
Finally I’ve given some attention to my poor neglected little Etsy shop. I hadn’t listed anything new in it since last October. Yikes! So I’ve now changed things around. Out with the old and in with the new. I’ve decided for the time being that I’ll not list paintings/ACEOs but try something different. TtV photos! I seem to be spending more of my free time playing with my cameras than with my paints and I’m really enjoying this TtV technique so it made sense to go this route for now. I certainly don’t consider myself a professional photographer by any means. I’ve never considered myself as a professional painter either. Or a professional ACEO maker person. I just like creating. And I like Etsy. Sometimes the creations and Etsy work well together. And sometimes not. Part of the fun is not knowing, and then the buzz you receive when somebody likes what you’ve done. Likes it enough to purchase it, or make a nice comment, or heart it, or feature it in a treasury or on their blog. I feel really fortunate in having experienced all of those things with my artwork. I’m hopeful that people will enjoy my new stuff. So here are a few of my TtV photo listings.

I'm lucky to have this one currently in a very cool treasury curated by Marebear. Thanks Marebear!

Now with the promotional stuff out of the way, I’ll leave you with a fun quiz to do. I found this on the awesome Tea & Honey Bread blog recently. I don’t often do quizzes but this one I was strangely drawn to.

You Are Elmo
Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do!

You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing.

You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you.

How you live your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"

As it turns out I am an Elmo personality type. I’m not sure how accurate that result is. Especially considering that I fibbed a little with my answers. Purely out of fear of being labelled a Bert. I really didn't want to be a Bert. Not that I have anything against Bert. He's a likeable enough muppet and all. I just didn't want to BE a Bert. That whole vertical striped skivvy look just doesn't suit me. I'm not saying a body covered in red fur suits me either. Ummm...I've no idea what I'm trying to say. Think I'll just be quiet now.

Nope. I’ll be quiet in a moment. I swear I will. I just remembered this award that the lovely Richie from Sweden of Richie’s Inspirational Designs blog gave to me a few days ago. Translated it means “you have a cute/sweet blog”...awww shucks, thanks so much Richie. Ok, I’m being quiet now. Really and truly I am.


Ok...I didn't "fib" all...and I'm a BERT! Now thanks to you I'm a Bert with a self esteem problem:(

Love your new art work:D I really like the flowers...are they Plumeria(?). I would love to be living in them right now. So sick of being cold this winter...must be getting old...I'll just go put on my vertical strip sweater....
Elmo, I love Big Belly Buddha.

Your shop looks great! I love TTV photos.
Victoria said…
First of all I just adore all of your ttv shots and will be checking out your shop directly. (By the way did your newest camera arrive and was it nice and gritty? Hope so!)

Secondly, I took the test, and some of the questions could have been answered in a couple of different ways, (like favorite school subject... nap time or detention... hard to choose.) Anyway, I got BERT the first time! I was willing to except my fate until it said that I was a total neat freak. Oh how my mother would laugh at that one, for I may be the daughter of one, but the neat freak gene passed me right over. So I tried again, still answering honestly, and I am now a Big Bird, (which feels much better!) Thanks for the fun! xo
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous photos, I'm so impressed! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you list.

I think you are entirely in your right to fib. No one wants to be a Bert.
please sir said…
Looks like some wonderful additions!
littlebird said…
He he i love the Sesame street personality quiz, i'm Bert!
keiren said…
Love the ttv photos you've shown here!!! Heading over to your shop now to check out the others. Congrats on your new venture!

Did the Seasame Street test and I'm an Ernie. Almost a Bert but not quite a Bert!
Unknown said…
Hey T, those pictures are awesome! and that plumeria flower looks so much like mine, did you sneak over here and took the pic? Love the crane pics..and I've wanted for ages to have a crane mobile, still havent done it yet. Haha! "middle aged women esp like you" ..I wonder why, I am not middle aged...or am I, now I am confused. I love Elmo too and a big congrats on the award, isnt Richie so sweet :D Have a great week ahead..its midweek and I am already thinking of the weekend :D Big hugs and muah muah*
Little Mary Moo said…
hey elmo's very cool, I picked up a very neat elmo hair clip from EmBelish last year.

I love what you've done with your etsy shop. Those photos are great. The cranes and buddha are definately my faves. They look like what everyone needs in their life - peace and happiness.
Anonymous said…
I love the pic with the paper cranes! Love the colors.
Anonymous said…
Your new TtV photos look fantastic! It's great to see they have some of those bright colours from your artwork. I hope you were nice to your paints when you had to explain to them "it's not you, it's me, I just like spending more time with my TtV" ;)

Well I'm off to sleep now. Keep up the great work Elmo!
Janis said…
Fun quiz - and way fun photos!

I agree that "du har en gullig blog" -- I love to stop by, you are so much fun!
Impressive photos:) I must take the Sesame Street quiz:):) Perhaps I am Bert too:)
GalleryJuana said…
Your TtV photos are fantastic! I really must try this technique. I chickened out on bringing my Dad's yachica over to Japan with me. But I am so tempted after looking at your plumeria and palm tree photos.

I'd like to invite you to my blog giveaway:
Gallery Juana
Bobbi said…
OK, so.... #1 I didn't know you had an etsy shop. I love the pictures, especially the colorful cranes! #2 DUH!!! Of course you're Elmo, I totally see it! It was 100% accurate. I'm going to slip over and take that little quiz. If I'm Oscar I'm going to be really mad!
picciolo said…
I'm Ernie!
And I love your photos by the way
: )
I think I would rather be elmo than bert too. He was such a downer. Granted I'm probably more like a Bert today than an Elmo.
Bobbi said…
Apparently I am Ernie and my rubby ducky agrees!
Unknown said…
I love the rainbow oragami. All are very fun and colorful and creative. I also like #3 in the post. These make wonderful, unique greeting cards or in frames.
SandraRee said…
You are an Elmo, T. :) Believe it or not, I'm a Bert. I think I need to answer more questions. lol I absolutely love all your TtV photos! All of them are very impressive! xo
Hot Fudge said…
This is weird. I tried to post a comment, but got a garbled message about it being a duplicate.

Anyhow, I just wanted to congratulate a fellow Elmo on featuring in a beautiful treasury. I note your Peace Cranes has since been sold, so it's a double congratulations.

Hope this doesn't end up in the Duplicate Bin like my last message!
Melissa said…
sounds fun :) how to take the quiz elmo?
I love that paper crane shot, the colours are so vibrant!
Anonymous said…
I don't know what TtV means, but I LOVE your photos! I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting rid of them :D
I'd be worried about being 'Bert' as well, I think...
Unknown said…
Just for fun, I took the Sesame street test, and I thought maybe..just maybe I'd probably be a cookie monster, well, its true, I am a cookie monster hahahahahaaaa :D
Chubby Chieque said…
Jst came by to say HI this day your Friday §:-)

Have a wonderful day ahead!
Unknown said…
There's something for you at my blog. :-)
Anonymous said…
excellent ttv photos. your shop looks fantastic. i took that quiz and i'm a bert. i want to be an elmo. i at least didn't cheat harriet ;)
XUE said…
hey cute & sweet t! you do hv a cute & sweet blog so congratulations! my kids grew up with an elmo who laughed giggled when rhey pressed its tummy. will you?...if I press yours? heading home tommorrow & I'm my luggage now, are 4 containers of pineapple tarts!
Hey again! Guess what I found today? That's very own Brownie Reflex! Soon I will be producing my own, no doubt crappier versions of Ttv shots!! Have to go figure out how to make my little thingy to go with it.

That's not why I stopped by. I have a little something for you on my blog. I know how much you love awards;) So come on over and pick one up....anytime.
Ali said…
yeah, well I know what you mean about not wanting to be 'a Bert'. Well, I answered the questions truthfully ... and guess what?! I AM a Bert! ah well ;)

I love the cranes by the way!
Anonymous said…
Hey there, Elmo:

Congrats on the new items in your Etsy shop. Very cool! Congrats on your latest award.
Kat said…
god I love these, I am on the look out for a square frame so I can buy some for my office...congrates on the new works..
Jill said…
Your new photos are great. I have my duaflex II just staring at me from my desk yet. It's calling me I know it!!
Also, enjoyed the sculpture shadow!
Gina said…
Your Ttv pics are fabulous..esp love the origami of luck with your new additions :D
I can't believe I'm big bird (was hoping it would turn out to be Oscar!)
Love your photos..So pretty..
As far as the Elmo thing goes..I didn't even bother..I am "Oscar"..and no sense trying to change now..
Bec said…
Hey, I've been meaning to tell you, your new-looks shop is great!! I love the palm trees photo - so Queensland. By the way, I'm an Ernie :O