Shadow Shot Sunday #164

Gabba Gabba Hey! Shadow Shot Sunday!

Hi and welcome to SSS. If you’d like to join in, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click HERE for further info before submitting links. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the shadows!

Shadow Gallery
A selection of some of the submissions from last Sunday

The Shooters:
1. Sallie 2. MagicalMysticalTeacher 3. Christine 4. Limar 5. MartinLower 6. Sivinden 7. LakewoodDP 8. JoWilliamsPhotography 9. AnnaMariaStone

The Shooters:
1. VioletSky 2. Maboe 3. Franius 4. Leovi 5. Jill 6. CraftyGardener 7. Molly 8. Shydub 9. FredaMans

The Shooters:
1. UrbanMuser 2. OohBabyAllThingsCuteable 3. Maria'sSpace 4. Cassie 5. TatjanaParkacheva 6. Arija 7. NikkiDee 8. GemmaWiseman 9. Melanie-Big&Little

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #164

Damn it. Forgot to buy eggs. I make shopping lists and yet still forget stuff.

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Lisa's RetroStyle
2. Sweet Repose
3. Catherine
4. Magical Mystical Teacher
5. Magical Mystical Teacher #2
6. Santa Fe Sidewalk
7. Sylvia K
8. robin-one still frame
9. Rajesh, India
10. BLOGitse
11. Arija, Australia
12. Ralph
13. Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio
14. whizkid, india
15. Hyde Daily Photo
16. A Tale of Mount Kinabalu - Cloud Shadows
17. Vicki - Maraca
18. Patti V.
19. Anne
20. Dina - Jerusalem
21. CanadianGardenJoy
22. Ms. Becky
23. CrazyasaCoolFox (Salem MA)
24. Freda Mans
25. Karen, Pixel Posts
26. Tatjana Parkacheva
27. Bev, Canada
28. diane stanley
29. Rambling Woods
30. Dawn Treader Sweden
31. The Gardening Life
32. anka @ happy hang around
33. Dimple
34. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
35. EG Wow, Canada
36. Gallery Juana
37. Maboe
38. Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life
39. Kay, Alberta, Canada
40. Sweet Nothings
41. She's shootin' again!
42. anemonen, Sweden
43. Molly
44. Donna Catterick
45. Gemma Wiseman
46. Millemilla, Norway
47. CHIE
48. Margaret Gosden, USA
49. Cassie~farrr North Idaho
50. Christine, Trinidad CA
51. Maria's Space
52. John
53. Rose
54. Nostalgic Marveling
55. John McElveen
56. Linda Makiej Photography
57. Angie, West Australia
58. dianne
59. Jill
60. Chuck
61. Chubskulit
62. Melanie (Kimono Reincarnate)
63. J Bar, Sydney, Australia
64. Tes
65. Judy
66. Jo Williams Photography
68. Photoblogista
69. From the Bear's Lair
70. Vhen
71. Martin Lower
72. Lighthousegal
73. Carina/sinneskatten
74. Annabella at Life`s Rich Pattern
75. iTravel
76. HOOTIN ANNI [old glory]
77. roseredrose
78. Me Ann My Camera
79. Kelly's Thoughts & Ramblings
80. Deserts and Beyond
81. Limar
82. Megan
83. Eden,Australia
84. Lynn
85. Colleen @Loose Leaf Notes
86. Camel Ride, Dubai
87. alexa in nyc, usa
88. Magical Mystical Teacher #3
89. joan
90. Mickie Brown
91. Kathe W.
92. elizabeth schmid
93. Arlene
94. Lynette Killam
95. Jane at Levant
96. Lynne
97. Ooh Baby All things Cuteable - Scotland
98. billsoPHOTO
99. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 2nd entry

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed and is having a sleep. Thank you!


I'm honoured to be part of the gallery this week. Thank you! (And so sorry that you forgot the eggs!)
Sylvia K said…
Hope your weekend is going well! Sorry you forgot the eggs, but glad I'm not the only one that does that! Terrific shadow shot as always, Tracy! And thanks, as always, for the weekend fun!

Sarah said…
I l ike your shadow-it looks like it has little people round the top of whatever it is. I am like that with my work diary. It is not writing stuff in it that is the problem, but remembering to look in it each week!
Sarah said…
Oh-sorry-it didn't seem to work so in typically impatient fashion I just kept clicking it! Then it came up as an error.
BLOGitse said…
Your shot is dramatic... I like it!
Greetings from sunny and hot Helsinki, almost +30!
A hint: buy eggs every time you go shopping, then you don't forget. We eat eggs so much that we never have too many of them...
Moi! (bye/hello in Finnish)
Ralph said…
Ah, but eggs are available anytime - marvelous shadows not so long. There is always time to get what we need, artistic endeavours need to be captured now!
whizkid said…
not to worry about the eggs. its another shopping trip, another great shadow shot!

Loved this one.
Oh, how funny! I was just thinking of the exact same thing before I sat down to comment!! Wondering if others suffered from the same malady!
What an exquisite shadow shot-I can't figure out what the object is that is casting such an intriguing image.
VaishVijay said…
challenging shadow, let me see...umm is it taken near a drain? or in a washroom?!
Patti said…
Ha! you remind me of myself, always forgetting something. That's why I'm grocery shopping almost every day!

Interesting shadow - part of a shopping cart?

I loved the collages this week. I've not participated for a few weeks and it's nice to see what I missed.

I hope all is well, Tracy. Thanks for hosting.
Anonymous said…
An excellent shadow shot, even if I don't know what it is!
Ms. Becky said…
the galleries you put together each week are always fantastic, but this week? uber-fantastic. sorry about the eggs, but at least you didn't purchase them and then drop! (I did that 3 days ago). great shadows as always Tracy. thanks for hosting SSS each week, and I hope you have a really fun one.
DougVernX said…
Very interesting shadows from the tree protector. Love how the photos is framed and tinted. My shadow shot has a "nautical" flair to it.
fredamans said…
Thank you for adding my shadows to the showcase!!! Happy SSS!
MyMaracas said…
Love the mysterious quality of your photo. And I know what you mean about forgetting the eggs. My next grocery list always begins as soon as I get home from the store.
Anca Pandrea said…
Shopping lists are like women, you can't live with them, can't live without them. Or at least so they say :)
Great shadow shot!
Don't you hate it when you overlook items on a grocery list?

Your shadow shot is interesting with the shadow cast over the tiles of different hues. Very nice.
Dimple said…
No worries about eggs, the store will have some the next time you walk in! I think you have found the shadow shopping cart to put them in, too!
Whatever it is, it's cool. Ship rigging? Love the emerald color, like already under water.
I'm honored to be part of your selection for this week.
And your photography is excellent.
Excellent composition, sharpness, tones...

anemonen said…
Good choice!
Molly said…
Happy SSS Tracy - never mind the eggs, the shadow shot is fantastic!
Kay L. Davies said…
Love your shadow shot photo. Can't imagine what it is, but the shadows are wonderful.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Gemma Wiseman said…
Beautiful, finally detailed shadows in your photo! And again I thank you for including my photo in your delightful collage!

It's freezing and blustery and grey in Melbourne! I believe that southern Queensland is getting much the same!

Stay warm and safe!
Gemma Wiseman said…
Beautiful, finally detailed shadows in your photo! And again I thank you for including my photo in your delightful collage!

It's freezing and blustery and grey in Melbourne! I believe that southern Queensland is getting much the same!

Stay warm and safe!
Chubby Chieque said…
Yahoooo... Blogger's is absolutely, SUCKS this midnight!

But am enjoying browsing your fantastic blog.

Happy TS & enjoy the rest of your w/end.

Cassie said…
Bwahahaha. Get a chicken Tracy, then you won't need to buy eggs! I'm always forgetting stuff too. SOmetimes even the shopping list!! This is a cool ShadowShot. Still trying to figure out what it is though. Happy SSS!
Christine said…
Hey, Cassie beat me to it: get chickens and you'll always have eggs. Of course then it would be something else forgotten...
I love your shadow shot this week, Tracy. Don't know what it is, and I hope you will enlighten us, but it's very beautiful. Have a great week!
Hey Harriet said…
Ok, for those who couldn't figure out what it was that cast that shadow, it's a shopping trolley. Gosh my comment about forgetting to buy eggs must have come across as rather weird and random...haha!
Maria's Space said…
Thanks for including me in the gallery!
robin. said…
great shadow tracy. you always have great ones. here's to another week ahead.
Full-On-Forward said…



Ohh- sorry about the caps lock!
A Wild Thing said…
You always have the funkiest shadows, I think that camera just takes the best shots!

I'm looking forward to the day when I won't have to buy store-bought eggs anymore...soon, maybe another month and the hens will be mature enough and by then the roosters will show more interest in them, rather than me...ha!

Good week to ya!!!
Linda said…
Beautiful work here - happy to have found your blog!
Dianne said…
I forget stuff all the time :)

lovely shopping shadows
Angie said…
Now you've told me what the shadow is I can see it. Fantastic! I also forgot eggs.
jelaine said…
Thanks for including me!Yay. :D
I really adore your shot today-- I love the green. I thought it was a metal chair. then I read your comment that it's a shopping trolley-- well of course it is! Chairs don't normally go with those wheels.
You're so funny! I don't think it would have ever occured to me that was a shopping cart. I had no yes the eggs comment seemed quite random and made me laugh :) Thanks for the giggle!
Unknown said…
You too? I do that all the time.

Great photo!
Martin Lower said…
Thank you for putting my photo from last week in your gallery. Enjoyed this week's photo, although not entirely sure what it is!
Annabella said…
I`m not sure too but it is very beautiful! Is it the display stand for eggs? We always have eggs in as my son loves them so much. Happy to be joining in as usual. Happy SSS and thanks as ever for hosting!
Arija said…
I adore your shadow shot, it looks so, so . . . upside down.
iTravel said…
lol I am forgetful too...i was at the grocery store yesterday but i forgot to buy my hair conditioner.

Anyway, nice shadow shot. happy SS.
Kelly said…
If it weren't for your shopping comment I might never have figured out that shadow!! Great shot!

Please note I've moved my blog over to WordPress. :)
Anonymous said…
Oops...Still haven't figured out how to change my comments to show up from WP instead of Blogger!
Limarea said…
Love your shadow shot! Thanks for including me in the gallery! :)
Eden said…
Great shadow shot.

I do that too.. and tomorrow I will have to drop by at the shop to get it.
Lynn said…
The eggs will be there tomorrow, the great shadow shot won't be. It is a great shot too, I must admit that I couldn't work out it was for a while and I have seen many, many shopping trolleys. Thanks for providing the fun of shadow shot hunting, I really enjoy it.
colleen said…
I had to look long. It reminds me of something out of the movie Super 8!
Alexa said…
Great shot of the shopping cart. And don't feel bad—I'd forget my own shadow if it weren't attached to me! :~}
Anonymous said…
Same here!
Great shadow.
Kathe W. said…
great shadow shot! as to forgetting eggs even with a list? I've been there!
Elizabeth said…
Don't you love the fun we can have with Hipstermatic!
I loved this picture.
Sorry I have not participated for a bit
but often stop by see the pics and splendid collages

forgetmenot said…
Just like writing dates down on your calendar and forgetting to look at the calendar. I don't know exactly what your shadow is, but it makes a terrific photo!! Have a good week. Mickie :)
Lynette Killam said…
Great shot, Tracy! Those long afternoon shadows make the simplest things look beautiful...:)
jane said…
Of couse I knew it was a shopping trolley all the time! - great shot - I always regularly forget the most important item on a shopping list take care- Jane x
jane said…
Of couse I knew it was a shopping trolley all the time! - great shot - I always regularly forget the most important item on a shopping list take care- Jane x
GalleryJuana said…
Ha Ha ... I'm the same with shopping lists.
Fun shot of your bicycle.
Oh ... it's a shopping cart.
I guess I have cycling on my mind:)
have a good week.
billsoPHOTO said…
Great pics in this week's post! It's only Sunday afternoon here in Honolulu. Aloha!
Beverley Baird said…
What an eerie shadow was created! Great shot for the week!
Sam said…
Yours is lovely! It's a shopping trolley, right? But it looks so French and chic! :0) How did you do that? Absolutely love all the animals is this week's selection - the raccoon, pussy cats, duck and the begging dog are adorables!

Hope you are over your 'flu. I have a heavy "code". (That's "cold" spoken through a very blocked nose.) P.S. Thank you for the re-tweet on the mirrors!!!! Much appreciated sweetie! XOXO
Anonymous said…
lovely shadow shots as usual! hope you got some eggs later on. ;-)