Shadow Shot Sunday #183
Hi and welcome to SSS. If you’d like to join in, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click HERE for further info before submitting links. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the shadows!

1. SaraChapman 2. MelissaB 3. SurfsideSerenity 4. MargaretGosden 5. Ms.Becky 6. Hapzydeco 7. NatureFootstep 8. AnnAtMoonbeams&Fireflies 9. GalleryJuana

1. SweetRepose 2. Chubskulit 3. FredaMans 4. PattiV 5. Riet 6. Lee 7. SummerKitchenGirls 8. Sarah 9. Jazzbumpa

1. Maboe 2. Vhen 3. Lucka 4. MyThirdEye 5. RandomNature 6. KatheW 7. Patricia 8. FiveSibes 9. TheGardeningLife
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #183
I really wanted to post a shadow shot that I'd taken while on holidays but all of my photo files are such a chaotic mess right now I couldn't locate one! Doh! This photo was taken behind a police station pre-holidays. And no I wasn't called into the police station for any wrongdoing. I was simply taking a short-cut to reach my destination sooner and snapped this photo along the way. I swear! Anyway, it was nice to find that Shadow Shot Sunday chugged along so well without me and thank you all so much for your lovely holiday well wishes! I had a lovely time away and only wish that holidays could last forever and ever! Ha! Don't we all!
PS: A small sample of holiday snaps can be seen in my post below if interested.
Edit Sunday afternoon: Update - I've just discovered through visiting fellow SSS friends that our fellow friend and regular shadow shooter Joe (Spadoman) is in need of some well wishes & words of encouragement right now. If you can spare some time to go visit Joe's blog & leave him a message I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Joe's a funny, kind-hearted soul who has been a pleasure getting to know via SSS and so I wish him all the best. As I'm sure we all do. Take care Joe! xo
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I think there could be a lot more to that story girl ! wink wink nudge nudge !!
I have to take more time to look at your holiday pictures .. I whizzed by quickly and they look really interesting : )
You are getting warmer and we are getting COLDER .... eeekkkk !!
The foliage looks so tropical!
I can relate to photos being in a state of chaos.
Green is starting to vanish around here.
I think your collages are going from strength to strength!
Love all your holiday photos...especially that sweet little wallaby.
Browsed your holioday pics! I'm sure you must have heard my sighing and moaning! They're great! (The photos I mean, not the moaning!)
Happy SSS...
Greetings from dark & chilly Stockholm,
Love all your holiday shots!
I'm linking up for my first Shadow Shot Sunday.
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel
Glad to her you had a great holiday, and your snaps are gorgeus.
Glad that you hag a good time on your vacation. Your pictures are wonderful!!
Happy Sunday!
Thanks for showing my shot from last week. :)
Love the collage of your trip photos - it looks like a different world up there compared to Sydney. Is it very different to Brisbane or is it sort of similar temp wise and visually? I went when I was little and we fed the lorikeets too but I dodn't see any albino joeys! That's pretty special! I don't have FB so I'll just have to go and check out your tweets for more holiday snaps! :0)
Vernazza, Italy
Sunny blessings on us all.
Hugs, antonella :-)
and tx so much for featuring my entry from last week :)
My Third Eye