Shadow Shot Sunday #80

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Ralph 2. Dorte 3. SaraChapman 4. maryt-theteach 5. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 6. Anne 7. rsully2sphotography 8. Pam 9. Jen

The Shooters:
1. Katie 2. LongIslandDailyPhoto 3. MayaM 4. DianeAZ 5. Sam 6. Alexa 7. Gabbi 8. John 9. TwinkleStarArt

The Shooters:
1. Clorivak 2. Chie 3. SarahWallis 4. Maia 5. Lene 6. Gunsside 7. Jeff 8. Aubrey 9. Janie

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #80

This photo was taken at the beautiful Roma Street Parklands a few months ago during the last days of our winter season. I held off posting it until now so that I include it with a more recent view of the big pots...

This is how they currently appear in the last days of spring.

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Happily Retired Gal
3. Small Reflections
4. Quiltworks, MA, USA
6. High Desert Diva
7. Catherine, Mexico City
8. Tom Hilton
9. robin-one still frame
10. Ralph
11. Deb (Stoney Moss)
12. Jane (Scrappy-Gram)
13. Patti V.
14. Diane AZ
15. Gerald (Ackworth born)
16. Molokai Girl
17. Sylvia K WA USA
18. BLOGitse
19. The Summer Kitchen Girls
20. Bobbie
21. Freda @ day one
22. Maelka, Finland
23. Generik
24. Jonny Hamachi
25. Hot Fudge
26. Martha Z
27. foto CHIP
28. carolynUSA
29. Margaret Gosden, USA
30. Sam
31. Anne
32. Beverley Baird
33. Gemma, Australia
34. Dan Kent
35. Just Like Martha
36. Terri - teelgee
37. Magical Mystical Teacher
38. Debbie (Shagrat's Attic) UK
39. christina sweden
40. Moe Lauher SC - USA
41. Paz's New York Minute
42. Quasi Serendipita
43. foto CHIP
44. Faith Hope...
45. Icy BC
46. Vicki
47. Mona Sweden
48. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
49. Junie
50. alexa, ny, usa
51. Square Peg Guy
52. Lisa's RetroStyle
53. Everything
54. Kacy~allhorsestuff
55. Pam FL USA
56. wanderlust
57. Dorte
58. Twinkle Star Art
59. mount kisco daily photo
60. B : )
61. Elizabeth
62. Rachel
63. pat
64. Chie
65. the evolution of nancy
66. JazzBumpa
67. rsully2sphotography
68. hapzydeco
69. Maria Berg, Sweden
70. maryt/theteach
71. Melinda Owens
72. Ladyhightower's Meme Castle
73. Eye of the Beholder
74. Nikotiina, Finland
75. ramblingwoods
76. Rinkly Rimes Australia
77. {S.T.U.F.F.}
78. toby
79. Gabbi
80. Carly's Photography

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


storyteller said…
How 'kewl' to see both versions of these pots! As always, I've enjoyed the Shadow Gallery and appreciate the links you add so we can visit again. Thanks for all you do ;-)
I've shared shadows at Happily Retired Gal and Small Reflections this weekend ... just because.
Hugs and blessings,
You have spring and pretty flowers, we have 21 degrees and a chance of snow!
robin. said…
the starkness of the first where we are now...everything going to sleep. thank goodness we can enjoy renewed life from other parts of the world-that will help to sustain us through this quiet slumber. thanks for sharing.
Ralph said…
The shadows lend depth to the scene. Hard for me to compare winter seasons between here and OZ. Yours look much nicer!
Unknown said…
Love the contrasting photos of the pots and their contents, Tracy! We're having a touch of spring in the Midwest, but winter & ice are just around the corner for us. We've brought our bouganvillea inside! Happy new week!
Patti said…
Lovely flower pots. I like the' before and after' theme you've shared. ;-)

Happy Sunday ~ and thanks for hosting this fun meme.
Diane AZ said…
Fun to see the big pots in winter and spring. The shadows make them even more interesting!
Sylvia K said…
Terrific shots, Tracy! And what a difference a season makes!

Thanks as always for the fun meme!
Enjoy your weekend!

bobbie said…
What a difference! Lovely. Very nice shadows too.
Poof! It's like majic! Fun before and after shots... makes us long for spring and we haven't even gotten to winter yet!
Karla & Karrie
Generik said…
Interesting juxtaposition; I actually like the shot of the pots filled with dirt better than the flowers, but maybe that's just me. Happy SSS!
PJ said…
They're lovely Tracy. I keep forgetting that we're at opposites with the seasons. Our winter is about to begin while you're entering summer, right?
Hot Fudge said…
When I saw your first image I thought you must have skulked into our backyard for a sneaky pic. Then I saw your second image and realised how wrong I was.
Lovely before and after photos - very gratifying to see the results all on one page. Love the shape of the pots and the shadows they throw.
Sam said…
Those pots make for a nice set of geometrical shapes - I like all the browns too - reminds me of chocolate!! They look very pretty now - they must be hardy little peeps to be thriving in all this unseasonable heat we've been having!

Love your sets this week and thank you for including my cati!! Is it me or are they getting better each week? Maybe I'm getting an "eye" for them!

Have a lovely Sunday Tracy and stay cool - I think we're going to be a little more reasonable in the temp department today so I might even venture out briefly! :)
Anonymous said…
I love the before and after shots! Thanks for putting me in the collage again. I look forward every week to seeing the Shadow Shots - many thanks for all your hard work to make it all possible!
Catherine said…
love the before and after in your shadow shots this week....
Beverley Baird said…
What a great idea - to see the transformation.
Great shadows as well.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Wonderful idea to do a before and after of the pots! And both times get shadows of their shape! Clever!
keiren said…
Nice display of the changing of the seasons! The collages are lovely!!!
Sarah said…
Oh wow! I thought at first that they were some kind of art installation-they look very effective receding into the distance starkly. I am glad you held off until they had grown as it is lovely to see the change!
Anonymous said…
Wow! I think I like the first one best! A fantastic selection of shadows this week!
Square Peg Guy said…
Nice perspective on the first pots photo!

I've scheduled my SS to post in six hours, at 00:13 EST. I'll sign Mr Linky later.

Incidentally, I get the most hits on Sundays from other SS folks. You've built a terrific community!
Paz said…
I love the before and after photos. Glad you waited to post both of them together. Lovely.

I'm sorry about the double link - I hit send again by accident.
A Wild Thing said…
Love the artsy look of the b&w shot, very winter the color...that's what I'm talkin about!!! SPRING!!!
B i r g i t t a said…
Oh my! I saw I made two for this Sunday ;)
I probably have some memory problems ;)
Lovely to surf around among all shadows :)
You must follow through now with summer and autumn shadow shots of the same scene! Nice idea and photos! Happy Sunday to you!
I love the shape of the bowls, and shadows from them.
Martha said…
I'm not playing this week but came by to see the gallery - and love your shots too :-)
MyMaracas said…
These pots are just as striking empty as they are with flowers in them. Good eye for spotting that! said…
I always enjoy all the shadows in your collages-you always put them together so nicely.
I love your before and after shadow shot pics too! a great contrast in terms of seasons and the greenery is so lively and refreshing.
So you are entering Summer as we enter Winter. I would love to know what it is like to think of December as a warm summer month! That would probably boggle my mind if I were ever to actually live it!.
How pretty! They look pretty neat as just big bowls of dirt too. Speaking of pretty...your collages are beautiful:}
Dorte said…
Funny to see the difference in the shadows from spring to autumn ... really nice shots!
And the collages are just beautiful - have a great Sunday.
penny said…
The spring flowers look wonderful in those pots, I love the lavender color. Its sad to say goodby to such beauty.

Thanks Tracy for your efforts in hosting Shadow Shot Sunday, it is greatly appreciated.
Wow! that shadow shot of yours is awesome! How long did you have to stand there for? hehehe ;D

My hubby was looking at it over my shoulder and was quite impressed by those pots. I think he wishes plants grew like that at our house.
wanderlust said…
Beautiful photos, I like the time lapse, too. Thanks!
spring. I love the sound of that word. I love the photographs too. The mortar on the wall on which the pots are resting has a very interesting pattern of light and dark. . . don't you think?
B : ) said…
what a great idea! The plants are gorgeous. The shadows, delightful B : )
Tracy said…
I really like these plantings--those big pots all gathers, and when plants green and blooming, make a great effect! Beautiful... Love the variety of seasons in the photos this week too, there seems to be a hint of nearly all of them. Happy Weekend, Tracy :o) ((HUGS))
Elizabeth said…
So you are spring and bountiful while we are heading rapidly to winter.
Such lovely shots.
Greetings from NY!
BLOGitse said…
wow, from winter/spring to summer...Can't believe it - 'everywhere else' it's winter but not there! So funny! :)
Tracy, have a great week!
Two Dog Pond said…
I've been admiring all your shadows for ages. Thank you. Finally posted one of my own. You're truly inspirational in making people see things differently.
Chubby Chieque said…
Loving your new way of setting your collage dear T.

Wonderful shots and as always everyone are going so good on chasing their shots for you.

URS are fab... very alive, wish my backyard got like those pots. In my dreams.

hugs lots!
pat said…
hello from connecticut where the temperature is dropping each day...wonder what shadows i will capture in the snow? love your shots, tracy!
Victoria said…
Tracy, this is so pretty! Love the stark simplicity of the top photo... has a very tranquil and zen feeling to it.
And the bottom photo gives me hope... good to know that as we prepare to hunker down for a long cold winter, spring and summer are alive and well with you! xo
readingsully2 said…
Thanks for selecting my bicycles. Lots of great shots chosen. :)

Yours for this week are very interesting. :) Nice job.
picciolo said…
some great shots this week! I love those big pots too
: )
picciolo said…
some great shots this week! I love those big pots too
: )
picciolo said…
some great shots this week! I love those big pots too
: )
Gabbi said…
Beautiful shadows dear Tracy! Thank you so much for including me and for hosting this, it's always so so much fun... also, I adore your before and after shots. What gorgeous planters and flowers. I also love Clorivak's submission of shadowy cats and chairs.

Wishing you a lovely new week!♥
toby said…
I love your before and after... and by the way, they're both great photos, on their own! Obviously the greener one seems a bit cheerier, but there's something very artistic about the first one, too...
What a difference!.. I jut {luv} nature!

Mine is up HERE
Dan Kent said…
I love the earthy textures and colors in this shot.
Chrisy said…
What a relief to see the second photo...the heat just seems relentless this year...hope you have a lovely week and manage to stay
Anonymous said…
Well,, to late!
I missed it, so sorry,
but here is some christmas
Kitty Stampede said…
I love your shots! pot shots.. ;)
I missed this week..wah...sometimes sundays fly by and boom,too late. till next time..i lurve this meme too much.
have a great week!
Unknown said…
Hi T, I think I have the same flowers at home..they look alike but I have no idea what are they called. Danial's been hospitalised last week..he has some health issue though not life threatening, I have not time to post anything, not even been to the office too. So, am making my only blog stop here today. As usual, wonderful sets of shadows and I love how you kept the big bowls shadows until everything smarty pants :) Have a good week, my week seems to float by so fast and now it's Wednesday already... hugs/M
prettyfirefly said…
Unknown said…
I'm back in Perth. Freaking out just a little (I think it was the trip to North Perth Coles today that did it). Must catch up soon. Let me know when you are free either before the tooth removal or when you have recovered from the tooth removal. Your nails are pretty.

r4i software
Unknown said…
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