Shadow Shot Sunday #103

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. PaganSphinx 2. Jen 3. DesertColors 4. Megan 5. Fini 6. QuasiSerendipita 7. BarbaraFinwall 8. ctmott 9. MonikaRoseCrochets

The Shooters:
1. HighDesertDiva 2. MargaretGosden 3. BLOGitse 4. SelfSagacity 5. Sarah 6. SquarePeg 7. Angie 8. Cassie 9. maryt-theteach

The Shooters:
1. Koe 2. Jacqui 3. Sam 4. Jabblog 5. LongIslandDailyPhoto 6. HappilyRetired 7. JustB 8. JonnyHamachi 9. Elizabeth

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #103

Some interesting scenes in the city on Friday afternoon that I spotted while running through King George Square to catch my bus. I love the cherry blossom tree shadows on the cloaks in the first photo! I also love the fact that I had time to quickly snap these pics and still catch my intended bus. Just had to run extra fast!

"Not if anything to say about it I have" ~ Yoda

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Anne
3. Catherine, Mexico City
4. Magical Mystical Teacher
5. Rajesh, India
6. Quiltworks - Ma - USA
7. robin-one still frame
8. Jill, Northern CA, USA
9. Jen
10. Jane (Scrappy-Gram)
11. Ralph
12. Shannara
13. Patti V.
14. Molokai Girl
15. Carly's Photography
16. Margaret Gosden USA
18. Eden, Australia
19. Beverley Baird
20. ldh
21. Generik
22. CHIE
23. Cassie
24. Manang Kim, USA
26. BLOGitse
27. koe USA
28. Birgitta - Sweden
29. RamblingWoods
30. lazyclick
31. jabblog uk
32. Gerald (Ackworth born)
33. Canadian GardenJoy
34. Ladyhightower'sMemeCastle
35. EG Wow, Canada
36. Gemme@Greyscale, AUS
37. hrg at Sacred Ruminations
38. Heart of a Wizardess
39. Just B
40. Tinas Photoblog, Sweden
41. Rinkly Rimes Australia
42. Rose
43. toby
44. Pagan Sphinx- MA, USA
45. foto CHIP - Birgitta
46. SamNZ
47. Spadoman
48. Faith Hope...
49. Sam
50. Tracey @ Knicky Knacks
51. spunkee
52. Joanna in Victoria
53. Jonny Hamachi
54. John
55. Lee Mills
56. Freda Mans
57. The Summer Kitchen Girls
58. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
59. alexa in nyc, usa
60. angelaNZ
61. ilovepink
62. wanderlust
63. Gena @ thinking aloud
64. cat - Sweden
65. Lindz Photo Blog
66. Lake Norman, NC USA
67. anka@HappyHangAround
68. Maria, Sweden
69. Angie, West Australia
70. Beth, HiddenTreasure, USA
71. JazzBumpa
72. Missie @ Thirsty
73. sheri, the bluegrass
74. Quasi Serendipita
75. Barbara Finwall
76. Clytie-RandomTrash, USA
77. Clytie-RandomHearts, USA
78. maryt/theteach
79. mississipiartist
80. Cari @ This Little Family
81. Ginger:WilmingtonDailyPhoto
82. MonikaRose Crochets
83. Vicki - IN, USA
84. Square Peg Guy
85. tinkerbell's treehouse

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thank you!


bobbie said…
Super shots! Glad you made the bus.

I have nothing today. Back next week.
Unknown said…
Great captures! Those tree shadows make the scenes eerie and more real. Glad you shot quickly and didn't miss your ride. :)
robin. said…
great yoda quote. looks like the guy in the last photo isn't so sure about you taking his's not about you's the shadow. all in the name of the shadow.

happy mother's day ya'll.
Jen said…
Oh Star Wars!
Guess the force was with you, since you got on the bus in time. ha.
Great shots.
Patti said…
Great shadow captures, Tracy, as you were running for the bus.

I don't think I can run too fast any more. Glad I can walk out to my car, though. Ha!

I love Jen's quip. The force was indeed with you, Tracy.

Happy weekend!
Yes! I love the cherry blossom shadows on the cloak in the first one too! How cool is that to have Darth Vader shadows??
Ralph said…
Yea, the force of the shadows is with them!
The shadows on the black gowns are marvelous - you never know what you might run into these days!
Chubby Chieque said…
Absolutely, stunning to catch this moment while chasing your bus.

Happy SS... & Hapy Mother's Day (f ever u r).
Beverley Baird said…
Sometimes those are the best shots! Fun shot!
Generik said…
How fun! Reminds me of the scene in front of Graumann's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd.
cassie said…
Oh my. Looks like a Star Wars convention taking place!! Good Shadow Shots and lOvE the Yoda quote...he's just so wise.hehe
Such wonderful shadow designs on the cloak. They should be embroidered. But I guess Darth wouldn't like that!

Such nice shots to be done on-the-run.
BLOGitse said…
oh, no! I thought you live in Australia! :)
Have a relaxing weekend Tracy!

Happy SSS from Casa, Morocco!

Anonymous said…
Great shots Tracy - thankfully the guys with the light sabers are not usually allowed on the bus. And thank you for including the dandelion in this week's gallery!
Birgitta said…
Cool shadow shots! Like them :)
jabblog said…
What fun! Did you have your light sabre with you too? (or light saver as one of my grandchildren used to call it!)
EG CameraGirl said…
Fun captures and quick thinking!
Gemma Wiseman said…
A little street theatre is always a wonderful diversion! Love how the shadows in the first photo almost seem to play with the darkness of the cloak! In the second photo, the actors look as if they are standing in a bouquet of shadows! Wonderful shots!
Sylvia K said…
Terrific captures, Tracy! How great to be able to catch those!! You are good, girl!! And didn't even miss your bus! Thanks again for the weekly fun. Hope you join us on Sky Watch or My World -- they're both fun and you'd be a great addition!
Have a great weekend!

Wonderful Yoda quote with your two shadow shots this week ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Victoria said… it! Very cool theme for festive shadows !! Happy SSS!
Anonymous said…
Star Wars are great and your shadow shots too! :)
Unknown said…
Really fun shadow shots, Tracy! Thanks for featuring my shot from last week. That was a neat surprise!

Have a great remainder of your weekend and see you next time!
toby said…
What fun for you! I never see anything quite that exciting :)
Happy Sunday!
Chubskulit Rose said…
Great shadows.

Happy Mother's day!
Sam said…
Ah! How cool! You chanced upon a Star Wars meet up! Happy you were to see that as Yoda would say! Cool shots they make.

Love thet top collection - all browny loveliness - the prarie dog(?) is a cutie. Thank you for including my decorative bricks!

You had Monday off? How did that happen - we had the Monday off the week before that - Anzac Day. I think that's it for holidays for a while now unfortunately...booo! Although, I've put in for a weeks leave in three weeks time - I can't wait!!

Hope you're well sweetie - and the weather is nicely cool up there! XOXO's
Renee said…
Yep I like that first photo too. Worth possibly missing your bus for that photo!
Joanna said…
Very dramatic shadows on the cloaks. But what was going on? A film shoot?
What a shadow character he looks!!!!!! I’m sick today so not joining in, I just wanted to pop by and wish everyone a happy Shadow Shot Sunday. See you all next week.
Jonny Hamachi said…
May The Force Be With You.

fredamans said…
Love the shadows!!

May the 4th be with you!
Guess there is double meaning here to the phrase "the Dark Side!!" My son was thrilled when he saw this...a big fan of Star wars :)

Happy SSS! said…
Those shadows on Darth Vader's cloak are really neat Tracy.
& I am glad you didn't miss your bus too!
Love your collages as always - a great way to see more shadows that I didn't get to visit last week.
Have a great week this week.
: ) said…
Tracy, I am sorry for the double linkage! The first one didn't work. Sorry for the trouble!
ilovepink1078 said…
Amazing shots! So wonderful to look at!
wanderlust said…
Oh, very cool! I always love costumes!
wanderlust said…
Oh, very cool! I always love costumes!
wanderlust said…
Oh, very cool! I always love costumes!
Gena D said…
Well caught... I'm smiling ... what where they doing in the middle of town dressed like that?!
have a great day!
Thinking Aloud
Lindz said…
well I like the shadow on the man wearing black cap, it's all over him.
Patti said…
Hi Tracy,
You didn't arrive late, I was just anxious to give the answer. ;-)

I could have waited until this morning (our time)
Unknown said…
Hey you! I was a HUGE fan of Star Wars then...esp Han Solo and Yoda. Happy weekend T..hugs/m
A Wild Thing said…
Oh yeah, I'm a sci-fi nut, so it's fun to see people reviving the ol' memories...hope you caught your ride...have a wonderful week Tracie!!!
admin said…
HAHA!!! cool! Interesting gathering! :)
Beth Niquette said…
What a pleasure to be a part of Shadow Shot Sunday!

I enjoy this event so much! Not to mention all the wonderful photography!
Victoria said…

Apparently the Force was with you... so happy you didn't miss your bus, (or these shots!)
Missie said…
Awesome shot! Love it!
keiren said…
I wouldn't have minded had I missed the bus for that kind of photo opportunity!
Sheri said…
this was very cool! i couldn't help but wonder if they ever realized that it wasn't exactly them that you were after when you pulled your camera out, teehee.
Serendipity said…
The cherry blossom shadows are lovely :)
Anonymous said…
Now this I would have loved to see!!!

I goofed on my first link - the second one is the correct one!!!


Happy Mothers Day!
Anonymous said…
They are awesome shots, what a great sight to stuble upon, how lucky.
MonikaRose said…
HiYa :) Tracey :) Thank you for including my custard whisk shadow ur star wars and Happy Mothers day for Sunday ;)cya
MyMaracas said…
What a great find! Those costumes look professional. Wonder what they were up to?
Square Peg Guy said…
Shadows on shadowy figures captured you have!

Great shots!
muchlove said…
Coooool! Darth Vader is in Brisbane! So he catches the bus like the rest of us, huh? tee hee ;)
Tina said…
Your shot makes Darth seem even more sinister!! Great shot!
picciolo said…
At least the storm troopers didn't come after you! (And yes it was @tie me kangaroo down sport' Rolf Harri that we went to see, it was great fun!)
: )
Why did I think Star Wars geeks were only a US phenomenon? Unexpected and fun SS:)