Shadow Shot Sunday #186
Hi and welcome to SSS. If you’d like to join in, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click HERE for further info before submitting links. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the shadows!

The Shooters:
1. Oscar 2. Ms.Becky 3. Grace 4. Coloradolady 5. MargaretGosden 6. ThreeOldKeys 7. Becs 8. VioletSky 9. GalleryJuana

The Shooters:
1. Maboe 2. Robin 3. Cassie 4. SummerKitchenGirls 5. Toby 6. GVK 7. Vhen 8. Linnea 9. RandomHearts

The Shooters:
1. Sivinden 2. Catherine 3. Freda'sVoice 4. Leovi 5. Anne 6. Dina 7. JustCapture 8. GypsyLala 9. SurfsideSerenity
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #186
A shadow cast from a small table furnishing The Cane Toad Times: Poking fun in a police state exhibition on at the State Library of Queensland. The Cane Toad times was an independent publication that ran from 1977 to the late 80s and exposed the corruption going on in Queensland under the Joh Bjelke-Peterson Government. The sunshine state was a little less sunny back in those days...
It's with much sadness to say that I'll not be continuing with hosting Shadow Shot Sunday after next week. This is purely due to time constraints, yet I'm really hopeful that somebody else will be interested in hosting it so that it can continue. That would make me very happy indeed! So if you're keen on taking over please bounce me an email (just click on the contact tab at the top on my blog) and we can chat about it. Please know that you certainly don't need to host SSS the same way as I have been. Perhaps if there are a number of people interested an option could be to set up a dedicated SSS blog with various admins to share the running of the meme? Just a thought. I started SSS in May of 2008 and it's been an absolute blast as I've met so many wonderful bloggers during this time and I feel so very fortunate because of that. You guys have been such a pleasure in getting to know and I want to thank you so very much for participating in this little meme. It's meant a great deal to me! Anyway, next Sunday will be the last SSS hosted here on this blog & with any luck I'll be able to announce a new host then. So please, get in touch if you'd like to take over!
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
I'll be sad to see it go...but I know how very many hours of your life it has taken up. You've been selfless...and it is good that you are moving on.
It's been a real joy getting to know you over these years. I hope you know how very happy I am to have met you here!
My hats off to you and your SSS've been an awesome host! SS this week...and as always, awesome collages!
xoxo Lisa
have a great weekend!
I will still be by this blog to see what you are up to though! It's been such fun being blogger friends from so far away.
Me Ke Aloha,
About SSS's Tracy era coming to a close: You've been such a terrific hostess, not sure any one person could take your place. I sure hope someone meets the challenge. It's fun, but obviously alot of work for you. Thanks for all the time you've spent as our hostess.xx
I certainly understand the commitment and effort involved; my hat is off to you for keeping it fun and active for so long. Thank you, thank you, thank you for hosting!
Best wishes for the future - but of course I will still pop in to see what you are up to!
Regards, Anne
I've truly enjoyed this meme, a highlight of the week. A massive undertaking that has to be a labor of love. Perhaps an undertaking as part of a group? That remains to be seen. I've loved learning more about Oz than I knew, and shadows - artistry that most take for granted. Now I see and capture too! All at this fun place. May your future endeavours be as rewarding!
It has been so much fun to be a part of this meme! I haven't been here every week, but thoroughly enjoyed each week that I played along. And I too have met so many great people and seen so many interesting photos and blogs from around the world thanks to you.
Thanks so much for all that you have done!
I'm sorry we are going to lose you, Tracy. But thanks for all you have done to make this meme lively and inviting.
Even in the future I will think of you whenever I see a shadow worth shooting.
I’ve included your site on a page I’ve put together devoted to hops, challenges, and memes for every day of the week! The link to that page is under my header.
An awesome task over three years!
Love your unusual feature today with the intriguing shadows! And I did not know about the Cane Toad Times! Sir Joh ran off to Tasmania to his friend's scone shop which also sold Flo's pumpkin scones! I found it by accident when I lived in Tasmania! It was in Sheffield in the north! (I met his daughter who was breast-feeding as she chatted! There was a little museum at the back of the shop dedicated to Joh!) When I finally emerged, I stood in the street and was doubled up with laughter! Utterly bizarre place!
It is raining here on my peninsula - again - but I have a stash of shadows waiting from the sunny days! Love finding them!
Happiest Christmas to you dear lady!
BTW...lovin' that "toad stool" ha ha!
gentle steps,
thank you so much for hosting
I have met so many great people and learned so much from all of them
your work has been appreciated every week
the collages were always so lovingly put together
thank you
I hope that the torch will be passed...
Have a very blessed holiday season!
If anyone is willing to step up and host the Mr Linky I'll definitely continue to participate. (collages are fun, but not necessary) Even if they don't, I bet I'll still post a shadow shot each week. You've trained me to look for them!!
I enjoyed yours today, too. Interesting history.
I'm so glad to have participated in your Shadow Shot Sunday - it's made me aware of so many wonderful bloggers in this great on-line community.
Sad to see it go from your pages but I can appreciate how hard it would be to commit to something of this scale for such a long time.
I do dearly hope someone will raise their virtual hand to be your successor - if they don't I may have to do it myself although the pressure seems rather daunting and I don't have anywhere near the kind of skill you do in this field.
Maybe I could share the torch with someone else out there???
Crypt Shadows in New Orleans Cemetery
Have a great week!
But what a blast meeting so many fun people through a lil' shadow...who knew!!! Be well my friend and thanx so much for bringing us all together from across the ponds, it's been a pleasure Tracy, take care and good luck in all you do...ENJOY THAT SUMMER...sigh!
Thanks for the history lesson of your journey!
I haven't posted a SSS for a couple of weeks, but still have enjoyed coming here. Take care.
Love your table-top shot - coincidentally, mine is under the table! I wish all the best for the new host/s, but shall miss the link that has become synonymous with
'hey harriet'!
thank you so much and good luck in all your next adventures ... now that i've found you (i'm always late to a party) i'll be back to see what's up and say Hey.
i'm linking my 2nd photo today.
So sorry to see you leave SSS - but totally understand! You have done such an awesome job!
I'll miss your shadow shots as much as I'll miss posting my own - you've made this my favourite meme.
Sure hope someone else (or group) will take it on.
All the best to you Tracy - I will definitely keep checking you out!
Thank you for your dedication to this wonderful meme, Tracy. I am so happy that it lives on and that you are still a part of it.