Shadow Shot Sunday #31
Howdy! Today marks my 100th post! Ok, it took me almost a whole year to publish 100 posts, and with so many wonderfully prolific bloggers out there it’s not a huge achievement by comparison, but it made me happy to reach that number. Another thing making me happy right now is that I’m on holidays from work for a few weeks. Yippee! Due to this, for the next two or three weeks I’ll be having a bit of a bloggy break, but will still continue the Shadow Shot Sunday posts during this time. I expect things may be a little quieter on the shadow front this time of the year but anyone still around and wishing to join in, please do, as SSS will still happen each Sunday as usual. Also I’d just like to mention that if you add your shadow shot link to Mr Linky after Tuesday Australian time, there is a good chance that it will be too late to be included in a collage. Creating the collages and the links that accompany them does take me quite some time to do, and I do them whenever I have the spare time to. That spare time is often earlier in the week. With the time zone differences I’ve always been flexible with the times to post and link your shots, and that will not change, but if you’re keen to have your shot included in a collage I thought I’d mention for future reference that Tuesday will be the collage cut-off day. I’ll include this info and anything else relevant I can think of somewhere else on the blog with a link to it each week so any new participants in the future can simply click for the details. Better than boring you all senseless here with repeating the same waffle each week!
The four Shadow Gallery collages this week feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to participate in SSS, it's easy peasy! Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky at the bottom of this post, and visit other players. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. RosebudCollection 2. Lisa'sRetroStyle 3. ThePaganSphinx 4. MolokaiGirl 5. LongIslandDailyPhoto 6. JillRuth&Co 7. Richie 8. HotFudge 9. RamblingWoods

The Shooters:
1. Murrieta365 2. AnnetteHanigan 3. GiddyJax 4. Olga 5. WishIWereBaking 6. SweetRepose 7. AboutNewYork 8. LaVieEstBelle 9. ArtSquadGraphics

The Shooters:
1. GreyscaleTerritory 2. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 3. Le-Shaker 4. WaysISeeTheWorld 5. FCP 6. Mamapippa 7. Babylonezoo 8. AerialArmadillo 9. TheSmallThings

The Shooters:
1. HighDesertDiva 2. AlmostThere 3. GalleryJuana 4. AllThingsAlissa 5. SummerKitchenGirls 6. KittyBooBoo 7. Lucy'sLogic 8. PP-Designs 9. RandomThoughts
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #31

These shots are taken of my newly acquired vintage Argus seventy-five camera that I recently won from the awesome Claire of the Naked Lady in Bloom blog. Isn’t it great? These cameras are perfect for the TtV (Through the Viewfinder) technique and I’m so looking forward to having some fun experimenting with it! Claire also very kindly constructed a nifty lens tube contraption for me. Thanks ever so much Claire!
Last weekend we had our first BrisStyle team market and it was a fantastic day. It was a great success and the event I believe exceeded all of our expectations. My BrisStyle blogging buddy Bec has done a spectacular post about the market over on the BrisStyle blog so head on over to check it out. It’s an informative and super fun read with lots of photos! The post also includes a bunch of links to other fab blogs that posted about the event. I was also going to do a post about the market but with everything so perfectly covered by Bec and many others, I’m now taking the easy option instead by typing click here!
Well, have a wonderful week ahead everybody and I hope you all enjoy your Christmas celebrations in the company of those you love, and surrounded with fabulous food. It’s funny to imagine so many people will be experiencing a white Christmas (or at least a very cold one!) while we here in Australia will be sweltering in the humidity of our scorching summer! Whatever the temperatures may be, enjoy and stay safe. xo
Happy Sunday & Merry Christmas!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
The four Shadow Gallery collages this week feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to participate in SSS, it's easy peasy! Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky at the bottom of this post, and visit other players. Have fun!

The Shooters:
1. RosebudCollection 2. Lisa'sRetroStyle 3. ThePaganSphinx 4. MolokaiGirl 5. LongIslandDailyPhoto 6. JillRuth&Co 7. Richie 8. HotFudge 9. RamblingWoods

The Shooters:
1. Murrieta365 2. AnnetteHanigan 3. GiddyJax 4. Olga 5. WishIWereBaking 6. SweetRepose 7. AboutNewYork 8. LaVieEstBelle 9. ArtSquadGraphics

The Shooters:
1. GreyscaleTerritory 2. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 3. Le-Shaker 4. WaysISeeTheWorld 5. FCP 6. Mamapippa 7. Babylonezoo 8. AerialArmadillo 9. TheSmallThings

The Shooters:
1. HighDesertDiva 2. AlmostThere 3. GalleryJuana 4. AllThingsAlissa 5. SummerKitchenGirls 6. KittyBooBoo 7. Lucy'sLogic 8. PP-Designs 9. RandomThoughts
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #31
These shots are taken of my newly acquired vintage Argus seventy-five camera that I recently won from the awesome Claire of the Naked Lady in Bloom blog. Isn’t it great? These cameras are perfect for the TtV (Through the Viewfinder) technique and I’m so looking forward to having some fun experimenting with it! Claire also very kindly constructed a nifty lens tube contraption for me. Thanks ever so much Claire!
Last weekend we had our first BrisStyle team market and it was a fantastic day. It was a great success and the event I believe exceeded all of our expectations. My BrisStyle blogging buddy Bec has done a spectacular post about the market over on the BrisStyle blog so head on over to check it out. It’s an informative and super fun read with lots of photos! The post also includes a bunch of links to other fab blogs that posted about the event. I was also going to do a post about the market but with everything so perfectly covered by Bec and many others, I’m now taking the easy option instead by typing click here!
Well, have a wonderful week ahead everybody and I hope you all enjoy your Christmas celebrations in the company of those you love, and surrounded with fabulous food. It’s funny to imagine so many people will be experiencing a white Christmas (or at least a very cold one!) while we here in Australia will be sweltering in the humidity of our scorching summer! Whatever the temperatures may be, enjoy and stay safe. xo
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. High Desert Diva 3. Bobbie-2 4. Sweet Repose 5. Hot Fudge 6. Gemma 7. Jan 8. ctmott 9. The Small Things 10. Paz's New York Minute | 11. Twinkle Star Art 12. BABYLONEZOO (France) 13. EmBelISH 14. Pagan Sphhinx 15. Alissa 16. The Summer Kitchen Girls 17. Lisa's RetroStyle 18. Richie 19. Mamapippa - Belgium 20. Sherrie | 21. Dianne 22. Barbara 23. Olga aka orchidgirl1979 24. ppdesigns 25. Lucy 26. Terri - teelgee 27. Molokai Girl 28. Sara Chapman in Seattle 29. Kitty Boo Boo |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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A very merry Christmas to you.
Have a wonderful Christmas Tracy..
Wishing all the best to you and yours
for the New Year..
We are getting snow and tomorrow is suppose to be a bad storm..Not liking this kind of weather. Would rather Santa hitchhiked, instead of using his sled. Oh, I shouldn't be so grouchy..forgive me.
Enrich shadows compare to me :-( I have to chase them for tomorrow's post.
I will revert when I post mine.
Thanks for your comments on mine. I don't think I'll be doing many comments today. Sick, sick, sick. So many people are just now. Probably the crazy weather.
Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your break!
After the end of school year plus moving house, I am about to collapse into school holidays too! I am not sure how I will post in this time! Probably scatttered, but I will definitely be keeping up with the shadows around for Sunday posting!
Enjoy your time out!
And a very happy Christmas!
Sandra Evertson
Love your new camera and your shadow shot. Very, very cool!
Glad to read that your BrisStyle market day was very successful. Yay! With you participating in it, I'm not surprised. ;-)
Have a wonderful week and thanks for putting a wonderful roundup of shadow shots together.
Merry Christmas!
Paz xoxoxo
The old argus 75 hey! I have absolutely no idea about vintage cameras other than it looks kind-a old to me ;) Great shadow shots!
Hope you enjoy your holidays and have a fabulous christmas & new year.
Enjoy the holidays and your time off.
Merry Christmas from chilly NY.
have a great christmas.
That new camera looks very cool
3 weeks off...lucky goose!!
And I love your shots this week - you won that camera??! How excellently generous! I love it! I'd love to see some of the shots you create with it.
Happy snapping ;)
Love the second shadow!
Merry Christmas to you!!
Congrats on your 100th post!
oh yes...the shadow shots are fantastic. The second shot reminded me of your dumpster SSS but I am sure you didnt put it there. Yep, the show was awesome..and I was bogeying during the last 3 songs :D Have a Merry and blessed Christmas T, much love M
Enjoy your vacation/holidays.
I'm afraid I'm not Shadowshotting this w/e but will try to visit Shadowshot chums.
and love from New York.
My shadow shot is posted. Love all those striped shadows, very nice! Have a safe and holiday season!
Have a fantastic time off!! I hope you have lots of wonderful things planned for you and your cameras
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
: )
I dug through shots from a couple weeks ago when we had sun for some shadows. Next I'll explore shadows of the night or some such.
Happy Solstice!
Thanks for hosting the SSS and I look forward to many more SSS's in the future.
Have a Blessed Holiday!
I think with every passing week the shadow shots are getting better and better!
I just love your new old camera...
I didn't do the shadow shot this sunday but will enjoy looking at everyone's shots.
Have a wonderful holiday.
Congrats on reaching 100 posts and Happy Holidays! xo
Wishing you a wonderful and safe Christmas!!! Gx
Hope you're having a wonderful holiday break!