Shadow Shot Sunday #29
Dark Shadows was a Gothic TV soap opera that originally aired weekdays from June '66 to April '71. It was considered daring for daytime television when ghosts were introduced about six months after it began. The series became hugely popular a year into its run. Dark Shadows featured vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, man-made monsters, witches, warlocks, time travel, and a parallel universe – (excerpt from wikipedia). The exciting news is that Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are teaming up for a big-screen remake. Woohoo! With a release date given as the year 2011. Oh geez…
The four Shadow Gallery collages this week feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to participate in SSS, it's easy peasy! Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky at the bottom of this post, and visit other players. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery
The Shooters:
1. FCP 2. RavenRidgeGarden 3. AlmostThere 4. DoYouSeeWhatISee 5. AnnetteHanigan 6. DigitalPolaroids 7. BubbleBabble 8. AboutNewYork 9. Gingerbread
The Shooters:
1. WorkOfThePoet 2. HighDesertDiva 3. Flanders-Inside 4. SummerKitchenGirls 5. Lisa'sRetroStyle 6. EmBelISH 7. MolokaiGirl 8. OneVintageSquare 9. TwinkleStarArt 10. PP-Designs 11. Me 12. TheSmallThings 13. MeAnnMyCamera 14. Olga 15. HotFudge 16. Murrieta365
The Shooters:
1. LaVieEstBelle 2. LongIslandDailyPhoto 3. GreyscaleTerritory 4. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 5. ThePaganSphinx 6. AerialArmadillo 7. SweetRepose 8. JillRuth&Co 9. SpittingInk
The Shooters:
1. AmericaAsSeenByKelly 2. Solvarma 3. MomentsWithMe&Mine 4. GiddyJax
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #29

A set of shots taken of a council rubbish bin in Orleigh Park. The bin is enclosed in a big metal box, possibly to deter people from stealing it or idiots purposely tipping it over spilling rubbish all over the place. Whatever the reason I was happy to discover sweet shadows and sun spots cast onto the bin due to the design and patterns of the big metal box. I was much less happy about the smell of the bin. Ick!
Just a quick plug for a little art exhibit I now have over at Pandemonium Café (details in sidebar) called “Happiness is anyone and anything that’s loved by you”. If you’re a local and you’d like to visit to have a look at my paintings that would be lovely. In case you need further prompting, Pando's Café has exceptional coffee & oh-so-yummy food! And an all day breakfast menu! Oh how I love all day breakfast menus! I always feel this cool sense of naughtiness when eating breakfast late in the day. And that’s about as naughty as ol’ Harriet gets these days. I sometimes eat breakfast after midday. Yup. I’m such a bad-ass.
Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
The four Shadow Gallery collages this week feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to participate in SSS, it's easy peasy! Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky at the bottom of this post, and visit other players. Have fun!
The Shooters:
1. FCP 2. RavenRidgeGarden 3. AlmostThere 4. DoYouSeeWhatISee 5. AnnetteHanigan 6. DigitalPolaroids 7. BubbleBabble 8. AboutNewYork 9. Gingerbread
The Shooters:
1. WorkOfThePoet 2. HighDesertDiva 3. Flanders-Inside 4. SummerKitchenGirls 5. Lisa'sRetroStyle 6. EmBelISH 7. MolokaiGirl 8. OneVintageSquare 9. TwinkleStarArt 10. PP-Designs 11. Me 12. TheSmallThings 13. MeAnnMyCamera 14. Olga 15. HotFudge 16. Murrieta365
The Shooters:
1. LaVieEstBelle 2. LongIslandDailyPhoto 3. GreyscaleTerritory 4. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 5. ThePaganSphinx 6. AerialArmadillo 7. SweetRepose 8. JillRuth&Co 9. SpittingInk
The Shooters:
1. AmericaAsSeenByKelly 2. Solvarma 3. MomentsWithMe&Mine 4. GiddyJax
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #29

A set of shots taken of a council rubbish bin in Orleigh Park. The bin is enclosed in a big metal box, possibly to deter people from stealing it or idiots purposely tipping it over spilling rubbish all over the place. Whatever the reason I was happy to discover sweet shadows and sun spots cast onto the bin due to the design and patterns of the big metal box. I was much less happy about the smell of the bin. Ick!
Just a quick plug for a little art exhibit I now have over at Pandemonium Café (details in sidebar) called “Happiness is anyone and anything that’s loved by you”. If you’re a local and you’d like to visit to have a look at my paintings that would be lovely. In case you need further prompting, Pando's Café has exceptional coffee & oh-so-yummy food! And an all day breakfast menu! Oh how I love all day breakfast menus! I always feel this cool sense of naughtiness when eating breakfast late in the day. And that’s about as naughty as ol’ Harriet gets these days. I sometimes eat breakfast after midday. Yup. I’m such a bad-ass.
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. Sweet Repose 3. Bobbie-2 4. GalleryJuana 5. Dianne 6. Gemma 7. Hot Fudge 8. High Desert Diva 9. ppdesigns 10. The Small Things 11. Michelle 12. FCP 13. Irene 14. Jill | 15. Sara Chapman in Seattle 16. EmBelISH 17. BABYLONEZOO (France) 18. Alissa 19. Christine 20. ctmott 21. Mamapippa - Belgium 22. Hildegarde (Flanders, EU) 23. Elizabeth 24. Sherrie 25. Long Island Daily Photo 26. Barbara 27. Paz's New York Minute 28. maryt/theteach | 29. ramblingwoods 30. Lisa's RetroStyle 31. Pagan Sphinx 32. Richie 33. Daily Vintage Square 34. bubble babble 35. Jan 36. Molokai Girl 37. Lucy 38. Tessa - Aerial Armadillo 39. Carin @ Caliope's Eye 40. The Summer Kitchen Girls |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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These are all so awesome! And how cool is that rubbish bin? I would not have guessed. And I love the cats. Too darn cute :-)
Have a great Sunday Missy and good luck at the exhibit.
+Love the shadows!
It sure seems like you've been a busy girl!
and thank you for always putting these wonderful collages together, it's so nice to see all the photos again
I was addicted to Dark Shadows!! It was on at 3 and I would grab my younger siblings and drag then home as fast as I could so I could watch.
I had such a crush on Quentin - or was it Barnaby - maybe both! Johnny Depp will do a wonderful job
Congrats on your exhibit. And enjoy all day breakfast, that's a bonus :)
And then, just when I thought I could read the rest of your post through the tears of laughter, you tell me you visit Pandemonium Cafe and often after midday for breakfast! It was just too much! I was off again!
How I love your Sunday postings! Always so informative entertaining! And so love your collages still!
Have a very happy Sunday!
Great shots once again - I particularly love that last collage. Awesome!!!
Intresting shots you have caught.
And thanks for the great job you are doing, very well done.
Happy SSS
Irene from Sweden
Yippee about the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp Dark Shadows movie!! Back when the show first aired in the 60's, (I was about 5) I wasn't allowed to watch it as I was prone to nightmares. My mother would send me outside to play when it came on. I always went to the neighbors house during that time, as all the kids there were allowed to watch it and they were happy to let me join in on the fun! (My mother never caught on!)
Wish I could see your show, sounds fab and I hope you do great!
Now for a confession. I do remember the Sixties, but I'll be damned if I can remember anything called Dark Shadows. Anybody else want to own up to that? But I'll sure be on the lookout to see the Johnny Depp version.
The photomontage of the CATS was amazing.
Perhaps I'm just a sucker for animals - but it was splendid.
Hope all is well with you and that you are cheerful?
I like your rubbish can shot! The different shadows showing make it look totally different. My shadow shot is posted. If you want to take a look it's here:
I wish I could visit your show. I love art & I guess I am a bad ass too because I could eat a good breakfast anytime of day! LOL...
Best wishes!
Very cool, unusual shots, Harriet.
And my brother and I loved Dark Shadows. It was on after school when we were kids. 4 p.m. if I'm not mistaken. It scarred the bajeebers out me but I could not resist it. My older brother, of course, made good use of the material to frighten me after the sun went down. :-O
I had a friend that loved Dark Shadows...always had to get home in time to watch it! I think I was too young to get it...she was a few years older than me. But Johnny Depp always sounds good:)
Lovely collages. Great trash bin shadows!! Thanks for suffering the olfactory insult so we could appreciate all those circular shadows!
I loved Dark Shadows, can’t wait to see the remake with Johnny Depp.
Happy week T. :)
I never thought that shadows will be a big issue, till now. I love them!
Hugs to you to the week ahead!
The bin shots are absolutely amazing - how clever you are to have spotted those ('suze the pun!) shadows on a trash bin of all things! You've really given me a darn good nudge to look for the unexpected. Thanks, Tracy!
You got me all excited to see there was a new Tim Burton/Johnny Depp movie coming out, only to be super disappointed seconds later when you said 2011!!!
Great pics too - I look forward to reading your future posts :D
Hope your having a lovely week! to check out those shadows!