Shadow Shot Sunday #33
Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. Before submitting your link, if you could click here for a little further info it would be most appreciated. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy the shadows!
Shadow Gallery
The Shooters:
1. HighDesertDiva 2. SummerKitchenGirls 3. WorkOfThePoet 4. AllThingsAlissa 5. LongIslandDailyPhoto 6. DoYouSeeWhatISee 7. NakedLady 8. ViewFromRaven'sNest 9. Gingerbread

The Shooters:
1. Richie 2. SweetRepose 3. Me 4. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 5. Sylvia 6. Mamapippa 7. Olga 8. Murrieta365 9. Fog&Thistle 10. TheSmallThings 11. RosebudCollection 12. Babylonezoo 13. EmBelISH 14. RavenRidgeGardens 15. RandomThoughts 16. SpittingInk
The Shooters:
1. GreyscaleTerritory 2. LaVieEstBelle 3. AlmostThere 4. WaysISeeTheWorld 5. ThePaganSphinx 6. MyPhotoJourney 7. MolokaiGirl 8. TwinkleStarArt 9. Lisa'sRetroStyle
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #33

The second shot was taken the day after the sepia toned one was taken. A big storm during the night had blown these little flowers onto the path and I really liked the fern shadow across the flowers. So of course I had to take another photo! Yes, more TtV shadow shots! The love affair between my Argus and my digital camera continues. I just cannot seem to separate them. And far be it for me to come between true love. Who knows what the future holds for the pair. Maybe they’ll eventually grow bored with each other. Perhaps the digital camera will get itchy feet and take up with a Kodak Duaflex at some stage. But for now, they are very happy and are having a lot of fun together. They click. And click and click and click…
I’ve been noticing lately that quite a few bloggers have been sharing their top picks of the year 2008, in relation to their favourite movies, songs and other things. So I'm jumpin' on the bloggy bandwagon.
My fave film of 2008: The Flight of the Red Balloon, a feature length gem which nicely pays tribute to the 1956 classic short film The Red Balloon. Unfortunately this film had a very limited cinema release in this country. It was also released the very same week as the eagerly anticipated Sex And The City movie (a movie I enjoyed well enough but I much preferred the TV series). The part that Juliette Binoche played in The Flight of the Red Balloon was outstanding. One of her best roles I think. A beautiful film. I recently purchased the DVD release of this film and it includes the original The Red Balloon on a bonus disc.Yay!
My fave CD of 2008: I love music and listen to a lot of it so I can’t narrow it down to one CD only. So my fave five releases of 2008 are, The Lucksmiths – First Frost, Portishead – Third, Kate Miller-Heidke – Curiouser, Nick Cave – Dig, Lazarus, Dig! and Brisbane band Texas Tea – The Junkshop Recordings.
That was fun. I’d sure love to know your faves of 2008 if you're willing to share them. C'mon. I'm curious!
Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
The Shooters:
1. HighDesertDiva 2. SummerKitchenGirls 3. WorkOfThePoet 4. AllThingsAlissa 5. LongIslandDailyPhoto 6. DoYouSeeWhatISee 7. NakedLady 8. ViewFromRaven'sNest 9. Gingerbread

The Shooters:
1. Richie 2. SweetRepose 3. Me 4. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 5. Sylvia 6. Mamapippa 7. Olga 8. Murrieta365 9. Fog&Thistle 10. TheSmallThings 11. RosebudCollection 12. Babylonezoo 13. EmBelISH 14. RavenRidgeGardens 15. RandomThoughts 16. SpittingInk
The Shooters:
1. GreyscaleTerritory 2. LaVieEstBelle 3. AlmostThere 4. WaysISeeTheWorld 5. ThePaganSphinx 6. MyPhotoJourney 7. MolokaiGirl 8. TwinkleStarArt 9. Lisa'sRetroStyle
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #33
The second shot was taken the day after the sepia toned one was taken. A big storm during the night had blown these little flowers onto the path and I really liked the fern shadow across the flowers. So of course I had to take another photo! Yes, more TtV shadow shots! The love affair between my Argus and my digital camera continues. I just cannot seem to separate them. And far be it for me to come between true love. Who knows what the future holds for the pair. Maybe they’ll eventually grow bored with each other. Perhaps the digital camera will get itchy feet and take up with a Kodak Duaflex at some stage. But for now, they are very happy and are having a lot of fun together. They click. And click and click and click…
I’ve been noticing lately that quite a few bloggers have been sharing their top picks of the year 2008, in relation to their favourite movies, songs and other things. So I'm jumpin' on the bloggy bandwagon.
My fave film of 2008: The Flight of the Red Balloon, a feature length gem which nicely pays tribute to the 1956 classic short film The Red Balloon. Unfortunately this film had a very limited cinema release in this country. It was also released the very same week as the eagerly anticipated Sex And The City movie (a movie I enjoyed well enough but I much preferred the TV series). The part that Juliette Binoche played in The Flight of the Red Balloon was outstanding. One of her best roles I think. A beautiful film. I recently purchased the DVD release of this film and it includes the original The Red Balloon on a bonus disc.Yay!
My fave CD of 2008: I love music and listen to a lot of it so I can’t narrow it down to one CD only. So my fave five releases of 2008 are, The Lucksmiths – First Frost, Portishead – Third, Kate Miller-Heidke – Curiouser, Nick Cave – Dig, Lazarus, Dig! and Brisbane band Texas Tea – The Junkshop Recordings.
That was fun. I’d sure love to know your faves of 2008 if you're willing to share them. C'mon. I'm curious!
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. Bobbie-2 3. PJ 4. High Desert Diva 5. Sweet Repose 6. Jan 7. Christine 8. Gemma 9. Lisa's RetroStyle 10. Summer Kitchen Girls 11. Paz's New York Minute | 12. Debbie 13. BABYLONEZOO (France) 14. Long Island Daily Photo 15. Raven 16. The Small Things 17. Sarah (Art Squad Graphics) 18. Charlie and Grace 19. Alissa 20. ctmott 21. Mamapippa - Belgium 22. Elizabeth | 23. Julia 24. Martina 25. Dianne 26. maryt/theteach 27. Sherrie 28. ramblingwoods 29. Pagan Sphinx 30. Richie 31. Ice Pony Trekking 32. Jill 33. Molokai Girl |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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What wonderful shadows! I really like these. Yes, the shadow over the flowers is lovely.
I saw the original Red Balloon years (and years) ago. Must add the new one to the Netflix queue.
Have a great Sunday Madam...
I have had no time at all this year to see movies, so have no real fav and have spent nothing on music either! Very sad state of affairs!
Adore your collages! Just beautiful!
Hope your New Year is spinning a happy tune for you!
I wish I was a hip film and music chick like yourself...but alas I am not. I only saw two "films" this year. Both with my parents and they picked them. I saw Australia. Very pretty film. I didn't know I had the hots for Hugh Jackman til I saw I do. And we saw Marley and Me for my mothers birthday. Cute story...but no cinema masterpiece. If you are a dog lover do not see this movie unless you are up for a good cry. I balled my eyes out. Marley looked way too much like my Sammy.
Music...oh I feel so old. I'm not even sure what music was new this year. I did listen and sing along with Coldplay Viva La Vida a lot...was that new this year? Or am I just really behind the times. I'm so old and mainstream...oh well. And I've enjoyed Duffy and Adele and your Kate Miller-Heidke. But I don't even know when their tunes I've been listening to were released?! Okay...I've probably embarassed myself enough on these topics. I'll just be quite now.
Have a great week!
Happy New Year!
The Red Balloon is one of my favorite stories. Somehow I missed the feature, I'll have to check it out.
Thanks for hosting this SSS Tracy!
Your shadow photos are wonderful. I hope to receive an announcement of your digital and argus eloping to some far away island very soon! Great job, don't stop!
Thanks for the movie tip. I am always looking for something new and good. Plus I love Juliette Binoche - what a true beauty. I'll have to get back to you with my faves as I'm suffering from brain fog this morning.
Love the little flowers and petals.
Great collages.
So sorry I have been absent and useless lately -visitors in our little apartment and general Christmas overload.
Hoping to get back to normal today.
Hope you continue the shadow shots on 09
love from half the world away!
and the strewn flowers are so sweet
really great shots
I don't have many favorites - or maybe I have too many - I'm so fickle ;)
I did enjoy 'duffy' a lot - her first album is good
and I adore Craig Ferguson - he's on late night TV here - he gets e-mail from Australia and loves to talk about how wild and wonderful you all are - but I don't know if he's on TV there or just Youtube
The shadows of the ferns are awesome! Thanks for sharing. My shadows are posted and I have a kind of list of favorites of 2008. Have a great day!!
Harriet: I don't know what you did to your photos but they're spectacular! I love ferns.
Happy SSS!
Now, your shoter's are being so good in their SSS.
Everything's perfect taken and it seems we have to give an award to the best shot of 2008. What you reckon mate?
COme over to my bloglandia and pick something for you to share this year start.
Hugs from a very cold city, Stockholm. Have -10deg below... brrr...
Hope you are having a fantastic new year :-)
What a beautiful set of shots!
Thanks again for hosting SSS
I'm afraid when it comes to my favourite music, most of the composers have been dead for a century or two.
However, my favourite movie for 2008 is Burn After Reading, as I'm a huge Coen Brothers fan. And to get in first with my favourite 2009 movie, I think it will be hard to go past Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire. Fabulous.
Not sure how that love affair between your Argus and Digi is going to go. Quite some age difference there! Have you asked them what their fave films and cds of 2008 are? I'm sure you'll get very different answers.
I guess I'll have to get my act together and present a shadow shot next week. My camera is starting to grow dust ;)
: )
Happy New Year and much success!
Oh and Nick Cave! He rules. Always.
I love visiting your blog. But you're making me envious with your flower pic -- we're in the dead of winter and I miss the growing season! :)
I ADORE your two shots - the lighting is great.