Shadow Shot Sunday #90

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. QuasiSerendipita 2. Pam 3. Jane 4. Catherine 5. Carin 6. ReallyRainey 7. PattiV 8. Christina 9. Janie

The Shooters:
1. Toby 2. SquarePegGuy 3. VickiS 4. Bobbie 5. Dianne 6. HighDesertDiva 7. JoeTodd 8. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 9. Jacqui

The Shooters:
1. Helena 2. Dimple 3. ChristineInTrinidad 4. Sherrie 5. S.T.U.F.F. 6. ReachBeyondLimits 7. Tammy 8. DiahnOtt 9. GalleryJuana

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #90

These photos were taken at QPAC (Queensland Perfoming Arts Centre) and the first is a cafe at the far right of the building. I didn't stop in at that cafe because all the green was making me dizzy. The second was taken while enjoying a coffee at the other cafe towards the left end of the building. I liked looking up at all of the coloured lights reflected in the glass windows of QPAC. I also very much liked their caramel tarts. Yummy!

Some photos from my etsy shop have been included on some lovely sites over the last couple of weeks, for which I'm very grateful. Thanks to Julia for the feature on Ramblings of a Gallivanting Girl, and to Terri for the inclusion on Living A Handmade Life. Also thank you to Anna from Much Love for the opportunity to have one of my photos displayed as part of her wonderful Much Love Monday project. A little while back I was contacted with regards to one of my photos on Flickr being shortlisted for inclusion in the Schmap Brisbane Guide and I was just informed of it being chosen and published in the 10th edition. Yay! And a big thanks to Anne from Frayed at the Edge for passing a Kreativ Blogger award my way. I really didn't mean for this ramble to turn into some exercise in tootin' my own horn. Really I didn't. Little acknowledgements such as those mentioned above make me very happy and I am extremely grateful for any that come my way. And I simply wanted to share my happiness. With you. Because happiness is a good thing to share.

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. ldh
3. Golden West
4. robin-one still frame
5. eden, Australia
6. Quiltworks, MA, USA
7. Molokai Girl
8. The Summer Kitchen Girls
9. Tom Hilton
10. Ralph
11. Catherine, Mexico City
12. Magical Mystical Teacher
13. sylvia
14. Crafty Green poet
15. CHIE
16. Sunnymama
17. Generik
18. Anne
19. Small Reflections
20. Beverley Baird
21. Quasi Serendipita
22. christina sweden
23. Dimple
24. jabblog uk
25. ctmott
26. Christine in Trinidad, CA
27. Nadine, Bulgaria
28. Hot Fudge
29. angie
30. Patti V.
31. Lindz in Australia
32. Carin
33. Guy, Regina, Canada
34. Gemma@Greyscale, AUS
35. Sam
36. Gallery Juana
37. Stine, Canada
38. foto CHIP
39. Cassie
40. Pagan Sphinx- MA, USA
41. Everything
42. Coffeedoff UK
43. carolynUSA
44. Rinkly Rimes
45. Margaret Gosden, USA
46. me and my camera
47. Sarah Wallis
48. Christine (Family of Four)
49. Just Like Martha
50. Icy BC
51. Martha Z
52. High Desert Diva
53. Janie of Utah
54. Melinda Owens
55. Rose
56. Square Peg Guy
57. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
58. IvyC.
59. wanderlust
60. littlechrissy
61. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
62. Darcel - Luv N Harmony
63. Faith Hope & ...
64. BLOGitse
65. Birgitta - Sweden
66. {S.T.U.F.F.}
67. Evelyn, Australia
68. Melanie: Kimono Reincarnate
69. Dorte
70. Dina - Jerusalem
71. Mumsy
72. prkl, finland
73. maryt/theteach
74. Desert Colors AZ
75. Wilmington Daily Photo
76. hapzydeco
77. Sherrie(Sherrie's Stuff)
78. Tammy WA USA
79. JazzBumpa
80. Thorgun, Sweden
81. Paz's New York Minute
82. Freda Mans
83. Lisa's RetroStyle
84. Two Barking Dogs
85. Jonny Hamachi
86. aino
87. Carly's Photography
88. Shannara, Sweden
89. Gunsside - Norway
90. Aubrey: My Camera's Eye
91. lynda Howells
92. Joysweb
93. alexa in nyc, usa
94. Annie, Australia
95. Jacqui, Scotland
96. MonikaRose Crochets
97. Just B

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


robin. said…
tracy~my dear...toot away. your photos are fabulous and your creativity is recognized. enjoy. that's why we are here...kindred spirits who laugh together, cry together, and are happy for each other in the big things and the small things...all from our separate places of this big world.

Congrats on all of the exposure - you deserve it Tracy!!
Love your green picture...we were thinking green as well today :)
Happy SSS!
keiren said…
That's wonderful news and I'm happy you shared it! I've just just been browsing your shop for the first time in a while and have spotted so many things I want. I haven't logged onto etsy since last year and I hope I can remember my password! I like both of your shadow photos. Happy Sudnay to you too!
Tom Hilton said…
Love that green one. And congratulations on all the (well-deserved) honors!
It's been so long since I stopped in and said hi. I've been lurking blogs and not commenting but wanted to break my silence and say congrats. It's great to see SSS still going strong and I hope to rejoin the fun of it all again soon!
Ralph said…
The setting around and surrounding the restaurant is fabulously artistic. The shadows make stripes that blend perfectly with the angular horizontal tables and vertical columns, a geometric delight.

It is okay to beep your horn. We have seen a brief glimpse of your photographic artistry in your blog, and it is great - you deserve all the recognition. No need to be modest!

Enjoy your week Tracy!
Catherine said…
congrats on being published...and thanks for the collages and great shots again this week...
Chrisy said…
I do like to hear the sound of a good toot so toot on baby...maybe Wayne Newton's Danke Schoen...I've never noticed the green at that restaurant...always been there at nighttime...but agree......nothing lake basking in a green glow to make a person look at tad peeked...
Chubby Chieque said…
That's awesome, Tracy? Hope more readers and hope no whinning with the comments, huh? *wink

You get dizzy with the green? He he... you're funny lady. But I guess you choose the right cafe though.

Like the reflections of the coloured bulbs.

Thanks once again for sharing the enjoyment on week-end.

xoxo lots...
Golden West said…
It's wonderful to hear that your hard work and talent are getting rewarded - congratulations! And again, thank you for hosting us all with the shadow shots.
sunnymama said…
Not sure if I would want to stop for long for a coffee there but I love the effect of the colours in the first picture and the shadows in both pictures are great! Hope you have a good weekend. :)
Generik said…
Congratulations! That's a lot of happiness to share, and well-deserved!
Sylvia K said…
Congratulations, Tracy! That is fabulous and what a lot of well-deserved kudos for your marvelous photos and your blog! Thanks for the fun, as always! Hope your weekend is a great one!

frayedattheedge said…
Well done!! Super photos as always!!
If you can't toot your own horn on your own blog, there's something wrong with the world ... seriously! Love your artsy photos and enjoyed the Shadow Galley as always. Congratulations on your growing success and exposure ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Beverley Baird said…
Contratulations! Lots of recognition for some fabulous photos!
Love the photos for today.
Take care. have a great weekend.
Congratulations! (Will now go & check out your etsy shop!)
Dimple said…
I wondered why the cafe was tipsy, now I know it's because it made the photographer dizzy! LOL! Thanks for hosting the fun meme.
jabblog said…
Many congratulations on being more widely recognised and honoured.
I see what you mean about the green cafe - 'tis a little 'exciting'. Great shadow shots, as ever :-)
Congratulations my dear friend..and you are so right..Happiness is a good thing to share..
Great Shots as usual and always fun to visit with you again..
Happy SSS.
Christine said…
Congratulations Tracy. You rightfully deserve all the recognition you're receiving. Thank you for keep us all connected and creative.
Hot Fudge said…
You blow away, Satchmo, you deserve all the accolades you receive.

I must say I've never noticed before how green was their cafe. You'd think the proprietors would be wondering about the empty seats, wouldn't you?
Lindz said…
that greeny outdoor restaurant is fantastic.,,, you have great collection fo photos.
Hot Fudge said…
Hi Tracy, it's me again with a word of warning. I entered this week's Mr Linky, but it linked to my last entry, as I had followed the advice to enter the particular post for that week and not my blog URL. Apparently it kept the old link for this week, so I had to re-enter this week's entry with the correct link.

Sorry to rabbit on, but I wanted to explain why I have two entries for this week. The second one is correct. The end.
Patti said…
I'm glad that you shared your happiness. You shared more of yourself with your readers and blog friends. That's good thing.

Congrats on all the mentions, Tracy. Well deserved.

That green would not make me feel relaxed at all, even though I think green is supposed to be a soothing color. I do like the colored lights in the second photo.I can't tell which is the reflection.
Carin said…
Can imagine the green made you dizzy, still it makes a lovely shadow shot! You're so lucky to have such nice sunny weather! Also congratulations with everything you tooted your own horn with! Things to be proud off!

Have a nice week!
Guy D said…
This is quickly becoming one of my favourite meme's of the week. Great pics once again everyone and thanks alot for this theme.

All the best
Regina In Pictures
A Wild Thing said…
Isn't it funny how sometimes green can make you queezy...right now I'll take anything green over the drab dead things and the white cold stuff...come on SPRING!!!

Have a wonderful week Tracie!
Gemma Wiseman said…
I agree with you about your overwhelming green cafe! Interesting to look at but I would feel a little "uncomfortable" about eating/drinking there! The "light" cafe is a winner and love the shadow effects in both!

Glad you told us about your successes! It's inspiring! We must blow our own trumpet a little sometimes just to let others know what else we do! Congratulations!

Happy weekend!
Anonymous said…
It's OK if you toot your own horn, really it is! :)
GalleryJuana said…
yes ... Toot Away! You deserve to do so.

I had to laugh when you said you were made dizzy by all the green. The green certainly makes this photo pop.

Thanks for including my door pic in this week's photo montage. The montages give me a better understanding of everyone's interpretation of the meme and the subjects that they choose. Lot's to be inspired by.
Sam said…
Ooooh! Congrats on all thos features and especially on being part of the Brisbane guide!! How cool is that? Will go check out these links you have here!

I'm sorry that green glass made you feel woozy - I was thinking how pretty it was!

It's been bucketing down here in Sydney - thankfully! Apparently it's the edge of the storms from Queensland but you say you've not had any rain this weekend...?

Love to you Tracy - gorgeous collages as always!! Have a terrific week!
Cassie said…
Wow Tracy! I really like the cafe shot. The shadows are so intermeshed with the furnishings and architecture. Very cool.
Victoria said…
We just got hit with 2 feet of snow, so white is making me dizzy these days, and that green cafe looks so inviting to me! (Trade ya!)

Congrats Tracy, on all the attention and love... it is well deserved!
Sarah said…
Indeed it is! I see what you mean about all the green-but it looks lovely and fresh-good for a cafe I think. I like coloured lights wherever they may be so the second shot makes me smile too!
Christine said…
L-O-V-E the patio shot, the mix of greens, white, and shadow is perfect! Great compostion and contrast of lines. Happy SSS!
Wow...I love the colors in this photos! They are gorgeous!
I'm glad you're getting some well deserved attention!

What is with all the green in that cafe shot anyway? Can't figure out if it is light reflections or colored patio flooring....
Janie said…
The beams in the first shot make nice linear shadow patterns.
Really like all of the reflections in the second shot.
Chubskulit Rose said…
Way to go Harriet, congratulations!

MY Shadow Shot Sunday
Square Peg Guy said…
"...all the green was making me dizzy." Maybe that explains why the photo is at such a cool angle!

Thanks so much for featuring my SS from one week ago. One of my readers said it reminded her of her childhood -- it was like a tree at her grandma's house.

My photo for this week will show up in about two hours, but I'll go ahead and do the Linky thing now.

All the best! said…
You are so right Tracy, happiness is a good thing to share as you do so every week with this fun meme!
& congratulations for all your success!
I love the lovely shades of green in your 1st shadow shot & the purple greys & lights in your second. Very fabulous.
: )
wanderlust said…
Lovely greens! Such interesting lines and angles, too. Have a fun weekend!
I guess all that green would make one dizzy! Especially in the heat of summer. I can feel the heat just by looking at the photo!
Like the theater shots too.
Congrats on the publication!!! Wooo Hoo!!!!!
Birgitta said…
Congratulations :)

Great shadow shots here!
BLOGitse said…
WOW, I'm happy for you, congrats!
Toot toot, no problem!

Green dizziness - that is quite a lot of green in that small area. Would make me nuts - green grass is ok but enough is enough...

Have a great Sunday!

{S.T.U.F.F.} said…
{LUV} the green...and of course, the great shadow.

CONGRATS! on the much deserved Award!
Unknown said…
My first time here. There are some great pics in your collage. Really nice way of presenting the photos.

LOL, QPAC is very green. Nice shadows tho!
Dorte said…
Congratulations :-)

Nice shadows shots too ... have a nice week!
Dina said…
I can see how the green would make you dizzy.

Congratulations on your inclusion in Shmap Guide. Mazal tov!
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Your shadow shots are beautiful and the color is gorgeous in the first picture.

Congrats on your award, and on your features photos at Etsy!
maryt/theteach said…
Tracy my shadow shot is up. Your shots are lovely. I know what you mean about all that green! :)
Diane AZ said…
Intriguing green room and fun colored light reflections! Congrats on the well-deserved success of your marvelous photos. :D
Almay Alday said…
Stunning photos! I love the 2 hands making a heart shadow!
I like the angles and the colours. Congratulations on
Tammy said…
I rather like the green!! Great shots!
Anonymous said…
LOL! The green made you sick, huh? I suppose the designers didn't think about the color making anyone sick. ;-)

Congrats on all the good things happening to you. Keep sharing it with us.

Hey Harriet! Shadow Sunday is such a lovely idea. The photos are always interesting. I've been showing spiritual photos on Sunday in what I call Sacred Sunday. However, surely I can find a shadowy, spiritual, thought providing shot! Food for thought!

Darcel said…
Whoa! Look at all that green. Nice shadows :)
Oh...happiness is a very good thing to are caramel tarts;)
I'm so pleased to know that you have been getting some much deserved attention.
I like both your photos...I really like the green one. I could see how it might be a bit disorienting tho.
Stéphanie said…
Fabulous pictures !
Great shots - lovely colors!

I'm running late today. It's been that kind of week.
Jacqui said…
Wow - it is a bit green! Beautiful creative shots rewarded with a fine caramel tart. Many congratulations on all you sucesses too xx
Annie said…
Interesting photos from my home town...I joined in the fun this week.
MonikaRose said…
Hi Ya Tracy, back again, love that first shot, green fab color cool shot. Thanks for hosting, are you on face book :) Enjoy your day :)
tattytiara said…
Wow, so many great photos in this post. Your shot with the tables and chairs is absolutely dazzling.
Unknown said…
Wooo....nice shadows! You are always the smarty pants on these things :) Have a great week T..Chinese New Year is this weekend, so its non stop eating..and visiting. Bye :)
Tracy said…
Hi, Tracy! You've captured the elegance of that cafe so beautifully! :o) And another terrific SSS week. Must say that very first photo in the first grouping is hauntingly lovely--that light from the doorway is magic... Happy Week, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
Nishant said…
Great shots - lovely colors!

Work from home India
picciolo said…
congratulations on the features and award!
: )
picciolo said…
congratulations on the features and award!
: )
Wow - thse are wonderful shots!!