Hello, Ruby Tuesday

While looking through some photos I wanted to post that I had taken on a recent visit to a Taoist temple I noticed a lot of red and I thought, Hello Ruby Tuesday! So I'm posting a day earlier than usual so that I can participate in the very cool Ruby Tuesday photo meme that Mary hosts each week. I've enjoyed following this meme for some time now and it's nice to be able to join in for a change instead of simply being an observer. Want to check out more reds or post your own, then click here. Thanks for hosting this Mary!

The Evergreen Taoist temple was built in 1991 at Deagon, Brisbane. The complex includes the Hall of Three Purities, the Hall of Three Masters and the Hall of Spiritual Guardian. There is also a Memorial Hall for Ancestors, providing opportunities for people to attend memorial services and pay their respects to their ancestors. Other services offered are Lai Dau, Star Worship, Blessings for Good Luck, Predicitions, Name/Time/Location Chosen, Thanksgiving and Wedding Ceremonies. Other regular events at the temple include calligraphy contests, bonsai exhibits, and Taoist Cultural Relics Exhibitions. Well worth a visit.

And another red photo taken a few weeks back while the sky was still blue in Brisbane. Come back sunshine!

I snapped this photo just moments before this little red mini took off into the sky. I am so very sorry that my batteries died before I was able to capture an image of the mini zooming through the sky. It was truly a brilliant sight! Do you not believe me that minis can fly? Ha! You should have seen this baby overtake the slow moving flying pigs directly ahead! Fine then sceptical folk. Doubt me all you want. I know what I saw.

Ruby Tuesday can be found here


Love the big drum and the mini!
What a wonderful temple..just beautiful.
Now you know, I have to question you on the mini business..but I do have an open mind..so I will give you the benifit of a doubt..ha, ha..
Anonymous said…
Thank for comment I received your Email.
New best friend. Barbara Ann Kimmel
Hot Fudge said…
So that's why that battered pig dropped out of the sky into our back yard - thanks Tracy for solving the mystery. I love the temple shots, particularly the door.
Victoria said…
Can you imagine a world without the color red? How dreary that would be... sort of like a world without flying minis and flying pigs, ( of course both of which have been filling the skies and fields of late, due to it being their migrating season).

Lovely pics, dear Tracy!
Gemma Wiseman said…
O it's so good to find you joining Ruby Tuesday! Wohooo!

And love these temple photos! They are certainly awesome! I have only wandered a Buddhist temple south of Wollongong NSW and that experience was simply incredible! I so wished I had a camera then!
Chris said…
Amazing shots. Freaking just great shots. You have perfect subject matter this week, don't you?
Ralph said…
This temple is beautiful to this Westerner's eye. Delicate and exquisite the detailing is, and beautiful reds abound.

A flying Mini?? Stranger things have occurred...at least I think so!
dot said…
Funny about the flying mini! You certainly got lots of red.
Anonymous said…
Very cool Ruby Tuesday shots. I love all the red. Thanks for sharing these with us. I've never been to a Taoist temple before.

That is a very peculiar photo of the mini...flying or not. I don't really get where it was?!
Love the drm and the doors at the temple. Looks like a very cool place!
Carletta said…
Wow - beautiful shots! They are all filled with such vibrant red.
I love the first one with the drum and that last one is wonderfully composed.

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
Unknown said…
Love that red doorway. Perfectly, perfectly red.
Unknown said…
I have seen the Ruby Tuesday in many places and glad to see yours here. Again, it always sound funny when everything is translated into English...not that I know the Chinese version that well. The Chinese love red, it's a yang or a happy colour and you can't find a better overdose of it in a temple. Cool pics T..and I was wondering if I got the days mixed up when I saw you blog update..which happens often anyway.
Laura said…
Beautiful post!
This is a sensational Ruby Tuesday, all that beautiful oriental red. Nice to meet another Aussie! :))
Elizabeth said…
I agree with Eaton above...........really a celebration of red!
Amazing temple, I enjoyed the photos very much:)
steviewren said…
There's no red prettier than the red of Chinese red. Beautiful pictures. Amazing subject matter.
maryt/theteach said…
All that beautiful RED of the Taoist temple, Harriet! And the angle on that mini! It better know how to fly because at that angle it would just topple over! Ha! Welcome to Ruby Tuesday!
EG CameraGirl said…
I think it would be fun to follow you around Brisbane for a while. Neat temple!
Sam said…
The Taoist temple looks amazing! As for that flying mini....! :)
Dianne said…
love the doors! love the entire series
XUE said…
I have been to a Ruby Tuesday restaurant!!! The figurines in the Taoist temple used to scare me so much when I accompanied my parents there, as a child.
keiren said…
I want big red doors like those for my house! I can't quite figure out what's going on in the mini photo. It's an unusual, yet very fun photo. I like the idea of the mini flying. As long as I'm not standing directly below it when it takes off!
Jama said…
Red is an auspicious colour for the Chinese!
Mary-Laure said…
What a stunning place! I love red.
Kym said…
beautiful colors and I love the mini image...I would have loved to see it fly!!!!!
Unknown said…
I wrote down the longevity..etc. on your previous post, took it to my mom and did a Chinese translation - my version (she's well versed in such stuff, she reads Chinese but I dont). She had no idea what I was babbling about. Told ya translations are funny.
Love, love, love this whole set of images! I wish we had a Taoist Temple anywhere nearby! Now I have to go investigate what the heck Ruby Tuesday is all about...
Too bad your batteries died! I would've love to have seen that Mini taking over the flying pigs!
red.door.read said…
red speaks to me
Kym said…
Tracy---thanks for stopping by...and for trying to vote for my son's band. The thing is a bit confusing, you have to sign up and then sign in to the account and then click on the chicago, kansas city or st. louis gigs on the upper left to vote! I had to go into the thing several times...it was confusing to me as well...no wonder that had a hard time getting votes last year...Have a great Friday!
LaAlicia said…
Cool Photos! Thanks for sharing them -- that temple is just gorgeous!
Gina said…
Love your luscious red pics!..what an interesting place to visit..and the mini is so cute..great capture! "D
MyMaracas said…
Gorgeous temple shots, and I love the flying mini. Great post!