Universal Peace Tour
Last Friday I attended the unveiling of the Jade Buddha. The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace is the largest Buddha carved from gemstone quality jade. It was created from a rare boulder of translucent jade (called Polar Pride) which was discovered in Canada in the year 2000. The discovery was described as "the find of the millennium." The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace is currently exhibited at Reddacliff Place (NOT King George Square, as stated in all of the promotional material btw) and will be touring the rest of Australia this year, with Sydney being the next stop-over in early July. Here is the Brisbane unveiling as I witnessed it.

A colourful onlooker preferring to view the proceedings from a distance

Many speeches to sit through first. Waiting, waiting... Here we go. Ta da!

And here's another photo. Looks a little odd and futuristic from this angle...

This statue is truly a spectacular sight to see in person. The tour of the Jade Buddha commenced in Vietnam early this year and it will depart from Australia early next year to travel throughout America and Canada. Tour dates and locations can be found here. The aim of the tour is to inspire everyone who sees the Buddha to reflect upon peace. A fascinating short film on the making of the Buddha can be found here. I'd be keen to see photos of the Jade Buddha in various locations around the world. Hopefully somebody will start a Jade Buddha for Universal Peace group on Flickr. Maybe they already have? I'll go check on that.

And how adorable are these!?! I won this cute set of gocco printed blank notebooks from talented artist and designer Valerie of Cabin + Cub. I can often be found lurking around Valerie's beautiful blog and Etsy shop admiring her artwork, so I was very delighted to win these! Oh happy happy joy joy! Thankyou Valerie xo
This statue is truly a spectacular sight to see in person. The tour of the Jade Buddha commenced in Vietnam early this year and it will depart from Australia early next year to travel throughout America and Canada. Tour dates and locations can be found here. The aim of the tour is to inspire everyone who sees the Buddha to reflect upon peace. A fascinating short film on the making of the Buddha can be found here. I'd be keen to see photos of the Jade Buddha in various locations around the world. Hopefully somebody will start a Jade Buddha for Universal Peace group on Flickr. Maybe they already have? I'll go check on that.

And how adorable are these!?! I won this cute set of gocco printed blank notebooks from talented artist and designer Valerie of Cabin + Cub. I can often be found lurking around Valerie's beautiful blog and Etsy shop admiring her artwork, so I was very delighted to win these! Oh happy happy joy joy! Thankyou Valerie xo
Lovely books you won! You lucky thing!
thanks SO MUCH for blogging about this! I'd never heard of this before!!!!!
Nowhere near me listed so far. I would love to see this.
: )
and congrats on winning those cute cards!:)
Were you able to get up close? Did the jade have a translucent quality to it? Very curious about the process in its creation...I will have to watch the video!
Congrats on the win, the cards are adorable.
Peace, Judi
I'm loving your buddah shots!
Cool & so colourful.
Winter? That's not for us. Our summer is temp is bet 23-27 and that's hot up here.
Wish you can visit me during our winter, huh? Almost -30 below zero. He he... can't you handle the real winter?
Well, am grumbling of cold summer days and you vice versa. Anyways, nice to hear & see you even not the SSS time.
He looks so dark. I'll have to look at the website more to see if they explain about his painting. Is his body painted too? Or is it just the lighting. Or maybe Jade oxidizes or something.
His display pedastal is lovely also.
I'll want to see him in Australia too of course. I wonder when he is due to return to his final home? I'll have to investigate that.
Those cards are darling! You're always winning something you lucky girl! I wish I had artistic talent like that:{ I'll have to go check out Valerie's blog & shop. I think I'm procrastinating again;0
I've been enjoying your blog. I would love for you to come and visit my blog as well, www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com .
My 8 year old daughter has her own sewing blog. If you would like to see what she's up to, go to www.sewingsister.blogspot.com . She is currently learning how to hand sew. In a few weeks she will start learning how machine sew. She is very excited. Her six year old brother is also featured on her blog. He has been sewing right along with us. It's been a lot of fun sharing this with them.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.xo
Hope you have an enjoyable w/end. Hope to see you soon. I have to get my cam ready to take every shadows I meet §:-))
xoxo lots...