Avian Adoration

Oh why oh why does this have to be happening all the way over on the other side of the world. Grrr. The PDX Film Festival kicks off in Portland Oregon on Wednesday 30th April until 4th May. It promises to be a jam-packed 5 days worth of innovative documentary & non-narrative experimental film screenings from all over the globe. The PDX Film Festival is presented by Peripheral Produce, an experimental film distribution label founded in Portland by filmmaker Matt McCormick. If this picture below of a Vladmaster Communal Viewmaster Screening that featured as part of the program a previous year is anything to go by, it looks a real hoot! Lucky Portlanders and their super fun looking festivals. Phooey!

I don't own a viewmaster to look at pretty slides, but I captured the following pretty images of some visitors to my backyard today on my less than retro, yet still click-worthy contraption.

While the other birds were busily devouring the delights on the tree, I particularly liked the bird in the centre of the photo looking up adoringly at the bird above. The bird above appears to be completely unaware of the attention. Or is choosing to ignore it. I guess unrequited love is prevalent amongst all species.


Anonymous said…
Oh you found my family reunion pictures from last Thanksgiving!!! Birdie and I are the fourth row, fourth and fifth from the left... nah, but sure LOOKS familiar. And in the 'hood, too! Ah Oregon, we are such proud and prolific little nutties over here. Wish you lived closer and we would proudly outfit you with your own ViewMaster. (Note: ViewMasters were made in Oregon!!!)
Your photography is fantastic! Can't believe how beautifully you caught the one bird touching down!
Perhaps the bird has eyes for another...
K & A
Victoria said…
I am so sorry that you do not own your own viewmaster, you should definitely treat yourself to one!

But then again, with such amazing beauty in your own backyard, who needs a viewmaster!?! Your photos are breathtaking!
Anonymous said…
hey harriet i have a couple of old viewmasters so can send you one if you like. i'll email you. those bird (are they corellas?) shots are great! love the one of the bird landing in the tree!
Hey Harriet said…

& yep, the birds are Corellas. Clever pants! Bet you don't know the long fancy scientific Latin sounding name though ;)
Ha! They look like white birds of paradise on these long leaves.
What great pictures..The birds are just beautiful..Viewmasters use to be such fun..
Anonymous said…
harriet they are called cacatua sanguinea, related to the tenuirostris & the pastinator
Fantastic photos!

Oh...hop on a flight...I'm sure between Karen and I, we can put you up for a week or so...you can hang with all the cool Portlanders.
Hey Harriet said…
Donat - Very impressive google boy!

Diva - Thanks so much for that very kind offer! I'll send you a list of my food preferences...that is of course if feeding me is part of the deal. Oh & if you can spot me a plane fare, that would be great. Doesn't need to be first class ;)
tatsuko said…
Ohmygoodness!!! These shots are beautiful!!! So much is in their eyes...

I was so thrilled to see a cardinal and a bluejay here the other day (spring is finally here) - not sure how I'd handle seeing all these lovelies on a regular basis!
I love vladmaster. I wish I could be at the show too.
Unknown said…
very nice pictures, the only time i get to see these birds will be at our zoo :) and hey, you take very nice photos too, happy week ahead
AlasMyDear said…
those photos are gorgeous! much better than what you get from viewmasters, though i do concede those are delightfully retro :)
sound&fury said…
I had a viewmaster when I was a kid... for some strange reason I believed that it only worked if you stuck your tongue out while you were using it (I was a weird weird kid!).
I'll be happy to feed you and give you a place to sleep (and bathe!), the plane fare is up to you.
littlebird said…
oh my, i don't know which i'm more envious of, that you take such fabulous photos' the top one is breath taking or that your garden attracts such wonderful visitors! : )
Sarah McBride said…
those photos are gret! I only get crows and bluebirds in my backyard. pooey.
ppdesigns said…
you're right s/he does look smitten!
amy said…
Great photos.
I love birds, I should share photos of my lovely african grey parrot Zowie. He is the best pet ever.
XUE said…
Used to have 4 or 5 of similiar birds outside our kitchen window. They escaped from the Hongkong Aviary & no one has been able to capture them for a long time ever - hurray for the birdies!
bunbun said…
i have a collection of vintage viewmaster stuff, even a viewmaster wall projector. I love it!

Those are AMAZING photos of the birds, a delight to look at!
bunbun said…
Oh and if you ever come to Portland, I have to meet you too, OK???
Hey Harriet said…
bunbun - Yay! sounds good to me :)
Callooh Callay said…
Fantastic photos! We've had a redtail hawk cooling its butt in our birdbath but I wasn't quick enough with the camera.
Anonymous said…

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