Shadow Shot Sunday #91

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. MolokaiGirl 2. SweetRepose 3. Rose 4. Chie 5. Evelyn 6. Guy 7. Sylvia 8. DesertColorsAZ 9. Annie

The Shooters:
1. Ralph 2. Everything 3. Jabblog 4. Wanderlust 5. Coffeedoff 6. Gemma 7. Lindz 8. SarahWallis 9. Sunnymama

The Shooters:
1. HotFudge 2. Generik 3. Stine 4. Darcel 5. Birgitta 6. maryt-theteach 7. Dorte 8. MargaretGosden 9. ctmott

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #91

The Australian White Ibis is a wading bird of the ibis family Threskiornithidae, also known as the "Sheep bird" and it is widespread across much of Australia. It has a predominantly white plumage with a bare, black head, long downcurved bill and black legs. Historically rare in urban areas, the Australian White Ibis has immigrated to urban areas of the east coast in increasing numbers since the late 1970s; it is now commonly seen in Wollongong, Sydney, the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Townsville. Debate continues on whether to consider it a pest or vulnerable species. Populations have disappeared from natural breeding areas such as the Macquarie Marshes in northwestern New South Wales. Despite this, the species has been culled in parts of Sydney due to their smell and at times obtrusive nature [excerpt from Wikipedia]

Today celebrates Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year. "Happy Valentine's Day & Gung Hoi Fat Choi" squawked the smelly obtrusive ibis. He did. I'm quite sure of it. I wanted to work the V-Day & CNY theme into my shadow shots today. And that's the best I could do. So lucky to have stumbled upon a talking ibis.

The following photo is my submission to Anna's delightful Much Love Monday project:

It's all about hearts. Red ones specifically. If interested in joining in head over to this post for all the details. Anna asks participants to state one thing they love with their submitted photos. My answer is: Weekends!

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Magical Mystical Teacher
3. Bobbie
4. High Desert Diva
5. Catherine, Mexico City
6. The Summer Kitchen Girls
7. Ralph
8. Quiltworks, MA, USA
9. Patti V.
10. robin-one still frame
11. GalleryJuana
12. Molokai Girl
13. Nadine, Bulgaria
14. Jill, Northern CA, USA
15. ldh
16. maryt/theteach
17. CHIE
18. Maia
19. Tom Hilton
20. Generik
21. Joe Todd,USA
22. Carin
23. sylvia
24. jabblog uk
25. Beverley Baird
26. IvyC.
27. Freda Mans
28. Stine, Canada
29. Guy, Regina, Canada
30. angie
31. Anne
32. Rajesh, India
33. Dimple
34. toby
35. Margaret Gosden
36. BLOGitse
37. ctmott
38. Sam
39. christina sweden
40. Rinkly Rimes Australia
41. Quasi Serendipita
42. Gemma@Greyscale, AUS
43. Dina -Jerusalem
44. Faith Hope & ...
45. Magic Box - Silent Sentries
46. barrieeden, Australia
47. Jacqui, Scotland
48. Just Like Martha
49. John
50. foto CHIP in Budapest
51. Coffeedoff UK
52. Sarah Wallis
53. Everything
54. Happily Retired Gal
55. Cassie
56. Melanie-Kimono Reincarnate
57. Kim @ Savvysouthernstyle
58. littlechrissy
59. Martha Z
60. Lindz in Australia
61. Diahn Ott
62. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
63. alexa in nyc, usa
64. Sara Chapman in Seattle
65. Riet, Holland
66. Angie, West Australia
67. Mumsy
68. Dorte
69. me and my camera
70. Ginger-WilmingtonDailyPhoto
71. Judith, UK
72. Icy BC
73. Maria Berg, Sweden
74. Helena
75. Ricepatty
76. Eye of the Beholder
77. rsully2sphotography
78. snapshutter
79. Elizabeth
80. JazzBumpa
81. Jonny Hamachi
82. Spiderdama - Norway
83. Joysweb
84. Square Peg Guy
85. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
86. Shannara, Sweden
87. wanderlust
88. Barbara Finwall
89. SquirrelQueen
90. Annie, NYC

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


bobbie said…
Beautiful shadows! Beautiful ibis! And I love your little Chinese lady.
Quite a full weekend!
Your best works for me.
Happy V Day & Chinese New Year!
keiren said…
Scrolling down the cool black & white square shadow path to find a talking bird at the end was an unexpected surprise! Wonderful shadow photos and your 'much love Monday' photo is adorable!
Catherine said…
beautiful black and white shots this week...really great and thanks once again for the cool collages!!
What sophisticated shadows that third shot...of course the last picture with the Australian White Ibis is something we've never seen that, hands down wins the most interesting shot award!!
Ralph said…
I think that a trellis leaves such artistic shadows, especially when combined with the back and white tile. A couple of grids, the trellis and tile, so well done. The Ibis seems blase about whether or not he is a protected species - he feels perfectly safe in crossing the tile as he aims for his destination. The shadow artist has captured beauty in B&W. Enjoy your week!
robin. said…
wonderful shadows on a black and white backdrop. that bird, because i'm thousands of miles very stunning.

happy weekend, happy valentine's day.
Patti said…
Good that you found a talking Ibis. They are the most interesting of all the Ibises. ha ha

He looks like he knows where he is headed.

I would have gotten dizzy if I had been there in the third shot. Wow. Visually stimulating!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Chinese New Year Sunday.

That little doll is adorable for Much Love Monday. Looks like my kind of meme.
GalleryJuana said…
I like the shadows and patterns in the third shot.

The Ibis sure is an interesting looking bird.

Your photo for Anna's meme is so cute and the flowers really add a delicateness to the mood.

Happy Holidays to you and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Sylvia K said…
Your shadows today are beautiful abstract art! Love the Ibis. Love your photo for Anna's meme, too. Hope you have a very lovely, Happy Valentine's!

maryt/theteach said…
Tracy mine is up! I love your black and white patio! :)
Tom Hilton said…
Great shots! I love the third one, but the ibis is my favorite.
Chubby Chieque said…
B&W is so vintage-y and very clean in its chess-y motiffs-

Your having a busy week downunder, huh?

Have a blessed week-end dearie, T!

Generik said…
Really like this week's shadow shots, especially the third one down. Great cross-hatching!
Generik said…
Oh, and I forgot to mention, Gung Hay Fat Choy and happy V-Day!
Maia said…
Great shadow shots, I like the many competing geometrical forms in the third on and the overlapping patterns.
The little Chinese girl is very sweet too.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Carin said…
First thing that came to mind on seeing your shadow shot was "Let's play checkers!"

A talking bird on Valentine's day! Very cool. Happy Valentine's day to you too!
jabblog said…
How clever to colour coordinate your shadow shots with the ibis. Handsome bird - though of course I can't smell him from this distance ;-)
Lovely little Oriental doll!
Guy D said…
Wonderful compilation of shots!!!

All the best
Regina In Pictures
Anonymous said…
I love the shadows on the different coloured tiles.
frayedattheedge said…
Super photos ... and clever you being able to speak Ibis!!!!
Anonymous said…
Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.
Dimple said…
Nice shadows, I especially like the ibis, which is walking among the shadows but is not casting a shadow!
toby said…
Great gallery as always, and I absolutely *love* your shadow shots! How modern and funky!
A wonderful combination of shadows, patterns and busyness, the eye stopped short by the bird. A very
clever series!
BLOGitse said…
I like you mysterious series...and ibis. Talking ibis. How cool is that! :)
Happy V-day!
relaxing weekend!

No matter what they think of that ibis..he took a good picture. Shadows are great. Darn, I forgot about Valentines Day..would have dragged a heart around. I am slipping..Have a great SSS..
Sam said…
So nice Tracy - I love a black/grey and white tiled floor. I see you also get Ibis up there! Our Botanics used to be overun with them honking away but I think they made a concerted effort to get rid of them - they mess things up a bit. I like the way you've got the link to Chinese New Year too - excellent!

P.S. That top collage is the best one I've ever seen here - it is inspired!! So,so, great!! The colours and textures it!

P.S.S Sydney is puring rain intermitently - when it's not however it is so hot and muggy that essentially we are all swimming in a very warm pool of steam...blergh! How about you guys? Any better?
Those are wonderful shadows :)
Gemma Wiseman said…
The scattering of shadows on that defined pattern walkway almost dazzle the eyes, like an optical illusion! The ibis almost seems to merge in with the shadows and patterns! These are great shots!
And heaps of thanks for including my last week's post in your collage!
Happy weekend!
Sarah said…
Oh poor bird-Wikipedia are really down on him! He looks charming and I really like his feet. So lucky he could talk as well. Where was he? In a posh kitchen it looks like! I like the shadows and I really like your little hearts picture at the bottom! Happy V day and CNY!
Dina said…
You are putting words in his beak. LOL But good on him that he can walk straight and talk straight with all those patterns and shadows.

I rather liked the ibises in Sydney. But when you sit on a bench or blanket in the park for a picnic they surround you. They were almost as big as my grandson.

Happy Sunday to you too.
admin said…
all the entries keep getting better & better & cleverer!! love them all & I always look forward to SSS :)
Jacqui said…
Great series of pictures - I love black and white chequered floors - the shadows look fab. xx
Anonymous said…
Nifty monochrome series of shadow patterns today ... love the ibis and your Shadow Gallery as always.
Hugs and blessings,
Great shadow shots, but I really love your Much Love Monday photo. Really sweet!
Jane said…
love the shadow patterns....thank you for including me in this weeks collages.....Jane x
Thanks so much for having this linky party. I just found you through another blog called With a grateful prayer and a thankful heart. I love linking to other parties. Such great photos on here. I am sure I will enjoy them greatly...Kim
XUE said…
Gong Xi Fa Cai !
Xin Nian Kuai Le !
Happy weekends from Tokyo!
That sequence of shadow shots is amazing! Trippy! The photo of the asian figurine is sweet. Happy V-Day & CNY to you Harriet!
Beverley Baird said…
Great shadows!
Have a Happy Valentine's Day and Gung Hey Fat Choy!
Lindz said…
I like these collection of almost black and white photos, the shadow of the leaves in the ground is classic
Lindz said…
thank you for including my shadow shot in your collage
Unknown said…
I love those geometric shadows! Wonderful!
An extra fine set in the collages this week, it seems. And a happy smelly ibis to you, too! I mean a happy adorable japanese figurine, silly me. Have a great holiday about love.
Cassie said…
Oh Tracy I adore the Ibis shadow shot!! Very unique. (He walks with purpose.)
My name is Riet said…
That shadow shot looks great.
Angie said…
Love your Ibis.
I have my first one up but can't seem to get your SS image to work.
Tracy said…
Such elegance and tenderness in your photos this week, least that's what I'm feeling from them--they are lovely! And so is your sweet Asian-flavored photo for Monday. :o) Hope you are having a wonderful Valentine weekend, my friend. Wishing you much LOVE, SWEETNESS & JOY ((HUGS))
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Your shadows are extraordinary to see. Such a beautiful contrast. And your Much Love Monday entry is so sweet!
Dorte said…
Love your shadow shots :) Happy Sunday to you !
A Wild Thing said…
Talking that beats my heart shaped potato chip...ha!

It's very early here in Iowa this Sunday morn, so your zigzag of shadow and geometry have my eyeballs all cool!

Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!
Gorgeous shadows, and the textures are just fantastic..Very beautiful!
readingsully2 said…
These are really neat shadows. Well done.
Elizabeth said…
Loved the checker board floor
and super photos
I'm afraid I'm awfully late.
Do hope all is well with you in OZ
much love
Jazzbumpa said…
Love the B&W geometry.

Is Mr. Linky broken?

Jonny Hamachi said…
Great Shots!
Gung Hay Fat Choi!
Square Peg Guy said…
Happy Valentines Day and Happy New Year!

I envy the warmth that's implied in your photo of the ibis! I like the combination of the shadows and the light / dark tile pattern! said…
you always have the best shadows. The Ibis is such a cool looking bird. that must be neat seeing them walk about everywhere.
I also love your very endearing chinese doll, so pretty.
Thanks for another shadow shot sunday Tracy.
: )
Anonymous said…
The last photo is lovely. I like your shadow photos this week. A talking ibis bird! That was lucky to find!
wanderlust said…
These are great, very cool patterns. Interesting bird!
SquirrelQueen said…
I love the patterns of the shadows and the wonderful ibis in the last photo.

I am running really late for my first time here. My post is at
Through Squirrel Eyes rude!! Delightful shots and I think your ibis looks like a delightful fellow.

Love your Ttv!
Stéphanie said…
Very nice !
Victoria said…
Well, that cool looking bird in your last shot was very much a surprise to me! How fabulous that he showed up for your wonderful photo shoot!
Lottie said…
my first shadow shot try:
Chrisy said…
Great attitude by that ibis...yeah don't think there's any danger of them being endangered round these parts! And your love photo is, well, lovely!
picciolo said…
I found your path shadows quite restful, and loved the ibis that appeared too!
: )
Unknown said…
Love the first few shadows and as usual, the collages are fab, I need to go find them one by one..if I have the time. Aw..the last one is super cute :) Have a great week T..did you had a good time at Chinatown? Love/M
Unknown said…
I missed yr shadows on patterns - Love them all.
Anonymous said…
I'm Glad i found this site.Added to my bookmark!