big Things Grow

The Shooters
1. Lisa'sRetroStyle 2. XueOriginals 3. HouseInMarrakesh 4. LaVieEstBelle 5. Charlie&Grace 6. B&W&Colours 7. RosebudCollection 8. HouseInMarrakesh 9. XueOriginals
Shadow Gallery - Coll-Age of Exploration

The Shooters
1. AnnetteHanigan 2. RosebudCollection 3. GreyscaleTerritory 4. Gingerbread 5. BubbleBabble 6. AboutNewYork 7. ZanesMilkMachine 8. Charlie&Grace 9. HighDesertDiva
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #7

“Ducks don’t need satellites / They don’t need satellites / They most likely think the sky ends blue / Don’t you wish you did too?” – lyrics from “Ducks Don’t Need Satellites” by Kate Miller-Heidke
Oh & while you're all rushing out to buy the latest Portishead CD, I also recommend that you pick up a copy of Kate Miller-Heidke's Little Eve CD. It's also brilliant! And, if you can manage to track down a copy that includes the limited edition bonus disc, all the better. On the bonus disc Kate does a wacky and highly entertaining operatic version of the classic Talking Heads song Psycho Killer. Your life will be all the more richer after having heard this song. I swear it will! Happy Sunday.
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
Hmmm. Make of that what you will. Moving on now from the shadow psychobabble to the Shadow Gallery collages! I created two more this week using some of the super shots from participants. I’m constantly amazed by the clever and diverse range of beautiful photos I see each week from everybody. You're all so inspiring! Sandra from Bubble Babble has been uploading the collages into her blog sidebar, so go take a look. Onya Sandra for spreading the SSS love and featuring everybody’s photos in cute miniture versions! They look fantastic! If you’d like to participate, shoot a shadow, post it on your blog, add your link to Mr Linky found at the bottom of this post & visit other players. Have fun!
The following collages I made while listening to the latest Portishead CD. How good is this CD!?! I’ve been playing it to death for the last month. A haunting collection of gloomy and grainy film noir atmospherics that just seems to get better & better with each listen. The amazingly affecting voice of Beth Gibbons is just as captivating now as it was on their debut Dummy CD from over a decade ago. An incredible release, years in the making but oh boy was it well worth the wait! Sure, it’s hardly happy-go-lucky sunshiny, slurping on strawberry ice cream kind of music, but still very beautiful in an unconventional & spooky kind of way. Everybody should rush out & buy this CD. Seriously!
Shadow Gallery - From Little Things Big Things Grow

The Shooters
1. Lisa'sRetroStyle 2. XueOriginals 3. HouseInMarrakesh 4. LaVieEstBelle 5. Charlie&Grace 6. B&W&Colours 7. RosebudCollection 8. HouseInMarrakesh 9. XueOriginals
Shadow Gallery - Coll-Age of Exploration

The Shooters
1. AnnetteHanigan 2. RosebudCollection 3. GreyscaleTerritory 4. Gingerbread 5. BubbleBabble 6. AboutNewYork 7. ZanesMilkMachine 8. Charlie&Grace 9. HighDesertDiva
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #7

“Ducks don’t need satellites / They don’t need satellites / They most likely think the sky ends blue / Don’t you wish you did too?” – lyrics from “Ducks Don’t Need Satellites” by Kate Miller-Heidke
Oh & while you're all rushing out to buy the latest Portishead CD, I also recommend that you pick up a copy of Kate Miller-Heidke's Little Eve CD. It's also brilliant! And, if you can manage to track down a copy that includes the limited edition bonus disc, all the better. On the bonus disc Kate does a wacky and highly entertaining operatic version of the classic Talking Heads song Psycho Killer. Your life will be all the more richer after having heard this song. I swear it will! Happy Sunday.
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. Morning Has Broken 3. House in Marrakesh 4. Bubble Babble 5. Gemma 6. Paz's New York Minute | 7. Charlie and Grace 8. Shannon 9. High Desert Diva 10. Bobbie 11. ctmott 12. Elizabeth | 13. Annette 14. Lisa's RetroStyle 15. Sweet Repose |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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Really like the composition in the shot of the clothes pins on the wash line!
Thanks for the mention, Harriet. Like you, I'm amazed at the creativity that's coming from all the shadow shots!
And speaking of shots, love your shadow shot of the bridge with the sweet little duck! He looks like he's swimming in the clouds. The lyrics you posted goes perfectly!
I do love music and you got me intrigued with your raving about the Portishead CD and Little Eve CD, just might have to give the music a listen! Happy Sunday to you too!
Enjoy your CD and the happy Bunnday :D
And your photoshot collages are so lovely!
My shot this week follows in my beach theme.
I've heard Kate M-H's 'psycho killer' and I think it's so fun - really sticks in my head and gets my practicing my opera!!(not so great for the people around me at the time!!)
Psycho babble is right. Very interesting Jung excerpt.
The collages are wonderful.
I agree with your words on the duck - I'm sure the sky is blue.
Was amused by the Jung critique's glad college is distant memory.
I will now take a tour of all the other shadow-shotters.
Lots of love
i really love the pegs one in the first collage.
Interesting stuff - now don't even get me started on Freudian theory..hehehe..
I've given you an award over on my blog...I know how much you love them! lol. Stop by to pick it up if you like!!