A Giveaway!
In celebration of finally listing something in my Etsy Shop I’m having a giveaway. Perhaps a weird thing to celebrate, but considering I set up an Etsy shop months ago & it has remained empty until now it is something of a major achievement for me. I’ve only listed three of my ACEOs so far, and the remaining seventeen that I’ve done I will list in spurts throughout the week. Anyway, enough about that and onto the giveaway! I’m giving away my first 2 ACEOs that I made. These two are my favourites and I wanted to give them to a wonderful blog reader rather than offer them for sale. These two are original artworks (all ACEOs I’ll be listing in my shop will be originals at this stage). Espresso Heads are acrylic on canvas, attached to mountboard & I’ve framed them together in one of my thrift store (op-shop) frames that I picked up recently. The frame measures 7 x 9 inches in total.

To enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favourite style of coffee. Simple! I certainly do not wish to exclude tea drinkers, so if you prefer tea, then just tell me your favourite. Or you may drink neither but really like hot chocolate. That’s ok to. Just list your favourite hot beverage. All bases are covered that way. The giveaway is open to everyone as I’m happy to post overseas. Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you should you win. You can enter until Wednesday 28th May (Australian time) & I’ll randomly draw a name out of my big coffee pot early the next day & post the winning name on my blog. Thanks to everyone who checks in on my blog, you are all really so wonderful & this giveaway is just a small token of my appreciation. I wish it could be more…
To enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favourite style of coffee. Simple! I certainly do not wish to exclude tea drinkers, so if you prefer tea, then just tell me your favourite. Or you may drink neither but really like hot chocolate. That’s ok to. Just list your favourite hot beverage. All bases are covered that way. The giveaway is open to everyone as I’m happy to post overseas. Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you should you win. You can enter until Wednesday 28th May (Australian time) & I’ll randomly draw a name out of my big coffee pot early the next day & post the winning name on my blog. Thanks to everyone who checks in on my blog, you are all really so wonderful & this giveaway is just a small token of my appreciation. I wish it could be more…
Your ACEO's are adorable and cozy looking, and how neat that they're your first. :)
Favorite coffee. One time I ordered a couple of pounds of blueberry coffee from Gevalia and it was amazing. It made the most wonderful aroma when we brewed it. Sadly discontinued.
If I can't have blueberry coffee, I'll take anything without chicory.
If I win, I'll hang the ACEO's right behind my bright red coffee pot.
What an amazing giveaway! I am drinking my first cup of joe of the day. I like my light and sweet and full of chemicals--2 Splenda and fat free french vanilla Coffeemate. My only vice.
I just drink brewed, black, no sugar, breakfast blend, organic of course..
I don't have a favorite brand of coffee. I do however, like fresh beans, ground daily, very strong, preferably made in a French press.
And make you you pick me as the winner...the colors in this framed ACEO pair will go nicely in my kitchen!
I don't drink coffee, but everyone in my family does. I'm more of a fruity tea drinker. And I love peppermint tea too! :)
Take care!
bunnybox9 at gmail dot com
My fave is around the holidays, Starbucks has gingerbread lattes. The pumpkin Lattes are pretty tasty too!
I prefer tea, assam or if I am really splurging Golden Monkey.
I love mochas, hands down. But if there's just drip available, I put only cream, no sugar.
Have a great day!
As for myself, I drink hot chocolate. I like it with lots of little marshmallows and a candy cane as the stirrer... it adds a perfect hint of peppermint and looks sweet too!
Love the picture! :)
: )
By the way, The ACEO's are really cute!
Thanks, Tina
I am a Starbucks addict, which is bad, because we only have Starbucks at the airport here (boooo!). Luckily I fly a lot!
My favourite has got to be a Mocha Light Frappuchino. Yummies.
i love mochas (especially with hazelnut!)
Love love coffee, though I shouldn't be drinking so much or else I'll be blogging @ 3.00 am.
Happy weekend :)
I like my coffee dark, full and robust, the same way I like my men. (Just kidding!)
Preferably fair trade and organic.
And just a splash of milk.
I'm a water or diet soda kind of gal. But I do love your work. Such awesome style. I am so glad you are getting these listed...
Your giveaway is charming.
Love it! I LOVE ESPRESSO! I drink cappuccinos all day long, sometimes at night, which leaves me a jittery mess! But a happy jittery mess.
So about 3 shots espresso (I like Stumptown, which is oregon based) and foamy milk and no flavors or sugar, just stomach churning espresso, I am a wreck without it!
I make it from a mokapot, which I got from an antique mall a few months ago. If you have the extra second, if you search mokapot on my blog you can see it, I am really in love w/it!
Really sweet that you are doing such a generous giveaway! i am excited about your new etsy shop!
My favorite tea is jasmine. Nothing like the smell of jasmine tea...
Love your work, it's very original. You should join our BrisStyle etsy group in Brisbane.
you have my contact details. for when i win!
As for the coffee - its long black for me all the way. I do like really good coffee, but am usually too busy to make or buy it, so go through jars and jars of the instant stuff.
Thanks for the chance to win your cool art and good luck with your store!
Of course I want a chance at one of your fabulous art-e-facts, so I like my French roast with the cream all shook to smitherines.... a poor girl's latte. YUM!
Move Sophie UP, UP, UP!!! We want to see the PUPPY!!!
Yeah, it's Spanish. :)