Gabba Gabba Hey! Shadow Shot Sunday!
Hi and welcome to SSS. If you’d like to join in, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click
HERE for further info before submitting links. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the shadows!
Shadow GalleryA selection of some of the submissions from last Sunday
The Shooters:1. SaraChapman 2. GalleryJuana 3. Millie 4. Ralph 5. RinklyRimes 6. CrazyAsaCoolFox 7. Carola 8. MargaretGosden 9. LongIslandDailyPhoto
The Shooters:1. CanadianGardenJoy 2. MolokaiGirl 3. SylviaK 4. Sue 5. Hootin'Anni 6. FiveSibes 7. Christine(RavenRidgeGarden) 8. Lui 9. SweetRepose
The Shooters:1. DianeStanley 2. DawnTreader 3. Marcia 4. Jane 5. Heather 6. April 7. Gemma 8. Vicki-IN 9. ArijaHere's my Shadow Shot Sunday #147

A little kookaburra slightly obsessed with his own shadow. Or he's sulking because I refused to give him more food. I'm not a meanie. I fed him plenty.
Happy Sunday!Shadow Shot Sunday Participants1. Sweet Respose 2. Lisa's RetroStyle 3. Magical Mystical Teacher 4. Ralph 5. Ralph (really!) 6. Ms. Burrito 7. Millie 8. Maboe 9. BLOGitse 10. Rajesh, India 11. Spice Up Your Life 12. Rose 13. JEC 14. Molokai Girl 15. Patti V. 16. Dina - Jerusalem 17. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ 18. Sylvia K 19. John 20. EG Wow, Canada 21. Alissa 22. Catherine, Mexico 23. DawnTreader, Sweden 24. Nostalgic Marveling 25. Chubskulit 26. Anne 27. Miss Becky 28. Kay, Alberta, corrected 29. Kay, Alberta, Canada 30. Around California 31. niko 32. CHIE 33. Mollygolver 34. spadoman | 35. Laura, NH, USA 36. CanadianGardenJoy 37. Gemma @ Greyscale 38. Kathy Matthews OR USA 39. Pagan Sphinx MA USA 40. Sue @ Jumping Aground 41. marcia in Texas 42. Gumnut 43. Anna (Much Love) 44. Carola 45. Clara 46. angelanz 47. Jo Williams Photography 48. Dina @ 4 Lettre Words 49. Cynthia Marston 50. robin-one still frame 51. In One Place...with a camera 52. GVK, Mysore, India 53. Christine (Raven Ridge Gardens) 54. Angie, West Australia 55. CrazyasaCoolFox (Salem MA) 56. marina 57. Marilyn 58. Freda Mans 59. Gengen 60. Junie's Place 61. Dan Kent 62. Jan Halvard, Bolivia 63. Karen@JustCallMeGrace 64. Whizkid, India 65. alexa in nyc, usa 66. Long Island Daily Photo,USA 67. GITTAN SWEDEN 68. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA | 69. anjoe, Denmark 70. Judy 71. Gracia Fashionista 72. BOARDWALK [wildlife refuge] 73. anka @ happy hang around 74. Magical Mystical Teacher~Again 75. Neeraja 76. Neeraja 77. Eden,Australia 78. Rantis, Swe 79. Molly's Country Memories 80. dianne 81. Margaret Gosden, USA 82. jazzbumpa 83. Kelly's Thoughts and Ramblings 84. Alan 85. Kathe W. 86. FiveSibes 87. joan 88. April, Canada 89. HelenMac 90. amanda. 91. Anna Maria 92. Heather 93. PJ 94. Jane at Levant 95. Patricia - USA 96. Emily 97. Vicki IN USA 98. Hodgepodge Shadows 99. Mickie Brown 100. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 2nd entry 101. Toni - Signature Gardens |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Edit Monday Evening:Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thank you!
I didn't know what kookaburra is but google helped me! :)
This is the last time I participate from Casa - from next Sunday I'll post from Helsinki...
Although he probably is sulking because he's not getting more food, I'd like to believe that he is fascinated with his shadow!
Thanks as always for hosting, Tracy. And thanks for feeding your Kooka friend. ;-)
here's my first ever share
thank you very much!
And they sounds early in the morning, right?
Hope everybody's in the best of health and enjoying the great weather downunder.
Just kidding, of course. Great shadow shot, up close and personal.
Perhaps he?she? is trying to use some ESP method to convince you "just a little more food please?" and I'll leave you alone, I swear ! .. wait a minute .. that is the line my cats use on me!!!!
Joy wink wink
And thank you so much for including my last photo in your collage! You always make such a great effort to help us feel good!
Enjoy your weekend!
Well, I know that you are not a meanie, lol. What a cutie, and a wonderful shadow shot. Thank you so much for hosting SSS and have a wonderful week.
Best and God bless,
I don't like it when they swoop and pinch food from the table, I'm nervous of that massively strong beak and any misjudgment - ouch!
Love your collages, and I always notice shadows I missed the previous week, there's never enough time to visit everyone :(
Thanks for including my rock pools. Have a wonderful week.
Have a great week.
Nice photo!
I did one this time!
(still into my flowers :) )
Muy bonita foto...
Jan Halvard,
noruego en La Paz, Bolivia
¡Buenos dias Bolivia!
Thanks for hosting, Harriet! blessings on your week.
happy to start participating in SSS again. Have a lovely week!
Have a great SSS ;-)
He's cute checking out his shadow that way.
I finally forced myself in from the outside to make some comments to my buds...ahhhh...spring!!!
Have a great week Tracy, enjoy your Autumn and be thankful you don't get snow!!!
I missed Mr. Linky again. =)
Hope to catch him next weekend.
Enjoy the new week everyone!
: )