Shadow Shot Sunday #92

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. LongIslandDailyPhoto 2. fotoCHIP 3. BLOGitse 4. SquirrelQueen 5. Dina 6. JonnyHamachi 7. Kim 8. SaraChapman 9. Angie

The Shooters:
1. rsully2sphotography 2. JazzBumpa 3. FaithHope... 4. SummerKitchenGirls 5. Sam 6. Riet 7. Maia 8. HappilyRetiredGal 9. Elizabeth

The Shooters:
1. BarbaraFinwall 2. Anne 3. Cassie 4. Robin 5. Melanie 6. Mumsy 7. John 8. TomHilton 9. littlechrissy

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #92

Some flag shadows outside the Qld Art Gallery promoting the APT 6 exhibition. If you're a local and haven't yet been, get yourself there asap. It's so very very good! Still plenty of time as it doesn't end until 5th April.

A short walk from the flags is this sculpture. Nothing to do with APT 6. It resides in that spot permanently.

Bad joke alert!
The two little kids who found themselves in a modern art gallery by accident:
"Quick," said one, "Run! Before they say we did it!"

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Magical Mystical Teacher
3. Quiltworks, MA, USA
4. Hyde Daily Photo
5. robin-one still frame
6. Molokai Girl
7. ldh
8. Ralph
9. Patti V.
10. bobbie
11. jabbog uk
12. Dina - Jerusalem
13. Guy, Regina, Canada
15. Spiderdama - Norway
16. IvyC.
17. Summer Kitchen Girls
18. angie
19. Catherine,Mexico City
20. Beverley Baird
21. Jen
22. Freda Mans
23. Anne
24. chie
25. Jill, Northern CA, USA
26. Shannara, Sweden
27. Martha Z
28. Birgitta - Sweden
29. HotFudge
30. John
31. Carin
32. Rose
33. Joe Todd,USA
34. Rajesh, India
35. Quasi Serendipita
36. Sam
37. Stine, Canada
38. Tom Hilton
39. Coffeedoff UK
40. ctmott
41. foto CHIP
42. Carly's Photography
43. Sunnymama
44. Riet, Holland
45. Gunsside Norway
46. christina sweden
47. Jacqui, Scotland
48. Gemma@Greyscale,AUS
49. Eden, Australia
50. toby
51. Rinkly Rimes
52. Melanie (Kimono Reincarnate)
53. Faith Hope etc...
54. Terri - teelgee
55. rsully2sphotography
56. Megan
57. Christine (Our Family of Four)
58. Vicki - IN, USA
59. Dimple
60. Margaret Gosden USA
61. Jonny Hamachi
62. Icy BC
63. BLOGitse
64. Ladyhightower's Meme Castle
65. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
66. Square Peg Guy
67. Everything
68. GalleryJuana
69. Joysweb
70. Lee Mills
71. alexa in nyc, usa
72. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
73. wanderlust
74. Cassie
75. Judith, UK
76. Maggie B
77. Anna
78. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
79. sarah@thimbles
80. CJ @ Pro Artz
81. prkl, finland
82. Mumsy
83. MOO ~ Shadow Dancing
84. Just B
85. Aubrey@My Camera's Eye
86. shellbell
87. Small Reflections
88. DeBbieDoOs
89. hapzydeco
90. Dorte
91. lynda Howells
92. JazzBumpa
93. Lindy MacDuff
94. Junie Rose
95. Kitty Stampede
96. Anita @ Far Above Rubies
97. Texas Sky

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


Gerald (SK14) said…
love the flag's shadows and the sculpture whose shadow seem to make it more interesting than it might be without them.
robin. said…
great chunky sculpture shadow.
hope your weekend was great tracy!!!
Fabulous shots as always! A very generous serving of shadow shots-I love them!
Each flag shadow lined up in a row ~ parallelogram in a rectangle. Nice :)
Ralph said…
Lovely flags in their own right, and the shadows are wonderful. Seemingly modern art in their own style, we are compelled to visit the exhibit. Alas, the 11000 miles from here to there means that I may miss. But perhaps be there to see the museum someday...

The permanent sculpture is nice, massive yet delicately perched above the sidewalk. And a lovely shadow!
Deb said…
cute joke...great photos...
Patti said…
Cute joke ;-)

You captured a nice neat row of flag shadows!

That sculpture is cool. Reminds me of a bird.
I like how it seems suspended.
jabblog said…
Nicely regimented banners!
The sculpture invites clambering and sliding;-)
Dina said…
Your post makes me want to fly right down to see the exhibit.
And the joke has a lot of truth. I'll send it to my grandsons. :)

Shalom to you and all.
Sylvia K said…
Fantastic shadow shots! Love the banners and the sculpture! They're so crisp and clear! Thanks as always for the fun and I hope you have a great day -- when you get up that is!

A Wild Thing said…
Love the joke...I'd say, 'my lil' brother did it'...ha!

You always give the best tours with your shadows friend!!! Thanks again!

Looks like a great place to be... especially since it has something we haven't seen much of...sunshine!

BTW... ignore #17 link everyone... clicked on the wrong link the first time!
Happy SSS!
Karla & Karrie
Beverley Baird said…
What crisp, dark shadows! Look at that sky!
Wonderful shots!
Jen said…
Great shots--
concrete back drops for shadows are the best. ;)
lol on your joke,
frayedattheedge said…
Super shadows - and that's my kind of joke!!
Chubby Chieque said…
You really have a very sunny day, huh? Warm, hot & sweaty, as I can feel here.

Know why? coz I can see in your very strong and crispy shots.

§:-) take not T! UR funny too? I like that.

Take care and have a blissful Sunday.

Hugs to mate!
Birgitta said…
Excellent shadow shots!

Have a wonderful Sunday :)
EJ said…
Love the last shot!

Mine is Here
Carin said…
Love those flags shadows, so clear and crisp! and that sculptures shadow makes it look as if the sculpture continues in the ground! Great shots!

Enjoy your Sunday and have a good week!
Chubskulit Rose said…
Thanks for the humor, I love that last photo!

Flowers in the Walkwaysis my contribution to SSS.
Sam said…
Very good banner shots! I've heard about the exhibitions you've been having up there in Brisbane and it sounds like the QLD gallery has been putting on some fine shows. There have been a few times when I've thought "Hmmm, that sounds interesting, maybe I should pop up?"

Thank you for including me! I think that top one is my fave with the cherry blossom and the snowy tree.

How's your weather? The weather here has been cooler and (saints be praised!) non humid!! It's been bliss actually! However, I'm not going to get too excited because I know the heat and humidity doesn't go for good until Feb is well over and it sometimes continues into March.

Hope you're having a lovely relaxing weekend! XOXO's
Tom Hilton said…
Love that first banner shadow shot.
The flags sure gave a beautiful shadow. You know, you really have many wonderful things there to take pictures of. Boy, are we boring here..
Happy SSS.
love the joke.
sunnymama said…
Love your shadow shots and there are some really pretty shadows in the collages too. :)
Gunsside said…
Funny shadow shot
Have a nice weekend ;)
Hot Fudge said…
How lucky were you Tracy to be in the right spot when the sun came out for five minutes last week. I on the other hand had to wade ankle deep through water to reach my car at a friend's house, and then just made it across the overflowing creek on her property before it was cut off from the main road. One of my friends decided to visit the bathroom before she left and she was stranded - 5 minutes later!

I will make a point of visiting the gallery - thanks for the tip-off. Oh, and cute joke.
Jacqui said…
Still so summery there - great shadows as always and funny wee joke at the end. x
Gemma Wiseman said…
It is so long since I have been to an art gallery! Always an enchanting place to feel creative ideas alive! Love the shadows from the flags and sculpture! Unique and interesting shapes! And that "bad joke" is just priceless! Great fun conclusion to your post! Happy weekend!
toby said…
Excellent shadows - I like them a lot! And the joke was a good one too, I'll pass it on to my kids :)
admin said…
Cool sculpture shadow!! & love your joke! hehe!
Terri said…
Ooo wonderful shadow choices this week! I haven't played for awhile, but could not resist the shadows around here today!
readingsully2 said…
Thanks for including my little sea dragon in your gallery. :)Nice crisp and clean shadow shot.
keiren said…
The collages are very pretty this week! I like your art gallery shadows and even your bad joke!
MyMaracas said…
Good joke - I know how those kids feel. Love that first shot, too!
Dimple said…
Nice shots! I like the first one best.
Great shadow shots of the banners. Do hope the exhibit is well attended. My god, what did those kids do!
Gorgeous shadow, and wonderful series of photos, Tracy!
Love the pics! Blessings!
A nice line-up of arty flag shadows. The weather looks so perfect! Wish I could visit the exhibition. Happy Sunday to you! said…
Great shadow shots Miss Tracy! I love the large sculpture in the last photo.
& that art exhibit looks amazing. thanks for the link.
& Thank you for hosting this wonderful meme.
: )
BLOGitse said…
I like that sculpture! and your shadows :)
And the joke. It's good!
Sometimes modern art looks like...made by me! I could easily put cans on top each others, tight them with a rope and call it: treasure of trash. LOL!
Have a great Sunday!

Square Peg Guy said…
I like the banner shadows very much! I'm glad you have the two views so it's clear what made those shadows.
GalleryJuana said…
Ha Ha .... I always get a good laugh from your sense of humor.

My husband remembers a newspaper article about a mishap with a modern art sculpture.

The sculpture was made of donuts and had gotten thrown out by the custodian.
wanderlust said…
Very cool. Looks like a bright beautiful day!
My name is Riet said…
I love those shadows , Great idea and shots
Cassie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cassie said…
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Cassie said…
I guess I'm addicted to shadows now. Love them all!!
Cute joke...I feel the same way about certain modern art.hehe.
Chrisy said…
Gosh the shadows look long on that banner shot...makes me think of the cool weather to (hopefully) come...I've always loved that big sculpture and it behaves so well for photographs!
muchlove said…
Haha, that joke is cute..

oh, and btw, I've submitted my first Shadow Shot Sunday! yay!
Tracy said…
Hi there Tracy! Your flag shadow shots are wonderful, and just love all the abstract shadow play. Funny joke--tee-hee... Wonderful groups of shadows this week. What's really fun in all these photos is seeing the signs of spring mixed with snow and winter scenes. Thanks for another great week here... Hope you're having a good weekend, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
Tania said…
The last one is very cool!
Have a nice sunday:-)
Sarah said…
I love the shots of the flagpoles! Beautiful clean and crisp lines.
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Those are fantastic shadows!
MOO said…
Just love all these Shadow Shots. Happy Sunday!

Shadow Dancing
B : ) said…
something about that sculpture that I love! Oh yeah, cute joke.
Love the linear shadows!! you find some interesting subjects/objects to photograph!
Martha said…
Great gallery and love the joke :-)
Shelley said…
i can't believe i am only finding out about your blog and sss right now! i'm so in - got the button and everything! just did my first sss post - it's in your McLinky :)

your shots are wonderful... have a great sunday!
Anonymous said…
Amiable dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
Unknown said…
Great flag shadows and I love the hunky sculpture too! I've been away in the East for 2 weeks & just got back & was so happy to see everyone's fantastic S-shots in the gorgeous collages. Hoping for some sunshine this new week! Blessings & thanks, Tracy!
Wonderful shadow shots and great 'gallery' from last week as always. Thanks for the chuckle ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections
Debbiedoos said…
This was a really cool idea and I participated for the first time this week!! Looking thru my photo archives I never realized shadows, or should I say paid attention!!~ Thanks for opening my eyes to this:) Off to look at some more!!~
picciolo said…
what a great sculpture! Interesting shadows this week
: )
Dorte said…
I looks so nice and sunny where you are ... great shadow shots as always. Have a great week :)
Catherine said…
Great shadows and collages this week - like that final sculpture shot very much..
Kitty Stampede said… got some totally interesting shadows going on...the flag ones people probably walk by everyday and don't notice..cheers for giving them credit!!!
and that joke totally was a groaner..hee, but made me chuckle inside. ;P
Hi Tracy,

I didn't get to post any shadows this week but had to stop by and see what you had up. I like them, as always! And an unusually beautiful selection in the collages, but maybe I say that every time, also.

I'll do a shadow soon,

Unknown said…
99 links again..and aw...I miss being no. 100 again! Cant believe I missed 2 posts here..but slowly I am crawling back to blog week break seems like one month haha! Anyway, love the art shadows..seems like you are having good weather there,what's the season now? Love the last shadow..though I have no idea what that art is supposed to be haha :)
B : ) said…
thanks for taking the time to visit!

It looks like such a lovely day...the day you shot your shadows. I don't think I could have made myself go inside for art or anything else on a day like that. I would have to see the exhibit on a cold or rainy day. Can you tell I'm getting winter weary here?
Christine said…
Ooooh, So many nice shadow shots here! Love your flying sculpture at the end. And the joke? Kinda bad, but kinda cute too. I'm back home and have some shadow shots to share. "See" you Sunday.
Serendipity said…
I particularly like the first one. Apologies for commenting so late - this week has been a bit of a marathon!
winna said…
I am new to this group---I have tried everywhich way I know to register on Mr Linky Gadgets, if that's whre I am suppoed to go?? at any rate. information I put down is not accepted and I given up--as I tried it so very many times---can you help??