Shadow Shot Sunday #21
Howdy! I begin with some unfortunate news. For those who aren’t yet aware, M.Kate of La Vie Est Belle, blogger extraordinaire, dedicated shadow shooter, and all round super sweetie, had an accident recently while on holidays. The nitty-gritty details can be found here. I dare you to read the post and not chuckle slightly (I’m sure M will not mind as she has found humour in the situation). Anybody who has risked life and limb (or tailbone in this case!) in pursuit of capturing the perfect photo will appreciate the story! Take care, look after yourself and rest up well M. Wishing you a speedy recovery. You mad crazy goose! xo.
Now onto the shadows! Three Shadow Gallery collages this week featuring a photo from each participant from last Sunday and a few from the archives to round out the numbers. If you’d like to participate in Shadow Shot Sunday, please do! How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to the Mr Linky gadget at the bottom of the post, and visit other players. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery - The Answer My Friend, is Blowin' in the Wind... The Answer Is.

The Shooters:
1. Gingerbread 2. EmBelISH 3. AboutNewYork 4. TheSmallThings 5. GalleryJuana 6. SummerKitchenGirls 7. HouseInMarrakesh 8. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 9. Charlie&Grace
Shadow Gallery - Significant Fish. In Memory of Dude. Coz Dude is Dead (for Giddy Jax)

The Shooters:
1. Aimer 2. BubbleBabbles 3. Fog&Thistle 4. RosebudCollection 5. LaVieEstBelle 6. HeyHarriet 7. Lisa'sRetroStyle 8. GreyscaleTerritory 9. GiddyJax
Shadow Gallery - Such an Oh-So-PURRfect Day with a little Ray of Sun-Sluggie

The Shooters:
1. AnnetteHanigan 2. LaVieEstBelle 3. SweetRepose 4. SpittingInk 5. HighDesertDiva 6. LongIslandDayPhoto 7. NakedLady 8. RichiesInspirationalDesigns 9. Bobbityboo
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #21
Some broken and abandoned chairs I found at the southern end of the Southbank boardwalk. I'm glad I stumbled upon these shadows earlier in the week because there are no shadows lurking about this weekend. It's been a rainy and miserable one so far. A handy little hint for shadow shooters: Snap your shadows whenever you see them and keep them stored away handy for a rainy day. A rainy Sunday!
Gemma from Greyscale Territory gave me a very cool award last Sunday. Gemma has an awesome and inspirational blog and she is one of the most prolific bloggers I know! Gemma’s gorgeous collection of photos and poetry always makes visiting her blog such a delight. Thanks ever so much Gemma! xo

The rules in receiving this award are to share 6 values that are important to you and 6 things that you do not support. Rules. Eeeeek! My dog Sophie has been wanting to contribute in some way to my blog so I’m giving her an opportunity to do so now. So I’m leaving the remainder of this post in Sophie’s capable hands…er...paws. Thanks Soph! Now don’t forget to hit the publish button when you are done. Ciao!
1. My dinner bowl. Especially when it’s full!
2. Long afternoon walks in the park.
3. The lady next door who gives me treats over the fence.
4. Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! In all its varieties!
5. The designated doggie beach at Nudgee
6. My person. I love her very much!
1. Cats believing that they’re superior to dogs! Grrr!
2. Bindies and other assorted prickles in the park
3. Idiots smashing glass in public places where I may walk.
4. Winter because I resemble a tubby ninja turtle in my silly coat.
5. Cruelty to my kind or any living creature (even cats!)
6. Stereotyping! I’m a Staffy but I do NOT have an aggressive nature
My person didn’t leave instructions about who to pass this award along to, so I’m giving it to all Shadow Shot Sunday players. I think she would be happy with me doing that! My person will be back next Sunday for SSS. There will be no weekday posting this week because her regular weekday post day coincides with her birthday and she will be too focussed on consuming as much cake as she possibly can. Piglet that she is! Hope she shares some cake with me! So, until next SSS, have a wonderful week ahead. Happy Sunday!

♥ Sophie xo
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
Now onto the shadows! Three Shadow Gallery collages this week featuring a photo from each participant from last Sunday and a few from the archives to round out the numbers. If you’d like to participate in Shadow Shot Sunday, please do! How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to the Mr Linky gadget at the bottom of the post, and visit other players. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery - The Answer My Friend, is Blowin' in the Wind... The Answer Is.

The Shooters:
1. Gingerbread 2. EmBelISH 3. AboutNewYork 4. TheSmallThings 5. GalleryJuana 6. SummerKitchenGirls 7. HouseInMarrakesh 8. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 9. Charlie&Grace
Shadow Gallery - Significant Fish. In Memory of Dude. Coz Dude is Dead (for Giddy Jax)

The Shooters:
1. Aimer 2. BubbleBabbles 3. Fog&Thistle 4. RosebudCollection 5. LaVieEstBelle 6. HeyHarriet 7. Lisa'sRetroStyle 8. GreyscaleTerritory 9. GiddyJax
Shadow Gallery - Such an Oh-So-PURRfect Day with a little Ray of Sun-Sluggie

The Shooters:
1. AnnetteHanigan 2. LaVieEstBelle 3. SweetRepose 4. SpittingInk 5. HighDesertDiva 6. LongIslandDayPhoto 7. NakedLady 8. RichiesInspirationalDesigns 9. Bobbityboo
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #21
Some broken and abandoned chairs I found at the southern end of the Southbank boardwalk. I'm glad I stumbled upon these shadows earlier in the week because there are no shadows lurking about this weekend. It's been a rainy and miserable one so far. A handy little hint for shadow shooters: Snap your shadows whenever you see them and keep them stored away handy for a rainy day. A rainy Sunday!
Gemma from Greyscale Territory gave me a very cool award last Sunday. Gemma has an awesome and inspirational blog and she is one of the most prolific bloggers I know! Gemma’s gorgeous collection of photos and poetry always makes visiting her blog such a delight. Thanks ever so much Gemma! xo

The rules in receiving this award are to share 6 values that are important to you and 6 things that you do not support. Rules. Eeeeek! My dog Sophie has been wanting to contribute in some way to my blog so I’m giving her an opportunity to do so now. So I’m leaving the remainder of this post in Sophie’s capable hands…er...paws. Thanks Soph! Now don’t forget to hit the publish button when you are done. Ciao!
1. My dinner bowl. Especially when it’s full!
2. Long afternoon walks in the park.
3. The lady next door who gives me treats over the fence.
4. Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! In all its varieties!
5. The designated doggie beach at Nudgee
6. My person. I love her very much!
1. Cats believing that they’re superior to dogs! Grrr!
2. Bindies and other assorted prickles in the park
3. Idiots smashing glass in public places where I may walk.
4. Winter because I resemble a tubby ninja turtle in my silly coat.
5. Cruelty to my kind or any living creature (even cats!)
6. Stereotyping! I’m a Staffy but I do NOT have an aggressive nature
My person didn’t leave instructions about who to pass this award along to, so I’m giving it to all Shadow Shot Sunday players. I think she would be happy with me doing that! My person will be back next Sunday for SSS. There will be no weekday posting this week because her regular weekday post day coincides with her birthday and she will be too focussed on consuming as much cake as she possibly can. Piglet that she is! Hope she shares some cake with me! So, until next SSS, have a wonderful week ahead. Happy Sunday!

1. Giddy Jax 2. Bubble Babble 3. Aimer 4. Bobbi 5. Gemma 6. Bobbie 7. Annette 8. EmBelISH 9. High Desert Diva 10. Gingerbread | 11. Sweet Repose 12. Katanya 13. Fog and Thistle 14. Paz's New York Minute 15. The Summer Kitchen Girls 16. Long Island Daily Photo 17. ctmott 18. Spitting Image Glenn 19. TwinkleStarArt 20. Bobbie | 21. Elizabeth 22. Lisa's RetroStyle 23. Naked Lady 24. Alissa Baptista 25. Toni @ Hoosier Roots 26. Michelle Pendergrass 27. Sara Chapman 28. Gallery Juana |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
The collages are great T! How fitting the titles are week after week! You always do such a wonderful job! :)
Sophie, I agree with everything on your list, you're a very wise Staffy! And you're just as generous as your person passing on the award to the SSS participants! Here's a cheesy dog biscuit for you! <->
And T...wishing you the very best and Happy Birthday wishes that I can possibly send your way from here my friend! xoxoxoxo
We both wish you a very happy birthday, and hope you get to eat cake to your hearts content!
Loved those fantastic collages.
Especially loved the tribute to Giddy Jax's little one! That was excellent! (I checked it out!)
And took your hint to visit M. Kate. Ummm I'm still trying not to smile and thought I had better be warned too! Learn from others' mistakes!
Your chairs make great shadows! Both clear and misty pics are wonderful!
Thank you heaps for the great comments! HUGS!
Finally, thank your beautiful Sophie for carrying on the Kreativ Blogger award! Her answers were splendid!
When I read M.Kates post...I'm glad I'm not the only one who laughed...I just had such a funny picture of the whole incident in my head! She's so funny!
Great collages!! You are so good at those! And I love the chairs! What you did to the second photo is really cool...I like it!!
I'm not sure I got the story...did you adopt the abandoned chairs? I'm not sure why anyone would abandon them...they are great looking chairs! Are they metal? They're very cool!
Sophie, you did such a good job with the award!!Big kiss to you! I see we have a lot in common with the things we value and do not support. I hope your person lets you post's always good to have another perspective! With a face like that I don't see how she could possibly deny you a share of the cake!
Poor M.Kate, she does find humour in everything even her unfortunate accident, definately sending get well vibes across the miles to her!!!
3 collages seems to be the norm these days T, look what you have started, an addiction, but a nice one!!
A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, enjoy your cake, eat the whole lot, well give Sophie some too and get a block of chocolate as well, cause when its your birthday you are allowed to eat what ever you want in huge amounts!!!
Happy Sunday. Annette x :0)
Firstly, I hadn't heard about M. Kate...will pop over there directly.
Secondly, now I have "Blowin' in the Wind" stuck in my head. Thanks for that.
I like the second chair shadow pic especially.
Happy birthday...hope your cake is made with lots of cheese.
xx Em
I didn't know of poor MK's mishap..that's dedication..I must pop over in a minny.
Wishing you a very HAPPY day this week!..make sure you and Sophie enjoy your cake..I will have some pink cupcakes on my blog for you this week! Gxox
Sophie: what a sweet girl you are! Give Mum a cuddle for me :D
I really like your shot this week too - this little corner of SouthBank is quite sad and neglected, I think (it reminds me of an English beach in winter..). Lovely shot.
And thanks for the SS tip - the reason why Charile and Grace aren't joining in on the SS fun this week is due the to the recent lack of shadows (where is our spring sunshine?!), and the lack of a shadow shot emergency stash!!
Right, I'm off to put my camera in my work bag in the hope of building up an SS stash this week :)
Happy Sunday.
Your shadow pictures are perfect in their own quiet subtle way. I found them peaceful & interesting to look at.
I hope you get to eat lots of cake and really enjoy your birthday.
I'm so glad I found this positive space to participate in. thanks for hosting this Harriet!
Here is my link for that day,
thanks Harriet. Again, I am so glad I found your shadow shot sunday!
Have a great week!
Karla & Karrie
Oooops. Sorry about that! Your link is working now. And thanks for letting me know it wasn't working. You're not being a pain at all. I'd rather know when I stuff up so I can fix it :)
The shadow shooters are coming up with more adventurous shots every week. Risking life and tush too! You might need to take out personal liability blogger insurance.
Also, I have a little surprise for you. Sorry, but you didn't win the art print, but you came second and I have decided to send you a little pressie too for being such a good sport. Could you email me your post address please? email -
Love the red chair :)
So strange to think it is winter/spring by you!
Still can't get my mind round that.
Sophie is a very sweet looking dog.
By the way, your chairs were super.
Were they really abandoned - if so you should have grabbed them.
Happy week.
ps. I've joined in the shadow shots this week.
We had bright sunshine - it helps!!!
Congrats on your latest awards and thanks for passing it on to us! xxoo
I love that Sophie wrote the award response. I love her photo, too. She is quite a looker. ;-)
Paz xxoo
Harriet, love the chairs photos. Lots opf character in these pics.
Ejoy your birthday!
And congrats on your award too.
Poor M Kate, speedy recovery to you!
: )
Great photos this week!
My housemate's dog is a staffy as well, and she's the sweetest, most gentle thing - except towards the postie :/ and anyone who dares to come through our front gate that she doesn't know.
Thanks for your sweet comment :)
Am sorry not to reply... but i didn't 4got your SSS!
PLS. do link me to Mr. Linky, if you don't mind.
Some SSS pix are waiting on sunday.