Shadow Shot Sunday #82

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. SquarePegGuy 2. Maelka 3. SummerKitchenGirls 4. Carly'sPhotography 5. ctmott 6. SylviaK 7. Ralph 8. DiahnOtt 9. Tammy

The Shooters:
1. MoeLauher 2. FaithHope... 3. JazzBumper 4. CraftyGreenPoet 5. BLOGitse 6. MonikaRose 7. Deb-StoneyMoss 8. SweetRepose 9. Bobbie

The Shooters:
1. Jabblog 2. Generik 3. Jacqui 4. Martha 5. Whizkid 6. ReallyRainey 7. Carletta 8. LugubriousDrollery 9. MargaretGosden

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #82

I think so far this may be my favourite shadow shot that I've ever taken!

Posting this second pic ruins the air of mystery to the first, but I'm not very good at being mysterious.

"Love is the shadow that ripens the vine"
[a borrowed line from Pink Floyd's 1968 'Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun' song. A song which according to Roger Waters contains "borrowed" lines from a book of Chinese poetry from the Tang Dynasty]

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. High Desert Diva
3. Hot Fudge
4. robin-one still frame
6. Pam
7. Chippewa Creek
8. Quiltworks, MA, USA
9. Tom Hilton
10. Ralph
11. Catherine, Mexico City
12. maryt/theteach
13. Molokai Girl
14. Jen
15. Amanda, 32 Degrees North
16. Margaret Gosden, USA
17. Martha Z
18. Terri - teelgee
19. sylvia
20. Freda Mans
21. The Summer Kitchen Girls
22. Deb (Stoney Moss)
23. Beverley Baird
24. Generik
25. Anne
26. Bobbie
27. Jonny Hamachi
28. Patty - This Digital Life
29. ramblingwoods
30. carolynUSA
31. Gemma, Australia
32. Jacqui, Scotland
33. John - Weirton, WV
34. Magical Mystical Teacher
35. Just Like Martha
36. Sam
37. Everything
38. Maria Berg, Sweden
39. MonikaRose
40. Lugubrious Drollery - David C.
41. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
42. Dianne
43. Leora
44. Cathy~Ohio~USA
45. JazzBumpa
46. the evolution of nancy
47. Diane AZ
48. Square Peg Guy
49. Quasi Serendipita
50. 2FramesPerSecond
51. Anna's Adornments
52. alexa, ny, usa
53. SelfSagactiy
54. Ulrika K, Sweden
55. wanderlust
56. Ricepatty
57. PrettyFireFly
58. Gunsside - Norway
59. Sherrie
60. mount kisco daily photo, usa
61. Lilyof
62. jeff. - Utah, USA
63. storyteller
64. Snapperoni
65. rsully2sphotography
66. Diahn Ott
67. Icy BC
68. The Explorer, Philippines
69. Dorte
70. Dan Kent
71. Long Island Daily Photo
72. Joysweb
73. Melinda Owens
74. Gallery Juana
75. Ladynred
76. Lisa's RetroStyle
77. Sarah Wallis
78. {S.T.U.F.F.}
79. Aubrey (My Camera's Eye)
80. Carly's Photography

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


This is wonderful! I'm glad you posted the 2nd shot....I couldn't figure out what the shadow was!
The quote is fantastic, too!
robin. said…
they all look like fun little characters in the shadow. love it!!! love the quote! happy Sunday tracy!!!
penny said…
I'm following the shadowy green vine...
Nice shots ;)
Wowza! That's one amazing set of shadows you caught there! They look almost cartoonish and very cute! A perfect quote to go with the photos and interesting trivia about the song.

I'm finally picking up my camera today so I hope to join in later tonight. It's been far too long since participating. I've missed it!
Tom Hilton said…
I really love this one! At first glance it looks sort of like bats, only upside-down...or, y'know, right side up...or, well, you know what I mean.
keiren said…
My imagination is running wild looking at the first photo! I see all sorts of funny little creatures! I am happy about you revealing the source of those wonderful shadows. Thanks for not being mysterious! The collages are beautiful as always and the creativity of everybody is very inspiring. I'm going to make it my New Year resolution for 2010 to join in SSS. I've been admiring all the great shadows each week for so long and I'm going to be brave and start posting my own! Happy Sunday to you!
maryt/theteach said…
I would never have guessed they were leaves on the vine, Tracy! :) Great shot!
No kidding! I think it is mine too! I NEVER would've thought that a vine produced that shadow. I thought it was from an art sculpture!
Jen said…
Happy SSS to you.
Great intertwining shadow!
I love the curlicues' shadows -- so delicate yet robust.

Happy SSS! This is my first week participating :)
Victoria said…
This is just diVine, Tracy! (sorry, I could not resist the pun... however it really is divine!)

Had you not shown the actual vine I am not sure I ever would have known. I can see why this one may be your favorite!!
That is ingenius! And thought provoking! It deserves a place in your gallery, Harriet.
Ralph said…
The shadows look like bats sleeping on the vine - until uou look at the original object. A wonderful illusion!
Terri said…
That's wonderful -- I'm not sure I would have figured it out. Shadows are so magical!
Sylvia K said…
Love the shadows and the quote, Tracy! Beautiful and so perfect for the day!


fredamans said…
Great shadows!
Beverley Baird said…
I was thinking weird Hallowe'en creatures! Thanks for sharing the second shot as well!
Great photos/shadows!
So glad that you showed us the culprit of those gorgeous shadows! Those leaves are so delicate & pretty!
Deb said…
Fantastic. (And thanks for the reveal, too.)
Generik said…
I think that may be my favorite of all the shadow shots of yours that I've seen, too. Really outstanding! (And thanks for the reveal, because I would not have known what they were otherwise.)
Anonymous said…
I love your shots - I think I might have guessed it was some kind of plant if you hadn't included the second shot!!
bobbie said…
Yes! I can understand how you would find this a favorite! Great shot!
Hot Fudge said…
Dang - you ruined it with that second image. I was sure the aliens had landed in Brissy and were looking for our leader. But you've created an even bigger mystery. The shadow has somehow turned itself upside down. How did you do that?
Gemma Wiseman said…
Love the "string" of shadow "puppets", each with their own personality! Amazing that these are leaves on the vine! Great shot!
Jacqui said…
I love that shot - and all the guesses are fun too. I began thinking it was fish drying on a line, but that my be related to my own post. Cool one anyway.
EJ said…
Very interesting shot!

During winter, its good to look at picturesduring summer
Sam said…
Yours is outstanding this week Tracy m'dear! The shoadows remind me of jazz for some reason! Don't ask me why!! I love the purpleness of the shadows too - gorgeous stuff!!

A very nice selection of collages - I love all the different seasons represented! You've got full blown summer and winter shots here - amazing!

Have a super Sunday sweetie and all the bets for the coming week! It's my last week at school this week - a huge "phew"!! I dpn't think I could have lasted longer than that without a holiday!!
Maria Berg said…
Lovely line from Pink Floyd - it looks like they are dancing. MB
MonikaRose said…
G'day and thank you for adding my last weeks shadow shot, much appreciated. I love your sss this week. Fantastic lines, strong shadows. Enjoy your sunday :) cya
Sarah said…
I am so glad you are notgood at being mysterious as I am not good at waiting to find things out! I really like the shapes the leaves make.
Super, super wonderful. The little lines of the squiggly tendrils really make the shot. I actually like the botton best one as it makes you pay attention to the remarkable shape changes the angle of the sun makes. Or something. Anyway, super cool.
Dianne said…
it's beautiful!
made me think of bats
Martha said…
The gallery is great as always and I really, REALLY love your shadow shots this week! I'm a slacker once again this week as far as photography goes. Hopefully will get back in the swing of things after the holidays. Hope you are having a great weekend! :-)
Unknown said…
What a cool SS, Tracy! I first thought you captured a row of "hobgoblins" dancing on a wire. LOVE the fact that you didn't keep us in the dark and revealed vine! Even tho I don't always participate, I enjoy keeping up with your weekly SS collages!
Square Peg Guy said…
Thanks for the 2nd shot of the vine. It put me at ease. The first shot had a villainous feel to it!

Now I'm reading Jane's comment just above mine. "Hobgoblins" is a very fitting word to describe it!

Thank you so much for featuring my saw-toothed shadow! I already received such nice comments from it! And there are so many other great features. A spider shadow, too! Wow!

Again I'm scheduling mine with about a two-hour delay.
Diane AZ said…
I love the colors in the second one. The vine and shadow are just delightful and it is interesting what you found about the line from Pink Floyd.
Unknown said…
This is my first time with Shadow Shot Sunday. Please find my Photo on Saturday's post as PhotoHunt Theme #191 "Undesirable". Thank you
Alexa said…
I'm glad I didn't see the 2nd shot immediately (fun to guess), but glad you included it (all guesses wrong). The two together are awesome!
wanderlust said…
Just gorgeous. Love that green!
Self Sagacity said…
Awesome shadow shots!
yes i can understand why you find this a favorite, great shot ;)
Sherrie said…
Your shadows are awesome! It looks like bats hanging there until I saw the second picture. Mine is posted at my place, Sherrie's Stuff. Have a great day!

Sherrie's Stuff
I agree - your shadow photo is great. I actually love the mystery taken out of the shot. . . the addition of the color is really stunning. Thanks for hosting this great site!
storyteller said…
Marvelous shadow shot ... I can see why it might be your favorite of all time. Glad you shared the 'source' and loved the Photo Galleries as always. Thanks for all you do ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
readingsully2 said…
I love your vine shadows. So great.
Unknown said…
I absolutely adore that shadow! I never would have figured out what it was!
That's amazing shadow! They looks very artistic and great!
Dorte said…
Thanks for unveiling the mystery right away :-) Great shots! said…
I too am glad you posted both photos Tracy. They are both uniquely beautiful in their own way.
& the Pink Floyd quote is the perfect accompaniment.
Thanks for another great week of shadow shots!
So many great shadow shots! This is my first time participating. Love the idea!
GalleryJuana said…
Good to see you again! I am am finally back in the groove of blogging again.

Wow! Has this shadow shot group grown. The photo collages are just as cool as ever to view.

This is a fun photo for sure! Without the full photo, my mind was really imagining what they could be: bats? handkerchiefs on the clothesline?

And the quote is beautiful. There is much to be gleaned from so few words.
Ladynred said…
Beautiful shadow. love the vines.
Double Wow! Interesting music trivia and " my favourite shadow shot that I've ever taken!"

You've taken so many great shots. I'm wondering what about this one makes it your favorite. It's very nice...I like it. I'm also wondering what will be blooming on that little vine. It looks like food. It also looks a bit heat drooped. Must be very hot there. It's very cold here...even in my basement.
Unknown said…
Nice one T!!! You got me guessing what it was in the first picture! All's well over here..Danial's good, results are good. I love the collages as usual..esp that marble one.
Chrisy said…
Gosh...the shots are all just wonderful...and you curate them so well. The vine yes it's a beauty...can see it enlarged, matted and framed...
Tracy said…
Hi, Tracy! Love the playfulness of your photo, it is really beautiful! So many other great shadows this week... Though that spider shot spooked me... eeekkk... I have an irrational fear of spider and most insects...LOL! Happy Week, my friend :O) ((HUGS))
Beverley Baird said…
Hi tracy - thanks so much for stopping by. I don't know how to increase the size of the photos without affecting the blog. Don't worry - I love the challenge of your meme. Thanks for your lovely comments.
Kelley Anne said…
These shots are amazing. I especially like the first of yours. It looks a bit like an abstract painting.
toby said…
Wow - I'm sorry that I only saw these now. What a fantastic angle! So fun!
Unknown said…
Obviously one can not stop from posting such a good creativity. I like you all button made by you. Really very good and color used are also perfect... Thanks for post.

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