Shadow Shot Sunday #9
Shadow Shot Sunday! Two Shadow Gallery collages this week featuring one photo from each of the participants from last Sunday. I love all these photos, they were so fun to create collages with! Please let me know if you ever notice a mistake with any of The Shooters links. If there's a spelling error or a broken link or something just leave a comment saying so or bounce me an email and I'll correct it pronto. I do try to check them before publishing but I'm sure I'll stuff up occasionally. Maybe even more than occasionally. I have to say that creating the links isn't as much fun as creating the collages! If you'd like to participate, shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or near enough to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky and visit other participants. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery - The Light That Will Cease To Fail
The Shooters
1. GreyscaleTerritory 2. AboutNewYork 3. AnnetteHanigan 4. Epinoza'sLove 5. LaVieEstBelle 6. PP-Designs 7. ThisGirlLovesToTalk 8. MorningHasBroken 9. BubbleBabble
Shadow Gallery - The Seeming & the Meaning
The Shooters
1. Fog&Thistle 2. ZanesMilkMachine 3. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 4. Lisa'sRetroStyle 5. RosebudCollection 6. Gingerbread 7. HighDesertDiva 8. SweetRepose 9. Charlie&Grace
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #9

I received an award from Bec from The Small Stuff blog during the week. It's always nice receiving awards, especially when they're from people who have blogs that you think so highly of and regularly visit. Yes, Bec has one such blog. It's one of my favourites! I love Bec's kick-arse writing style, crazy sense of humour and super fun photos! I can't recommend or gush about Bec's blog enough, so just go visit if you've not had the pleasure of doing so already. You'll love and enjoy it as much as I do. Guaranteed! Thanks so much Bec for the award, but more importantly thanks for having such an entertaining & superb blog that truly rocks!

I'm passing this award along to all Shadow Shot Sunday players. Past and present participants. Again. I'm sorry if this seems lazy but what can I say? I love you guys! So there! Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
Shadow Gallery - The Light That Will Cease To Fail
The Shooters
1. GreyscaleTerritory 2. AboutNewYork 3. AnnetteHanigan 4. Epinoza'sLove 5. LaVieEstBelle 6. PP-Designs 7. ThisGirlLovesToTalk 8. MorningHasBroken 9. BubbleBabble
Shadow Gallery - The Seeming & the Meaning
The Shooters
1. Fog&Thistle 2. ZanesMilkMachine 3. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 4. Lisa'sRetroStyle 5. RosebudCollection 6. Gingerbread 7. HighDesertDiva 8. SweetRepose 9. Charlie&Grace
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #9

I received an award from Bec from The Small Stuff blog during the week. It's always nice receiving awards, especially when they're from people who have blogs that you think so highly of and regularly visit. Yes, Bec has one such blog. It's one of my favourites! I love Bec's kick-arse writing style, crazy sense of humour and super fun photos! I can't recommend or gush about Bec's blog enough, so just go visit if you've not had the pleasure of doing so already. You'll love and enjoy it as much as I do. Guaranteed! Thanks so much Bec for the award, but more importantly thanks for having such an entertaining & superb blog that truly rocks!

I'm passing this award along to all Shadow Shot Sunday players. Past and present participants. Again. I'm sorry if this seems lazy but what can I say? I love you guys! So there! Happy Sunday!
1. Rosebud Collection 2. Bubble Babble 3. Neutral Dwelling 4. Bobbie 5. Gemma 6. Annette | 7. M.Kate 8. Charlie and Grace 9. Lisa's RetroStyle 10. Sweet Repose 11. Fog and Thistle 12. ppdesigns | 13. Gina 14. High Desert Diva 15. Paz's New York Minute 16. Elizabeth |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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Love your shadow shot, looks like a couple of scary space aliens!
And the shadow shot of Camels in the first collage...
Camels! How cool is that!
Cool looking shadow shot!! The plant looks familiar, but I can't recall the name of it right this second. I do know it looks like it would hurt if you bumped in to it!
Congratulations on your award from Bec, you most certainly deserve it!
: )
Congrats on your well deserved award!!
And how kind of you to pass it along to all of us...I graciously if I can just figure out what I've done with my camera I can get my shadow shot posted!
And your collages are fascinating! Great combinations and interesting titles too!
Last but not least, congrats on your award! It must feel so good to get recognition for all the terrific work you put into this blog! Just fantastic!
And thanks for the compliment to us! We do love coming here!
Firstly, congrats for the well deserved award..and many more to come :D Cool gallery, love how you combine the different photos!
Secondly, I've got a similar plant like yours. We have to put it high up because the leaves are very strong and sturdy, plus the tips are super sharp it cuts prvent the rabbits from doing a hara-kiri..haha..
It certainly is getting fun and more challenging every week. Happy bunnday :P
Congrats on your award too - Bec's blog is a bloody beauty! (sorry about the lame ocker alliteration!)
happy sunday!
Re new shop stuff...aiming for Wed. I have this arvo set aside for a major painting-my-butt-off session :D
Congrats on your award, well deserved of course!
I really like your sharp shadow this week (I believe it's an agave plant?)..and super collages once again!!
Congrats on your thoroughly deserved award!
I hope your painting session went well..looking forward to seeing your work :D Catch you soon! Gx
I will try to join in but maybe a bit later since I'm dog-sitting at my son's house and can't it will be MONDAY with you before it posts.
You collages are a delight!!
All best wishes.
congrats on the award-you deserve it.
Although I have a hard time capturing decent shadows on my camera, I do notice beautiful shadows more often because of you!!! Thank you for that!
i love that one with the child on the side of the wall. so sweet :)