Doggone Beat
My submission for the Illustration Friday theme of this week:
"Tales & Legends"

"Doggone Beat" (acrylic on an 8 x 8 inch stretched canvas)
The pooped percussionist. He plays in his sleep. He sleeps when he plays. Tales of a legendary narcoleptic dozy drummer boy. Dozy often improvises free-form jazz jams with impromptu napping solos.
"Tales & Legends"

"Doggone Beat" (acrylic on an 8 x 8 inch stretched canvas)
The pooped percussionist. He plays in his sleep. He sleeps when he plays. Tales of a legendary narcoleptic dozy drummer boy. Dozy often improvises free-form jazz jams with impromptu napping solos.
I like how the body (black colour) sort of becomes part of the main drum.
love the illo! i'll be back to check for more art from ya.
Very nice piece. I love the color palette and the large simple shapes. Great economy in this work. Very nice illustration. You're whole blog is great.