Warhol in Brisvegas
Exclusive to Brisbane, Australia's first major Andy Warhol retrospective. Finally made it to Warhol. I was fortunate enough to score a free double pass (& Warhol T-Shirt, badge & fridge magnet!) last month from the fine folk at 4zzz Community Radio. I've been patiently waiting for the crowds to thin a little. Over 300 works are on display covering all areas of his practive. Installations, prints, paintings, drawings, films and photographs. Did I mention films? Yes indeedy I did. The Andy Warhol Film Program alone is worth excitedly jumping up & down & flippin' your silver wig over! Screening are hundreds of restored films and screen tests that Warhol made in the 1960s. Yeh! Bring on the POPcorn! There is a fantastic Silver Factory: Andy Warhol for Kids Program (free) which includes lots of hands-on activities and workshops. For kids only. Grrr. Not fair! Not fair! They even have a room full of floating silver balloons. Waaaahhhh! The exhibition also features a Warhol Supermarket where you can purchase all sorts of wacky Warholish goodies. I purchased the below item.

Yeah I know...hardly wacky. I love it all the same. It features one of my favourite Warhol quotes. It's also very functional. I drink a LOT of coffee. All in all it was a great day (& btw, you really need a season pass to see & experience everything) the exhibition is amazing & a real coup for Brisbane. Go GoMA! Obviously I wasn't permitted to take photos inside the exhibition so I took this shot of the GoMA exterior. Super quickly taken during a very brief rain-free period. I got lucky. Or maybe the pretty pink pop gods were smiling down at me from above the miserable grey clouds. If in fact pretty pink pop gods exist. If so, I'm wondering why that rain-free period didn't continue as we made our way back to the bus stop. Grrr. Perhaps they don't exist.

Andy Warhol 8 Dec 2007 - 30 Mar 2008 - GoMA, Brisbane.

Yeah I know...hardly wacky. I love it all the same. It features one of my favourite Warhol quotes. It's also very functional. I drink a LOT of coffee. All in all it was a great day (& btw, you really need a season pass to see & experience everything) the exhibition is amazing & a real coup for Brisbane. Go GoMA! Obviously I wasn't permitted to take photos inside the exhibition so I took this shot of the GoMA exterior. Super quickly taken during a very brief rain-free period. I got lucky. Or maybe the pretty pink pop gods were smiling down at me from above the miserable grey clouds. If in fact pretty pink pop gods exist. If so, I'm wondering why that rain-free period didn't continue as we made our way back to the bus stop. Grrr. Perhaps they don't exist.

Andy Warhol 8 Dec 2007 - 30 Mar 2008 - GoMA, Brisbane.
I like your blog...looking forward to reading more of your adventures in art!
Have you read his diaries... they're actually phone conversations he had a friend transcribe as diary entries- they're wonderful... filled with artsy news & gossip about up and coming stars, clubs and lots of jusicy bits from the seventies & eighties.
I'm adding you to my blogroll! =^.^=
Thanks heaps for adding me to your blogroll. I'm in such good company there! I've yet to do a blogroll...it's on my "to do" list, so when I get one happening, Pink Cherry Kitty will certainly be on it :)