I was tagged by the lovely Gina from Gingerbread blog a few days ago. Normally I run the other way when tagged. I’m shy. And yes you can run in cyberland. From the comfort of your chair while sipping coffee, devouring chocolate cake and not even getting your shoes scuffed in the process of sprinting away. And as an added bonus it’s not likely that birds will poop on your head (a regular occurrence for me…). The tag is to post seven favourite songs that I’m currently listening to. As I LOVE music I thought this would be a bit of fun. I should have made one of those cool mixwit tapes so that you could play the songs but I figured you probably don’t really care to hear them. So I did a mock-up of a magazine cover using fd's flickr toys instead. Seemed a more fun way of sharing my fave tunes than simply listing them.

I’m really interested in knowing what music those of you who visit my blog are into, though I’ll leave it up to you whether you wish to share your faves, so I’ll not tag anybody in particular. If you’d like to play, simply share your favourite seven songs that you’re currently enjoying. They can be any style or genre (even C&W if that's your thang!) with vocals or purely instrumental. Whatever. As long as they are songs that you are enjoying now. It's not meant to be a list of your all-time favourite songs. Although they would make interesting lists also. Gosh, why not make two lists. Current faves & all-time faves! Yeah go all-out crazy! And dance around the house like a loon while compiling your lists! Fans of gothic music may prefer bustin' out the 'I am a frond of sullen seaweed' dance moves in a dark corner perhaps. Click here to discover Gina’s current faves, including the video clips. If you’re an 80s music fan you’ll dig Gina's selection!
Currently I’m in the process of finishing some new things and getting ready to add them to my Etsy shop. They’ll be original paintings in the same kitsch lowbrow kind of style that I do (eg: artwork in mag cover above) but on a bigger scale than my ACEOs. Hopefully this time next week I’ll be listing them and posting a couple of photos here on my blog. Unless of course I waste time procrastinating (another regular occurrence for me but much more fun than the first one mentioned). In which case, this time next week you may find yet another mag cover mock-up with more favourite songs…
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your week and see you in the shadows on Sunday!

I’m really interested in knowing what music those of you who visit my blog are into, though I’ll leave it up to you whether you wish to share your faves, so I’ll not tag anybody in particular. If you’d like to play, simply share your favourite seven songs that you’re currently enjoying. They can be any style or genre (even C&W if that's your thang!) with vocals or purely instrumental. Whatever. As long as they are songs that you are enjoying now. It's not meant to be a list of your all-time favourite songs. Although they would make interesting lists also. Gosh, why not make two lists. Current faves & all-time faves! Yeah go all-out crazy! And dance around the house like a loon while compiling your lists! Fans of gothic music may prefer bustin' out the 'I am a frond of sullen seaweed' dance moves in a dark corner perhaps. Click here to discover Gina’s current faves, including the video clips. If you’re an 80s music fan you’ll dig Gina's selection!
Currently I’m in the process of finishing some new things and getting ready to add them to my Etsy shop. They’ll be original paintings in the same kitsch lowbrow kind of style that I do (eg: artwork in mag cover above) but on a bigger scale than my ACEOs. Hopefully this time next week I’ll be listing them and posting a couple of photos here on my blog. Unless of course I waste time procrastinating (another regular occurrence for me but much more fun than the first one mentioned). In which case, this time next week you may find yet another mag cover mock-up with more favourite songs…
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your week and see you in the shadows on Sunday!
What an interesting list! and tks for leaving the tag open, good to see you doing one..finally :)
80's and 90's are my all time fave, I am that young :)
... as for music, today I enjoyed kd lang's 'hymns of the 49th parallel' while procrastinating over sewing an invisible zip in!
appreciate you playing along Tracey..promise no more tags for a while :D Gx
No probs! Most people stick an 'e' in there. Doesn't phase me :)
That's funny that you mention 'Hungry Like the Wolf' because that was going to be your bonus track, but the title was too long & wouldn't fit...
My music appreciation is not good..
Kids would tease me about "elevator music", so you know where I belong..
Already looking for shadows..All I do is walk around the yard with camera in pocket..I know the neighbors think since her children left, she went off the deep end..
Here goes:
M.I.A. - Paper Planes (I love that the song's in a commercial right now)
Wolf like me by I'm not sure who
Foundations - Kate Nash
That's all I can think of right now.
: )
You are just too funny Tracy...I laughed thru that whole post! Thanks for that!! I can't wait to see more of your work! I really love your art!!!!!!!!!
And so sorry that birds regularly poop on your head, but if it makes you feel any better, my grandmother always said it was a sign of good luck!!
i have really eclectic musical tastes. love the deftones, lamb, linkin park, tracy chapman, david gray and something for kate to name a few!
i too try to run the other way when tagged.
I can't wait for Shadow Sunday!!
Can't wait to see your new artworks!!!
Oh, and thanks so much for dropping by and picking up your award! By the way, it's a no obligation one too - I hate putting obligations like that onto people - so you don't need to do anything with it...I meant to leave little comments on everyone's blogs to let them know yesterday - but after finishing my post the day went manic and I didn't get to sit down at the computer all day (today is Kate's 2nd birthday so I was busy with the preparations yesterday)
But I'm glad you came by and found it anyway!
Bec x
Hope you and Miss Soph have a great weekend! (Listening to tunes, but of course!)
1. Hello Brooklyn-Jay-Z and Lil Wayne
2. Touch the sky-Kanye West
3. Wild Horses-Rolling Stones
4. The new Beck Single
5. Trash-New york Dolls
So I like a little 70's rock and a little rap. I guess I could say that I like music with a little attitude and a little inflated ego?
By the way, I love Elliott Smith (which is way diff. than what I just described) but his music is beautiful, and has so much more substance than many copycats. He was also from my town, so i feel prideful about him, I guess the way someone does for a sports team. Although he was known around here for his crazyness, his death was a huge sadness to Portland.
Love the cover also, so sweet!