What's on My Walls?
One of my fave blogs Pulp Sushi recently started a very cool weekly feature called Show Me Your Wall, and I've been enjoying checking out what people have displayed in their homes. The lovely Marilyn invited me to participate.

If you're remotely interested in what I have hanging on my walls then click here. Thanks heaps Marilyn!

If you're remotely interested in what I have hanging on my walls then click here. Thanks heaps Marilyn!
Love all your artwork...that interactive piece...OMG! I think I'd be fooling around with that for hours. I might have to make it into a coffee table so it was more accessible for wasting my time.
The paintings from your friend are so cool...isn't it great to have artist friends who are so generous with their gift giving?
What else have you got? I want to see your entire place!
Loved it all and you are a GOOSE!
Your walls look wonderful - very inspiring and snazzy; I especially like your reading room, nice and bright!
ps. your robot fridge magnet is supercute :)
Karen - The Schulz shrine is located in my backyard & is a sacred place of worship. Therefore no photography permitted. & your dolly guess was spot on! I look exactly like that one! & if you believe that, you are a bigger goose than I ;D
k kween of geese