Shadow Shot Sunday #8
Shadow Shot Sunday! Gosh Sundays are rolling around quickly! This is the eighth shadow shot I’ve posted, so I’ve been doing this for 2 months now. I often lose interest in things all too quickly, so I’m really happy that I’m still enjoying shooting shadows. I think what continues to make it enjoyable for me is seeing how creative others are. Yes, you the participants keep me motivated & inspired! Thanks again for playing & sharing your creativity. The Shadow Gallery collage this week was compiled using one photo from each of the participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to participate, shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or near enough to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky and visit other participants. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery - "I'm feeling very unsettled" - Cammie Cat

The Shooters
1. SweetRepose 2. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 3. HighDesertDiva 4. BubbleBabble 5. HouseInMarrakesh 6. Charlie&Grace 7. AboutNewYork 8. LaVieEstBelle 9. GreyscaleTerritory 10. MorningHasBroken 11. AnnetteHanigan 12. Lisa'sRetroStyle 13. HeyHarriet 14. RosebudCollection 15. ThisGirlLovesToTalk 16. Espinoza'sLove
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #8

A big thanks to Lisa from Lisa’s Retro Style blog for giving me this rather adorable little award! I think your blog is a fun read also Lisa! I love all those vintage & retro goodies you feature and just one of these days I will eventually win one of your awesome monthly giveaways! Lisa has two fab Etsy shops, LisabRetroStyle carries a range of vintage supplies and cool re-purposed vintage creations made by Lisa. The other shop, LisabRetroStyle2 offers commercially made vintage goods, from homewares and collectibles through to the delightfully kitsch! Both are fun visits for lovers of vintage!

This award didn’t come with any rules so I’ll just make them up and pass the award along to the lovely folk participating in Shadow Shot Sunday. Either current participants, or those who have played along in the past. Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
Shadow Gallery - "I'm feeling very unsettled" - Cammie Cat

The Shooters
1. SweetRepose 2. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 3. HighDesertDiva 4. BubbleBabble 5. HouseInMarrakesh 6. Charlie&Grace 7. AboutNewYork 8. LaVieEstBelle 9. GreyscaleTerritory 10. MorningHasBroken 11. AnnetteHanigan 12. Lisa'sRetroStyle 13. HeyHarriet 14. RosebudCollection 15. ThisGirlLovesToTalk 16. Espinoza'sLove
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #8

A big thanks to Lisa from Lisa’s Retro Style blog for giving me this rather adorable little award! I think your blog is a fun read also Lisa! I love all those vintage & retro goodies you feature and just one of these days I will eventually win one of your awesome monthly giveaways! Lisa has two fab Etsy shops, LisabRetroStyle carries a range of vintage supplies and cool re-purposed vintage creations made by Lisa. The other shop, LisabRetroStyle2 offers commercially made vintage goods, from homewares and collectibles through to the delightfully kitsch! Both are fun visits for lovers of vintage!

This award didn’t come with any rules so I’ll just make them up and pass the award along to the lovely folk participating in Shadow Shot Sunday. Either current participants, or those who have played along in the past. Happy Sunday!
1. Bubble Babble 2. ppdesigns 3. Paz's New York Minute 4. Bobbie 5. Gemma 6. M.Kate | 7. Shannon 8. Gina 9. Charlie and Grace 10. Lisa's RetroStyle 11. Sweet Repose 12. Fog and Thistle | 13. ctmott 14. Elizabeth 15. High Desert Diva 16. Annette 17. Michelle Pendergrass 18. Morning |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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You mean I get one of these awards?
Thanks again for all the reassurance you have given me. Needing it so much right now as I get ready to go back to work in a couple of weeks. Kayce
Love your latest shadow shot! Lovely details of the plant above! Also, I appreciate your hosting this each Sunday! You have done so well!
Have a great weekend!
Yes indeed, you receive this award!
I look forward to Sundays and the shadows.
I create the collages using the Picasa2 program. Super easy to use (phew!) and free to download (yay!)
Your collages(so clever of you) are a delight.
I'm now off in search of a shadow to post!
Happy Sunday - or what's left of it by you........!
Oh don't cha go getting bored with it. You'll break up my Sunday routine!
I hope you're enjoying some nice cool weather for the winter. It's blistering here!