You Make My Day!
Woohoo! The wonderful Karen from A' Musements awarded me with the "You Make My Day" blog award. My little blog is oh-so-happy about this & excitedly started doing cartwheels but I had to be a party-pooper & put a stop to this because all of it's life preserving cords were getting twisted & tangled. If you've not yet checked out Karen's blog, please immediately do so now. Now! Karen is an awesome artist from Oregon who creates lovely things & her blog is beautiful. Oh & she's also a very funny & super fabulous chick! Ok, now my duty as an award recipient is to bestow this award to 5 blogs that make my day. I have so many favourite blogs it's very difficult to narrow it down to only 5. Ugh! Here in Australia blogging doesn't appear to be as popular as it is elsewhere in the world. Yet! So I thought I'd take this opportunity to pass this award onto 5 Aussie blogs that make my day.

So, this award goes to the following blogs. 5 blogs that I hope you'll love as much as I do. Enjoy!
Esta Sketch
Magic Jelly
Meet Me At Mikes
Mix Tape Zine
Sound & Fury
Now it's your turn to pass on the award...
"You Make My Day" works like this:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Display the "You Make My Day Award" logo with a link to the post that I wrote. A' Musements
4. (Optional) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news.
The "You Make My Day Award" may also work like this if it's a preferable option (& please note that this isn't a regular rule option that comes with the award, but a Hey Harriet add-on option).
1. Award winners may simply choose to bask in the glow of my love for your blogs & leave it at that. ☺

So, this award goes to the following blogs. 5 blogs that I hope you'll love as much as I do. Enjoy!
Esta Sketch
Magic Jelly
Meet Me At Mikes
Mix Tape Zine
Sound & Fury
Now it's your turn to pass on the award...
"You Make My Day" works like this:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Display the "You Make My Day Award" logo with a link to the post that I wrote. A' Musements
4. (Optional) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news.
The "You Make My Day Award" may also work like this if it's a preferable option (& please note that this isn't a regular rule option that comes with the award, but a Hey Harriet add-on option).
1. Award winners may simply choose to bask in the glow of my love for your blogs & leave it at that. ☺
Love your blog! Hope your exhibition is going well!
Kris - Yup, Melbourne has everything. Too cool! Not fair! But hey, you at least have Magic Jelly in your blogging neighbourhood :)
Off to check them out...and congrats again!