Shadow Shot Sunday #61

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Rita/Cashjocky 2. Rache 3. MonikaRose 4. Dianne 5. MargaretGosden 6. Ria 7. Jacqui 8. JulieKing 9. ElizabethSchmid

The Shooters:
1. Jabblog 2. SylviaK 3. DavidC 4. Jane 5. TomHilton 6. MoreOfMe 7. Robin 8. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 9. maryt/theteach

The Shooters:
1. Anne 2. Gemma 3. Lisa'sRetroStyle 4. MyMaracas 5. srp 6. BrandiB 7. Marcia 8. SummerKitchenGirls 9. ctmott

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #61

Shadows found on a charming old house in New Farm

And a side view of the same house

This is the view enjoyed by the occupants of the house. Or very close to it. I was standing in a small park across the road from the house and I liked the shadows of the city buildings and Story Bridge falling on the Brisbane River. After taking the photo I turned around to find this adorable little dog looking up at me.

Monsieur Pierre in his finest Bastille Day outfit! I'm not certain about his name being Pierre as I never had a chance to check his tag. He ran back to his owner as soon as I'd taken his photo. I ♥ inner-city chic doggies!

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. robin-one still frame
3. Magical Mystical Teacher
4. Shannon
5. Gallery Juana
6. ctmott
8. Bobbie
9. High Desert Diva
10. Sylvia K WA USA
11. Kuusela Finland
12. EG WOW! - Canada
13. ramblingwoods
14. Jacqui
15. Bryan,GA
16. Generik
17. whizkid
18. Molokai Girl
19. Jen
20. Gerald (Ackworth born)
21. Gemma
22. Bree
23. maryt/theteach
24. Rinkly Rimes Australia
25. Margaret Gosden
26. Terri - teelgee
27. Just Like Martha
28. Annette - In This Life
29. MonikaRose
30. Diahn Ott
31. Sara Chapman in Seattle
32. Gina [gingerbread]
33. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
34. EmBelISH
35. Maria Berg, Sweden
36. Rita aka Cashjocky Mo USA
37. wickedchilddesigns
38. MeANderi
39. Mamapippa - Belgium
40. Chie
41. Emma
42. Twinkle Star Art
43. Anne
44. Sarah Wallis
45. elizabeth schmid
46. Tanja, Finland
47. Ginger~Wilmington, NC
48. Katie
49. VickiS, FL
50. Faith Hope...
51. Linda
52. jabblog UK
53. Vicki
54. Clara & Marcela
55. DaviMack
56. girlichef
57. Kenobiitti - Finland
58. Joanna P
59. Dorte
60. hejoko Finland
61. Happily Retired Gal
62. Sally In WA, USA
63. Martha - Menagerie
64. rache

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Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


A Wild Thing said…
The darling house has a very English feel to it and how beautiful the city scape...what wonderful views you have for us today...and of course Pierre, what would a shot be without Monsieur cute is he...look out for Scratchy ol' boy!

Have a sunny weekend Tracy!
robin. said…
tracy~i love the simplistic charm of the side view photo...and to imagine that is the view from this house...i'd have thought this to be a country setting house. great shadow shots as always.

happy sss.
Brisbane’s tall buildings
cast mysterious shadows
on the deep river.
keiren said…
It appears that inner-city chic doggies ♥ you too! Monsieur Pierre looks like he wants you to take him home with you Harriet! Pierre is so cute! So many great shadows in this post! Happy Sunday :)
Shannon said…
hehe... sweet doggie with a great shadow! :)
Beautiful shots..That house has lovely trim. Almost reminds me of what they call here, gingerbread trim. Chimney is really neat with four least I think that is what they are. What a view they have and a wonderful shot you took.
Just beautiful.
Happy SSS..
GalleryJuana said…
The yellow decoration on the house really is spectacular against the blue sky. Great shot!

And the house has a beautiful city view. That doggie is a cutie. I am slowly starting to like little dogs.

You got some fun goodies at the BrisStyle market!
Love the bright yellow trim and Pierre's outfit! Perfect!
toujours aussi agréable ce challenge
bobbie said…
Aren't the scallops and the chimney wonderful! The city shot is beautiful as well, and that pup - so cute!
Sylvia K said…
I love the scallops! The doggie is a real cutie, like to give him a big hug! And skylines are always a favorite, this one is terrific!
Monica said…
Nice shadow shots. That puppy is adorable.
Sarah said…
Beautiful shadows! I love the cleaness of that first one. THe little dog is so stylish!
EG CameraGirl said…
Love the shadows created by the yellow detailing on the house. The owners have a great view of the water, eh? Cute watch dog!
Jacqui said…
Nice French outfit for Pierre - very appropriate. Loved the house shadows and very unexpected view. xxx
Generik said…
I (heart) all four of those pictures!
Bryan said…
M. Pierre! He has to be named that because there's nothing else he could possibly be.
whizkid said…
Hey T, back after a long time :) great shadow shots as ever, though Pierre seems to have captured my heart!
I want to live in that house with that view! Great finds once again!! You ROCK!
Hot Fudge said…
Sorry that once again I don't have a shadow shot. Naughty Robyn! But I'd love the address of that house so that I can go around and make them an offer they can't refuse. I'd take Pierre along for back-up, of course.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Love the scalloped shadow on that old house! Very clear and defined! And the city view across the river is quite magical! And then Mr Pierre! Such a cutie! He seems to want to famous on your blog! Adore it!

Happy warm weekend!
Sam said…
That house you shot and the one of Brissy are awesom - I'd forgotten how pretty Brisbane is!! AND! Oh Pierre! Je t'aime! We don't get chic pups like that in Sydney! Loving these sets Tracy - I can't decide which is my favourite! I see you get international folk paticipating - is that a New York brown stone in one of them? *sigh* P.S. You're not related to Tony Barber are you?!
Bree said…
Jaunty little fella, isn't he? So cute!
maryt/theteach said…
And little pierre broought along his own shadow! :)
Rinkly Rimes said…
An old house viewing a modern city-scape. Quite a place to live.

Here's mine
Margaret Gosden said…
The story bridge spanning the river looks to me like it would be a stunning walk or ride across for anyone not given to a problem with heights! Wonderful perspective of another city. Thanks, Tracy, for another opportunity to see bits of Oz through your eyes.
Terri said…
Lovely shadows Tracy! Don't you love days like that when there are shadows everywhere you turn?

I posted dog shadows too.
annette said…
Hi Tracy, very cute pooch in his litte jacket, love the yellow trim on that roof, great sss's. Happy sunday to you. :0)
MonikaRose said…
Hello, love your city bridge boat shadow shot, looks fantastic and thankyou for putting my pic from last week in your collage, much appriciated..have a fab weekend..cya MonikaRose
A super set of shadows! Yours and the collages! My flatmate ran off with my camera this weekend so my chances of joining in this week are very slim :(
Unknown said…
That pooch is too cute, but the THAT is an awesome shadow!
Sara Chapman said…
You can't help yourself, can you? Even the bridge casts a strong shadow! Love the roof one. And ooh la la, that Pierre!
Gina said… much to catch up on..gorgeous shadows..and great to see you Naidoc week pics..unfortunately we were sick the whole week so didn't get to celebrate :( ..the little Bastille doggie stole the show I think :) Gx said…
Tracy I love the little doggie! & the shadow from the bridge is really neat as is the charming house.
I am sorry I think I accidentally added the wrong link to my post on your site,oops...apologies in advance to anyone looking for my shadow and finding a skywatch instead, sorry!
Anonymous said…
I love Pierre! I love this whole post!!! That charming old house doesn't look like it would be located anywhere near a city! What views!!! Is it still winter there? These photos look so summery! Happy weekend!
Kranky Granny said…
Love the mustard trim. Would never have considered that color, but I do like it.
Teneale said…
What a cute doggie !! Love the shadow shots too Tracey !

xo Teneale
I love the old fashioned gingerbread trim! Don't see much of that around Denver, Colorado! :)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful shadows, and a great fashion dog !
bobbie said…
Thanks for commenting on my Sky Watch as well. If you go two posts down from that, you will see much more of the lighthouse gardens.
Most of our lighthouses are not like this either.
Chubby Chieque said…
Am always late nowadays §:-( but the saying says: "better late than NEVER"

Your collage is great! Good photographer's huh?

AND of course! your shots are so well taken (as always). Perfect, T!
Loving the lil doggie who posed for you. Cutie too...

Have a wonderful evening downunder and wish a blissful week to come.

xoxo lots!
Red Revival said…
Beautiful shots!
Anonymous said…
I love that blue sky. What a beautiful weekend it was. I bet that well dressed friend of yours has little lady friends all over the place. They probably didn't catch his name either ;)
Tracy said…
Just love Saturdays here, Tracy... as always excellent line up of shadows and just simply outstanding photography. Must say my most favorite is in that first grouping of the candle with the etched glass sconce and it's dancing glow and shadows...very dreamy. And I LOVE Monsieur Pierre--he looks so cute with that jaunty-striped shirt--too sweet! Happy weekend, my friend :o)
Elizabeth said…
I loved your old house pictures!
What a delight!
and the collages , as ever, were so chrming.
Hot and stickey here in NY

the little dog is uber-chic
Wear Your Wild said…
Amazing shot of the house! I love it's shadows.
Cute pup too.
Vicki ~ FL said…
Great shadow shots and "Pierre" is adorable.
Cate Holst said…
Your blog is always so inspirational!
Anonymous said…
What a great idea! Love the pictures!!
Hey Harriet said…
Sam - Yes it's true. I'm related to Tony Barber. I'm sure that impressed the socks off you! ;D

Soopkitsch - It is still winter here. I know it is hard to believe because everything looks the same as it does in summer. We don't have snow or anything crazy cold like that!
MyMaracas said…
Oh, I love that first one! I love gingerbread on old houses. The wake of the boat crossing the building shadows is neat, too.

Cute dog, and a great French outfit for the day.
Oooh - love the mad fretwork on that house! I've never seen a yellow one, to my knowledge: we get lots of red and green, here in Scotland, though. There's a whole region where it seems everyone is trying to out-do his neighbor with crazy fretwork (Perthshire, out towards Loch Tay).

Dorte said…
Really great selection of shadow shots ... the brigde photo is so cool!
As always, I enjoy your collages reviewing some of last week's shadows. Methinks the memory of your first and last shots will stay with me today ... no matter what the little dog's name is, I love the one ear up, one ear down look ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Little Mary Moo said…
What a fantastic post. I love the picture of the do the best. I always wonder how people get their dogs to be so well behaved that they will actually wear clothes. Mine - not a chance.
You wouldn't expect that house to have that view! M.Pierre looks just about adorable!
Karla & Karrie
We just enjoy the gallery soooo much!! Thank you for posting it!
Unknown said…
Awesome shadow shots of the quaint house, bridge, and adorable pup--he's a curious one! I so enjoy seeing the collages you create with everyone's artistic eye for photography--thanks, Tracy!
Martha said…
Love your shots this week! :-)
Sandrine said…
Looks like Monsieur Pierre was waiting for Ze " feux d'artifice"!!;)I start seing SSS everywhere on the blogsphere...I might get the virus I start paying attention to shadows now;)))
Ali said…
Chic dog indeed!
and, I may have mentioned earlier, but I have a 'thing' for roof-and-chimney type images and I love, love, love your second shot of the roof - So great Tracy!
cabin + cub said…
Monsieur Pierre is the cutest... a sailor shirt on a dog?.. can it get any cuter... well maybe if he was on a little sailboat. ;)
picciolo said…
what a pretty house, I wouldn't have imagined it had that stunning city view at all! Great pics this week
: )
Gabbi said…
Such wonderful shadows, my favorite this week is the yellow farmhouse. Such gorgeous contrast with the blue sky.
I love both of those house photos Tracy. Very nice. You know I love old houses and that colorful gingerbread is so cool. Love it.
Unknown said…
That was a great collection of shadows, love them all but the doggie is the best, he is just too cute!! Haven't been reading any mails for the past few days..totally out of the loop and smelling paint fumes for the past few days. Just glad I am still alive :P
What a superb response in making an album like that!

Slow and Beautiful — Snail
maryt/theteach said…
Sorry you closed before I had a chance to sign up,but I have a Shadow Shot Sunday up, Harriet! :)