Shadow Shot Sunday #105

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Dina 2. MolokaiGirl 3. TomHilton 4. SuziSmith 5. Generik 6. Sallie 7. Carin 8. Spunkee 9. Alexa

The Shooters:
1. Ralph 2. JudySheldon-Walker 3. Bobbie 4. MaggieB 5. NanaAngPoppaphil 6. SweetRepose 7. ReachBeyondLimits 8. Gemma 9. PattiV

The Shooters:
1. Sylvia 2. Missie 3. Woody 4. Anka 5. MelissaB 6. Hannah 7. Emma 8. LittleTedCanvas 9. Dianne

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #105

Sculptural shadows found in the gardens of a local art gallery. I've posted a variety of these garden sculptures on my other blog this past week if interested is seeing more. They sure are more impressive than my dinky pinch pot endeavours from way back in high school. I couldn't even master the basics of working with clay so I have the utmost respect for anyone who can create things of beauty from big blocks of goop.

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Catherine
3. Magical Mystical Teacher
4. High Desert Diva
5. happilyretired
6. Quiltworks - Ma - USA
7. Cassie
8. Molokai Girl
9. Tom Hilton
10. London Canyon
11. robin-one still frame
12. cat - Sweden
13. Gerald (Ackworth born)
15. Bobbie
16. Vicki - IN, USA
17. Generik
18. Lisa's RetroStyle
19. Anne
20. Ralph
21. Khim
22. Bev Baird
23. Patti V.
24. Birgitta - Sweden
25. Photos By Cai - Swe/Aus
26. Carin
27. HotFudge
28. Canadian GardenJoy
29. Crafty Gardener, Canada
30. Rinkly Rimes Australia
31. Gemma@Greyscale, AUS
32. Eng
33. judi
34. Kylie-ChasingPurpleDreams
35. CHIE
36. Eden, Australia
37. Coffeedoff UK
38. spunkee
39. foto CHIP - Birgitta
40. Sam
41. Annie
42. Manang Kim~USA
43. martha z
44. Dan Kent
45. DeAnna
46. much love - Anna
47. Tracey @ Knicky Knacks
48. hapzydeco
49. Judy Sheldon-Walker
50. AngelaNZ
51. Dimple
52. Joysweb
53. alexa in nyc, usa
54. Angie, West Australia
55. Rav4 adventures, CA
56. Deserts and Beyond, CA
57. Maritz ) my first entry)
58. BLOGitse
59. SamNZ
60. Margaret Gosden USA
61. Spadoman
62. MeAndMyCamera, Canada
63. wanderlust
64. anka@HappyHangAround
65. Tinas Photoblog, Sweden
66. Reach Beyond Limits
67. tinkerbell's treehouse
68. jabblog uk
69. Jonny Hamachi
70. mandy @ BOB & MABEL
71. eye of the beholder
72. eye of the beholder
73. Just B
74. Sherrie
75. Matagorda Launch Ramp
76. Melissa B.
77. Beth, Heart of the Sea
78. Elizabeth
79. Barbara Finwall
80. Clytie-Random Nature, USA
81. ilovepink
82. Maria Berg, Sweden
83. Heart of a Wizardess
84. Hannah - zukan
85. Shannara
86. lynda Howells
87. Lee Mills
88. Ellsea, Surrey UK
89. mississipiartist
90. Gunsside, Norway
91. Square Peg Guy
92. Carly's Photography
93. My Camera's Eye

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thank you!


I'm with ya on working with clay. Never could get the hang of it!
Anonymous said…
My sister worked with clay beautifully, but it's just not in my DNA. I always enjoy the shadow gallery ... especially when I've been too busy to visit everyone. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful shots (with links) and for hosting each week.
Hugs and blessings,
Tom Hilton said…
It isn't just clay for me--the physical universe and I just don't really see eye to eye. So yeah, I have a whole lot of respect for sculptors, or for anyone who can make things with their hands.

Cool shadows.
robin. said…
she is beautiful...very cool!! love to feel the clay in my hands...not sure i'd be that creative tho.

happy sss tracey...have a great week.
bobbie said…
Lovely shadows today. I do envy those who can work in this medium.
Cassie said…
This is a swell Shadow Shot! My ceramic talents are limited too, but my son and his wife have both made wonderful clay scultures. Too bad that neither decided to make it their vocation. Now I'm going to visit your other blog. Happy SSS Tracey!!
MyMaracas said…
Neat shot! I like the way she's painted in shadows. I used to do wheel-thrown pottery, though not very well.
Generik said…
Very nice, and I'm also mystified at how sculptors are able to create the works they do. With photography, you can at least see the scene you're trying to capture (whether you do it well or not is another matter); to be able to take a mass of clay or a block of marble and shape it into the thing you're imagining takes lots more talent than I'll ever have.
Sylvia K said…
I love your shadows today -- as always! I'm totally fascinated by anyone who can turn a big lump into something so very beautiful! I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler! Your shot today is so lovely and how fun to find one like this! Enjoy your day, Tracy! Thanks as always for the fun!

Anonymous said…
If only you could send this in the post to me - it would look lovely in my garden!! Thanks as ever for all your work enabling us SSS addicts to feed our habit!!
Ralph said…
Lovely sculpture. It is like life for this figure, the shadows showing normal adversity which is offset by the strong sun, the light of life. A wonderful picture, and post as always!
MJ said…
stunning sculpture...
Patti said…
I also have the utmost respect for those talented folks who can make something beautiful out of goop.


Thanks for hosting, as always, Tracy. Happy Sunday!
Birgitta said…
Lovely sculpture! Cool shadow shot!
Carin said…
Great sculptural shadows! Really like such sculptures and it must b fantastic to roam around the garden of that local art gallery!

Enjoy your Sunday and have a good week!
I love these sculptures half hidden in a garden .. they are delights to suddenly see mixed in with plants !
I used to play with modeling clay but I know I could never do anything as gorgeous as that !
So .. I garden .. I call it "living art" working with plants ? LOL
Great shot girl !
Joy : )
Hot Fudge said…
How I'd love to have this clay lady hiding among the shrubs in my garden. She looks as though she wants to come home with me.
maryt/theteach said…
Tracy, I love this! You know I have a Yard Art on Thursday meme, don't you? Your garden art would have been perfect!! :)My SSS is up.
That's a really cool face...I like her. Lots of nice shadows there too!
Pretty collages this week:)
Beverley Baird said…
Great shadow for today Tracy!
Thanks for the mosaics - I love looking at them, as I can't usually get to all the great blogs.
Rinkly Rimes said…
You cast a shadow over my Sundays! That's great!
Gemma Wiseman said…
I am useless at working with clay. I've only had a few goes at it many years many years ago but still remember how awful I was! Your shot captures a gorgeous piece of artwork with intriguing textures!

And thanks so much for including my crazy house photo from last week in a mosaic!
Chubby Chieque said…
Another beautiful week-end with your beautiful collage, as always.

Your shot is gorgeous. How I wish I could even mix the clay? ha ha...

Enjoy your Sunday Ms. Downunder.

B i r g i t t a said…
This is a lovely lady in the garden - I bet she had green fingers :)
Happy SSS!
Renee said…
Nice sculpture! Nice shadows! Nice photo!
Annie Jeffries said…
What a pleasure to be here for the first of what I hope will be many Shadow Shot Sunday contributions. The collages are very dramatic. The sculptural head and surrounding shadows startling. I expect to walk into a magical tropical forest.
A Wild Thing said…
A very difficult medium to work with, you definitely have to have the eye...I'll stick to watercolors and just continue to envy the shot though...have a great week ahead Tracie!
Unknown said…
Lovely shadow shot. She is beautiful.
I am also in awe of people who can turn clay into something so amazing.

Thank you for featuring my shot in the collage,I was so excited to see it.

Have a great week.
muchlove said…
I've added mine! :D

That sculpture looks very impressive indeed. I love playing with clay (well, does plasticine count?), and I wish I could make something as amazing as that.
Unknown said…
I love playing with clay and in fact promised one of the grands we would make some next time she came over and get creative together. Great job on your pic and the whole SSS thing!
Alexa said…
This sculpture is so cool. I tried working with clay, but I kept wanting to wash my hands!
Angie said…
Everyone should have some sculpture of some kind lurking in the garden. Thanks so much for SSS.
BLOGitse said…
Tsau Tracy!
I love clay. Done pottery. We have espresso cups, small plates and 'vases'...It was really fun, loved it!
Thanks for meme hosting,
have a great week ahead!

cat said…
What an interesting sculpture. Her face look almost lifelike and there are lots of great shadows surrounding her.
Anonymous said…
I totally agree, I have a lot of respect for those that have the patience to create with their hands, the one and only time I tried to make anything with Clay it was a disaster!
I love it your sculpture! My daughter once made a huge ancient looking urn at the School of Visual Arts. It was no dinky effort and I put it in the
middle of the garden- and it lasted for years, much
to her embarrassment!
Spadoman said…
Funny how the shadow parts the hair and makes the nose shine. How does the sun do that?

Anonymous said…
Interesting shadow shot, is it made of wood? Have a nice Sunday! :)
I like the lines of shadow in your photo, Tracy..
Tina said…
What a great sculpture! Your collages are awesome as usual!! Happy Sunday to you!

P.S. I had trouble finding the shooter of photo 3 in collage 1. (top right). Seems to link to same shooter as photo 3???
jabblog said…
Beautiful shadows. Some people are so talented *sigh*
Working with clay is something I'd love to do successfully. The trouble is, all my efforts turn out wonky. I thought the wheel would be good - and it is! - just not for me ;-)
B : ) said…
that's a lovely shot - so serene
Melissa B. said…
I've got my daughter's first "pot" (if you could call it that) on my desk at holds paper clips. She apparently got the wheel going, got distracted, and her hand slipped, sending clay all over the room! Her pot is about 3 inches high. I like your snap today...looks like the palm frond is going to sever her head!
Beth Niquette said…
What a fabulously lovely shadow shot. Very mysterious and romantic.
Elizabeth said…
A splendid picture.! The collages go from strength to strength!

Back in Ny after a trip to England.
greetings and love!
Beautiful shadow shot! Garden sculpture is always fun. Yes, I'm really not much good at handling "big blocks of goop," either, but I really love playing with it.
Anonymous said…
I have the utmost respect for ANYONE who can create art from ANYTHING!!!

Very nice shadows here, too.
Victoria said…
Yup. I respect a person who works well with clay, too. I'm good at making clay blobs... not much of a market for that, is there?

As for this particular sculpture... I love the facial expression. It looks like a mixture of serenity and mischievousness. Great combination!
ilovepink1078 said…
I love kind of art work. The details are perfecty done.
Victoria said…
What a beautiful soul!! Gorgeous sunlit face!!..oh yay..there is more..I will be sure to check it out!!
Have a shadowy day!
Sam said…
What a cool bust that is! Yes, I totally agree - utmost respect for anyone who can make sculptures - 3-D is beyond me!

So sorry to hear you've had the 'flu!!!! It's a bit alarming to hear actually - so early in the season - makes me want to rush over to the doctor and get my shots as of yesterday! I hope you're on the mend!

Yes, I too was illin' - terrific migrain type headache (I'm not a headache kind of gal really) and awful stomach problems (I won't go into further detail!). It was a bug going around school it turns out. But I'm OK now touch wood whistle!

Have a lovely week - love your collages here as always! XOXO's
lynda Howells said…
x as usual love your imagexxlynda
Beautiful shot as always.Hope you have a lovely day, mine will soon end here in the U.S.
Anonymous said…
Love the serenity of that face ... and stunning shadows :)

(and a belated thanks for including my shadow shot in the collage a couple of weeks back ... I was made up to be included :) )
Gunsside said…
Very nice, gorgeous face
Have a nice week ;)
Square Peg Guy said…
Today's selections are terrific!

I hope that garden sculpture has some sunscreen on her nose! :)
Catherine said…
art shots are definitely my favourite ... love this one
interesting, and I love all the different shadows!
Unknown said…
Hi ya T, was just enjoying looking through all your SSS collage, love the ones with black & white in it. Nice shadow sculpture too..and say hi to that cute pink Galah (the other blog..) will ya, I thought they were parrots..well, you know me, cant differentiate one bird to the other..haha! Happy week, busy as usual..nothing new yet :)
picciolo said…
I love the feel of clay but that about as far as it goes! These sculptures look very at home in the garden
: )
ilovepink1078 said…
Im looking forward for the next entry. Thanks for dropping by.
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