Shadow Shot Sunday #79

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Pacey 2. Jazzbumpa 3. SylviaK 4. Paula 5. Carolyn 6. SweetRepose 7. SummerKitchenGirls 8. BLOGitse 9. SquarePegGuy

The Shooters:
1. TomHilton 2. Lisa'sRetroStyle 3. Toby 4. Jabblog 5. Martha(Menegarie) 6. Marcia 7. HotFudge 8. Jane 9. Carin

The Shooters:
1. MountKiscoDailyPhoto 2. Katie 3. EyeOfTheBeholder 4. UlrikaK 5. Generik 6. MargaretGosden 7. JoeTodd 8. Chrome3d 9. Bobbie

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #79

Some shadowy buildings in South Brisbane. It’s been quite challenging being out and about this week with the scorching weather Australia has been experiencing. On Tuesday it was so hot in Brissy that the train tracks were buckling from the heat! I think it reached about 35º Celsius but compared to other states that wasn’t a big deal. Parts of South Australia hit a whopping 46º Celsius (which equals 114.8º Fahrenheit). Ouch! Crazy hot weather is normal for Australia but what is unusual is the timing because it is only spring. We’re still a couple of weeks off from entering our summer season. I feel sorry for that jolly big guy who wears a thick red suit in December. Santa better pack a pair of shorts for his delivery run down under. We don't want him collapsing on a roof somewhere from heat exhaustion only mid-way through his deliveries!

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Quiltworks, MA, USA
3. High Desert Diva
4. Pacey
5. Chie
6. robin-one still frame
7. Bobbie
8. Shannon
9. Sylvia K WA USA
11. Molokai Girl
12. Ralph
13. ramblingwoods-ny-us
14. Catherine, Mexico City
15. Freda @ day one (Canada)
16. Crafty Green poet
17. Patti V.
18. Sam
19. jabblog uk
20. Beverley Baird
21. Terri - teelgee
22. Martha Z
23. Hot Fudge
24. Janie of Utah
25. Margaret Gosden, USA
26. Twinkle Star Art
27. Rinkly Rimes Australia
28. Maya, Australia
29. Thorgun, Sweden
30. christina sweden
31. Jacqui - Scotland
32. Maia
33. foto CHIP
34. Just Like Martha
35. Faith Hope...
36. Gunsside - Norway
37. Everything
38. Dimple ID USA
39. toby
40. Jonny Hamachi
41. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
42. Pam, Florida
43. Kacy~allhorsestuff
44. Sarah Wallis
45. maryt/theteach
46. Cathy~Ohio~USA
47. mount kisco daily photo, usa
48. pat
49. Jen
50. Magical Mystical Teacher
51. Deb (Stoney Moss)
52. Carly's Photography
53. Paz's New York Minute
54. Mona Sweden
55. mountain mama
56. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
57. alexa in nyc, usa
58. Carin
59. John - Korea
60. wanderlust
61. Maelka Finland
62. Dorte
63. Lene
64. Anne
65. jeff.
66. Katie
67. Diane AZ
68. Gypsy Lala
69. Jane (Scrappy-Gram)
70. Singapore plants lover
72. Junie Rose
73. Junie
74. rsully2sphotography
75. JazzBumpa
76. Square Peg Guy
77. Carpe Diem Sweden
78. Vicki
79. Eye of the Beholder
80. Icy BC
81. Ulrika K, Sweden
82. Aubrey (My Camera's Eye)
83. {S.T.U.F.F.}
84. Maria Berg, Sweden
85. Ginger~Wilmington, NC
86. Eye of the Beholder
87. B : )
88. Melinda Owens
89. Clorivak
90. beauty- sandiego
91. Gabbi

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


Quilt Works said…
Woo hoo! I am second :-) Hello everyone! This is my favorte meme - always plenty of interesting shots to see!

...My shadow lines on the beach!
Love the architectural shots.

Stay cool....114 degrees is way too hot!!!
keiren said…
I like warm weather but that's too warm for me! I've now got this scary image in my head of santa wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy shorts. Yowza! Great shadow shots of those modern buildings. It looks like the last one is buckling from the heat like the train tracks!
XoXo said…
Beautiful building structures and I like your angles, am still learning how to do them..quite interesting. Thanks for the feature here Harriet. Have a nice weekend. Mine is up now.
Chubby Chieque said…
So much great shadows of the world, T! It feels am roaming around it.

Wonderful shots of yours. No wonder you are good in this meme, huh? A pro indeed.

Have a blessed week-end, dear T.

xoxo as always.
bobbie said…
Happy Sunday, yourself! Have to adjust my thinking to realize you have scorching heat. I'm shivering right now.
I love your shadow shots this week! Buildings offer such great shadow opportunities.
Sylvia K said…
Happy Sunday! These are fabulous shadow shots, Tracy! I do love architectural shadows! Can't believe how hot it is there -- we're shivering here in Seattle!

Have a great day!

Tom Hilton said…
Very cool shadows. Stay in the shade!

A little self-promotion here: today is the one-year anniversary of Pixels at an Exhibition. There are a bunch of great shots from Generik and Ahab, and also my pics.
I love the architectural theme you have going here! Certainly appeals to my love of patterns and textures!
Sarah said…
Lovely angular shadows Tracy! The weather sounds too hot for me! We have been having floods and high winds!
A Wild Thing said…
Santa better use UPS down under...heat...ahhhh wonderful heat, as I sit here at the computer blowing on my fingers to rev up some heat...and we aren't even in winter mode yet...though I won't complain cause we've had some beautiful weather for this time of year here in Ioway...

Love the shadows, you always come up with the most brilliant artwork!!!

Must be the heat!
Catherine said…
love the striking architectural shots this week..
Catherine said…
love the striking architectural shots this week..
Patti said…
Cool architectural angles you've captured, Tracy. I cannot believe it's more than 100 degrees F. there. Wow.
I hope you find lots of shadows (and shade) today.

Happy Sunday to you, too ~ thanks for hosting this fun meme. I'm seeing shadows where I never noticed them before, although I used an archive photo today.
robin. said…
buckling train tracks makes for a scary ride...yikes. love the last the angle.

thanks for all the always..
Sam said…
You have some great architecture up there in Brisy - and you shoot it so well!! I especially love the last shot with the minalmilist lines and blocks of colour. Real nice! Great collages as always too of course - it's so cool seeing last weeks shots up there again.

Meanwhile - what about this heat!!! It's a bit apocalyptic, isn't it? It's going to be 41 today! 41!!! In November!! We usually don't get this sort of thing unitl late Jan or Feb and then it's only one or two days - we've already had about three!!! I hope it isn't too ghastly up there Tracy - what do you do in the heat? I think the beach needs to be avoided at all costs - you could burn up like a potato chip in this heat I think! Oh dear - anyway, sorry for the ramble sweetie and thank you again for the SSS fun - I really do enjoy it!! XXX
jabblog said…
Fabulous sharp shots - hardly to be wondered at in the harsh sun. I don't envy you the heat - hope it doesn't augur a sizzling summer. Take care - skin is precious!
Buckling train tracks - wow - makes a change from UK's rather feeble 'leaves on the line' . . .
Ralph said…
The geometric shapes give these modern buildings some modern character. Such nice looking and modern detailing...Wow, it never gets that hot up here, maybe in the Arizona in the Summer. Egads, I hope it cools a bit in OZ...
Unknown said…
Tracy, you always find the most awesome architectural shadows--the first is my fave. Pleeez find shade in your hot corner of the world, while I pull on my wool sox and mittens, bracing for winter here! Thanks for SSS--I love it!
Janie said…
Your Santa definitely needs a summer outfit.
Nice shadows. Hope you didn't get too hot while capturing them.
I do feel sorry for the fat jolly old guy too. I love your architectural shots against the brilliant blue sky.
Stunning minimal architectural shots which do not seem to reflect the heat you speak of - more cool and
crisply felt, as in a colder climate. We are entering the chilly phase of Autumn that gives a similar edge to rooftop architectural landscapes in NYC Thanks for putting me in the gallery show this week!
Hot Fudge said…
I can tell you that with seven grandchildren here on Christmas Day and no air conditioning, that jolly fat guy will DEFINITELY be wearing shorts - and I don't mean Mr Fudge! He could maybe leave an air conditioner under the tree for us ... maybe ... maybe not.
Jacqui said…
Great shadow shapes - stay cool now. xx
Maia said…
Hi Harriet,
This is my first visit and I wanted to say hello to the host.
Your photos are really professional quality.
I like the repetition in the first two photos. Colors are lovely.
foto CHIP said…
Oh my! 46 degrees!!! Then you need a lot of shadows - not only on Sundays ;)
I think it is wonderful that you put up some of the weeks shadows every new week. Great work - thanks!
Maya said…
Great shots Tracy - the last shot with the colours and shadows is superb. I live in SA and we had 43 degrees celsius this week - it was absolutely horrible - had to stay indoors all day but that night we had ligtning storms which were fantastic!
my first shadow and
happy Sunday to you
I like your shadow shots this week! Buildings offer great shadow opportunities ;)
toby said…
Wow - I really like your shots - the lines are so clear and sharp! Good to see you're making good use of the extra sunshine :)

And thanks for including my photo in your gallery! I'm completely honored.
You can have some of our cold and seriously wet weather. It's rained over 6 inches in November alone, an awful lot even for Seattle.

Hard to find pretty shadows outside, so I've chosen a true beauty I was saving for just such an occasion. Your shadowy buildings look like the windows are providing as much shade as light, probably a good thing in that heat.
penny said…
Hi Tracy, Your shadow shots this week are terrific. Isn't it amazing what we see when we look up.
Thanks for hosting Shadow Shots, it is always so much fun :)
maryt/theteach said…
Marvelous how the shadows become part of the architecture Tracy! :)
thank you so much for including my photo among last week's shooters. i live in a small town in new york and love how your shadow shot sunday takes us all around the globe.

I absolutely adore the building photos of yours. The third one is truly stunning. Stay safe in all that sun.
Martha said…
Really love your shots this week!

I was happy to see mine posted on the gallery especially since I don't have a chance to play often these days - thanks! :-)

I hope you have a great week!
Jen said…
Great shots- I like the straight lines.
Some like it hot. I'm one of them.
Happy SSS to you!
pat said…
such interesting shadows.... thanks tracy for the inspiration to look for shadows all week! lol!

i'm on the opposite's getting cold & dark...need to start hunkering down for the long winter... try to stay cool this week!
Anonymous said…
I like the architecture.

Wow! It's certainly hot where you are.

Paz said…
wow, seriously, did the tracks really buckle? That is almost frightening, like something out of a sci-fi movie!

You're shadows are always so distinctly interesting & different Tracy. Thanks again for hosting.
Hope you are doing your best to stay cool.
: )
Alexa said…
Two words: awesome shadows!
Two more: global warming
Two more: Stay cool!
PJ said…
Hey, Tracy! I just stopped by to see what was going on and realized you've linked each of us when you list us. That's great! Love your angular building shadows for this week. Maybe I'll be with you next week, take care.
Carin said…
Hahahaha LOL am just imagining Santa with those temperatures! Poor man! Seems the weather is not only strange here in Holland. Yesterday we had Spring like temperatures! I like it but still it is funny for the time of year with Winter knocking on our door.

Thanks for putting my picture of last week in one of your collages. Love your shadowy buildings. They look so modern. Great shots!
EJ said…
I love the second to the last shot, very beautiful!

My SSS entry
Dorte said…
Hi, Beautiful architectural shadow shots. Have a nice day.
Am I playing again this week!
Lene said…
Great series of shadow shot :) And also a great collection of other participants :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Tracy. I love your photos!! If only I could send you some of the very wet weather we have been expeiencing, it would help to cool you down .... love, Anne
Wear Your Wild said…
crazy hot weather is right! yikes. love those building shadows, but not even those can keep you cool in such hot weather.
Diane AZ said…
Sorry to hear about how hot it is when it's only spring there, wow! Shadows on buildings are always intriguing to me, and your last one is especially fascinating!
Beautiful shots of shadow! I'll trade you the weather if I can. It's winter here, so brrrrrrrrr..
Super shadow shots of the city architecture. The last one is most interesting! Such hot weather drives me crazEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Keep cool!
readingsully2 said…
Great ones. :)
Victoria said…
Fabulous shots! The last one is so wonderful, love the angles and colors! Hard to fathom how hot it is there, although it is a bit un-seasonally warmer then usual here, too. Can anyone say "glo-bal warm-ing"?
Square Peg Guy said…
Hey! I love architectural features like these! Lots of great shapes and lines!

Thanks for featuring one of my playground shots. There are a lot of cool features up there!

This week my SS results from my daughter "monkeying around." :)
nomadcraftsetc said…
Holy Cow! These are awesome!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Love all the great and creative shots I always see here!! I'm looking at shadows all over the place now!! ;-) Happy SSS!!!
Kitty Stampede said…
These are so great, love the Geometry going on...;) They are very crisp and edgey..:)

I hope Mr.Claus can stand it for the holidays...heheho.
Unknown said…
Haha! Poor Santa :) Ours are in airconditioned malls anyway...BUT 46 celcius is WOW...too hot for anyone. So at 35, you are having exactly the same weather we have all year round. However, it has been very cool this year end due to the monsoon. Great shadow buildings T, I am up to my nose with work today, so making a blog stop here only today..Hope you have a great week..and I seriously love the idea of Santa in shorts or swimming trunks..which may not be so nice looking ya :)
Chrisy said…
That purple fountain in the first group looks verrry inviting for sitting and cooling the toes!
That's some crazy a** heat!!! I could not tolerate that at all! Your shots are cool tho:D The first one made me feel a bit dizzy.
Tracy said…
Your photos this week are oustanding, Tracy...the architecture looks like abstract art! Heavens, but it's sizzling hot where you are--OUCH! LOL! Keep cool, if you can... Off to have another look look at these great shadow. Happy week, my friend... Oh, stop by, if you get a chance--I'm having a fun gift giveaway! :o) ((HUGS))
picciolo said…
I can't imagine that heat, we have had a good few weeks of cold and rain over here! I love your building shots
: )
Unknown said…
Happy thanksgiving T, eat an extra slice of turkey for me, I know you will :P
Gabbi said…
Gorgeous shadows Tracy! I love that so many people submit shadow shots... such a fantastic idea. I also adore your shadows of the week. My faves are your very modern buildings that create such wonderful abstract photography.

Wishes for a lovely and 'cool' weekend... lots of water.