Pulp Sushi Rocks!
While catching up on some favourite blogs this morning I was so excited to discover that Pulp Sushi's FEF (Friday Etsy Finds) theme for this month is all things LOWBROW! I adore lowbrow, it's one of my all-time fave styles of art & I'm so pleased Pulp Sushi will be featuring lowbrow goodness each Friday throughout March. Woohoo! If you've not yet checked out Pulp Sushi's first FEF, go do so now. Super adorable! As if anyone needs an excuse to visit the popular & well loved Pulp Sushi anyways. It's one of the finest & fun-filled destinations in blog town!
Another fine thing to get excited about in March is International Women's Day. IT'S TODAY! So a great big happy women's day to everybody! The IWD's global theme for 2008 is 'shaping progress' & if you're not too familiar with what IWD is all about & would like to know more, then click here for the history & further information.

What!?! No No No! It's so not a day to be doing ironing ladies! Or any housework in fact! Nope, it's a day to be celebrating & indulging in joyful things. Be sure to do something nice just for you today. Treat yourself. YOU deserve it! YOU truly do! Harriet wouldn't fib about such important matters.
The above photograph © copyright Getty Images
Another fine thing to get excited about in March is International Women's Day. IT'S TODAY! So a great big happy women's day to everybody! The IWD's global theme for 2008 is 'shaping progress' & if you're not too familiar with what IWD is all about & would like to know more, then click here for the history & further information.

What!?! No No No! It's so not a day to be doing ironing ladies! Or any housework in fact! Nope, it's a day to be celebrating & indulging in joyful things. Be sure to do something nice just for you today. Treat yourself. YOU deserve it! YOU truly do! Harriet wouldn't fib about such important matters.
The above photograph © copyright Getty Images