Shadow Shot Sunday #126

Gabba Gabba Hey! Shadow Shot Sunday!

Hi and welcome to SSS. If you’d like to join in, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click HERE for further info before submitting links. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the shadows!

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #126

This photo was taken in New Farm Park while standing in the shadows of the Jacaranda trees. I love the purple glow of the Jacarandas this time of year!

Some interesting info about the Jacarandas...

The University of Queensland in the city's inner west has a very high concentration of the tree, and due to the impressive display of purple flowers in mid-Spring, which wind up littering vast sections of the suburbs, local folklore claims that "one won't start studying for exams until the jacarandas have moulted". At Sydney University there exists a similar expression "by the time the jacaranda in the main quadrangle flowers, it's too late to start studying for exams". This has led to the slang name "exam tree" or "purple panic" being attached to the plant. At the University of Queensland students even maintain a joke superstition that if a Jacaranda bloom falls on their head during exam time, they will fail an exam. The bad luck can be broken by catching another bloom before it hits the ground. - [excerpt from wikipedia]

Happy Sunday!

Apologies for there being no Shadow Gallery this week. I'm having some computer issues and it took the longest time to even draft this post as it was. I do hope to visit shadow shooters, but there is a chance that I may not be able to if the computer problem gets worse. I have my fingers crossed but I'm not optimistic and it's looking like my computer will need to visit the repair shop...

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Lisa's RetroStyle
2. Sweet Repose
3. Magical Mystical Teacher
4. Ralph
5. Chubskulit
6. Sylvia K
7. Molokai Girl
8. Catherine, Mexico
9. John
10. Naomi
11. Hyde Daily Photo
12. BLOGitse
13. Anne
14. Sallie (FullTime-Life)
15. Maboe, Norway
16. wallflowersforjane, singapore
17. The Summer KItchen Girls
18. Livsnjutaren
19. Tom Hilton
20. Lani in Taipei
21. RamblingWoods
22. Generik
23. Quiltworks, Boston, USA
24. Bev Baird
25. The Clip Cafe
26. Lucka, Lomnice, CZ
27. Shannara
28. Crafty Green Poet (Over 40 Shades)
29. Crafty Green Poet
30. Dimple
31. Canadian GardenJoy
32. robin-one still frame
33. Sam
34. Cassie
35. lynda Howells
36. foto CHIP - Birgitta
37. kasia {kasiabear}
38. Rinkly Rimes
39. Eden, Australia
40. fairchildstreet
41. EG Wow, Canada
42. anka @ happy hang around
43. Gemma@Greyscale, AUS
44. Tara @the viewfinder
45. Khim-Sweden
46. Just Like Martha
47. Emily
48. Poetic Shutterbug
49. Faith Hope & a whole lotta Love
50. In One Place...with a camera
51. Ben and Carrie Tracks - Wildlife Biologsists
52. Patti V. - late again
53. angelanz
54. Kay, Alberta, Canada
55. A picture in time
56. Pagan Sphinx MA USA
57. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
58. Create With Joy: Mischief Danced In His Eyes
59. Sunday Shadows - Tea on the Porch
60. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
61. Marilyn
62. E Makes Art
63. Lighthousegal
64. Limar
65. Kuusela Finland
66. Maggie @ Normandy Life
67. Rita aka Cashjocky
68. Kebeni
69. JayLeigh
70. Angie, West Australia
71. Risa in Rehovot, Israel
72. Crafty Gardener, Canada
73. barbiboo
74. Blondies Abode
75. Megan
76. alexa in nyc, usa
77. Molly's Country Memories
78. MOO ~ NE WI
79. Designs of the Heart
80. Life with the Lyngs
81. norwood unleashed
82. Life n Reflection
83. Freda Mans
84. CrazyasaCoolCox
85. Joan
86. FiveSibes
87. Rose
88. Square Peg Guy
89. hapzydeco
90. Dina - Jerusalem
91. anumorchy
92. Our Family of Four
93. Southwest Arkie
94. jazzbumpa
95. Franius - Roma (Italy)
96. Francesca Di Leo
97. maryt/theteach

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Ralph said…
I thought that if you didn't study, you would fail the exam. Ah, to have a ready made excuse in the form of a tree must be more satisfying - it sounds reasonable to me!
What a scrumptious shot! And, I love the tale that goes with it. I guess it's more like a legend.
Guess what? I met someone who does editing for Wikipedia on this trip! Pretty darned cool. I told him how we all use it on our blogs (at least, in our group).
Sylvia K said…
So sorry about the computer problems!! They are definitely a pain in the whatever! Love your shot of the Jacaranda tree! They are so beautiful! Hope you have a great, computer problem solving weekend, Tracy!!

fredamans said…
Beautiful tree! I see why it become your subject! Very good photo!
Chubskulit Rose said…
Green, Blue, and white makes a perfect photo and shadows.
Catherine said…
sorry to hear about your computer problems as I have missed your visits to my blog - hope it all gets fixed soon - love all that folklore about the jacaranda tree - we have some stunning ones here in Spring in March...
Love the tree - hope you get the computer fixed soon.
BLOGitse said…
Greetings from Casa again even if my post is still from Helsinki!
Your tree shot is beautiful. Did you edit it a lot - the color of the pic is interesting...
Happy Sunday!
Anonymous said…
I just want to sit and lose myself in the blue sky .... we have had a lot of misty grey days! Hope you get the computer fixed soon - it's such a pain when they go wrong!
Tom Hilton said…
Lovely shot, and good luck with your computer!
Isn't that when everyone starts to study... when it's too late for it to really do any good??;0)
Good luck with the computer... we've had our fair share of those problems:(
Karla & Karrie
☺lani☺ said…
Have a great Sunday!
Generik said…
Great color in that picture, really like it.

Hope your computer woes are soon over!
I love your photo and I love jacaranda trees, I remember them well from my time in Malawi and Zimbabwe
Tracy girl : ) that tree is totally STUNNING and I love the university folklore with it ! It could almost be Halloweeny in fact it is such a beauty : ) Purple flowers and Spring .. Spring is our Autumn right ? it is so opposite of what is going on way totally hard to conceive !!
I'm sorry about the computer problems it can be pure evil chaos at the castle here when things aren't right.
My little lap top and I are waiting for son to finally move out and we graduate to an OFFICE with a PC !!
I have been riding on that excitement for so many years I have blisters on my ... blank ?? LOL
Great shot girl !
Cassie said…
Man oh man, can I relate! I'm using the wi-fi at the visitor center today and it won't let me post my photos. Not sure if it's my laptop or their connection. Afraid it's the former. I may just go visiting today! Love the Jacaranda Shadow Shot and the lore attached to it. Sounds like a good excuse to me!! Happy SSS Tracy!
Sam said…
Love your jacaranda shot! It's gorgeous! Yes! I know that anecdote - I went to Sydney Uni and it was drummed into our heads - there's a huge jacaranda in the main quad.

Our jacarandas haven't started blooming as yet I absolutely can't wait for them to do so for two reasons:
a) I adore them!
b) It's closer to Christmas = holidays!

Did you know we've had snow in NSW this week - yesterday all over the state! I can't believe it! It was so cold yesterday...back to winter!

Hope you're well sweetie and have a lovely week!
lynda Howells said…
love this image..beautiful coloursx happy shadow box sunday from the UK! lynda
kasia leach said…
hey.. finally got around to linking up a shadow shoot..

loving the iphoneography!! i've been a little addicted myself lately..

have a great week and good luck with your computer..

Eden said…
Great shot. I love Jacaranda trees. We have one across the road.
I hope you get your computer fixed soon.

Have a great Sunday.
Anonymous said…
Love the info re the jacaranda tree. Joining in for first time this week. Hope you are able to fix your computer problems soon. Charmaine
Victoria said…
How very interesting! I never heard of a Jacaranda tree before. Thanks for enlightening me!! (Hope the 'ol computer is working better for you soon.)
Gemma Wiseman said…
I attended Sydney University and well remember the huge old beautiful jacaranda tree in the main quad! This really brings back memories! Wonderful photo!

Do hope your computer manages to find some good health soon!

Enjoy your weekend! Ours is wet and freezing and windy! There's even snow in the high country!
A Wild Thing said…
One on my favorite restaurants in Florida is called the Jacaranda...YUMMY you did it, I'm homesick for one of my favorite places on Earth...FLORIDA!

I'm schemin' on gittin' there somehow this winter...lottery maybe, but I guess then I'd have to play huh!

Sigh...have a wonderful beginning of Spring...sigh again!

(am I pathetic or what)
Hi Trace, you poor thing gotta luv them but when things go belly up its SOOO frustrating! Good Luck
Anonymous said…
I love your shot this week. Jacarandas are my favourite!
I have seen so many over the past week that have scattered their flowers on the ground. It looks so pretty!

I hope your computer is fixed up soon.
Mine has been giving me the blue screen on the odd occasion. yikes!

That is such a wonderful image and you are so so lucky to be welcoming the blossoms of Jacarandas. It was my favourite time of year when we lived in Sydney :)



PS..sorry to hear about your computer woes...I know how frustrating that can be!
EG CameraGirl said…
Oh, don't you just hate it when your computer is misbehaving!
Jacarandas are just gorgeous, although some people think of them as "messy" trees!
Patti said…
Never heard of jacarandas..thanks for educating me!

I like the college exam legend you shared. Blame a failing grade on the trees!

Sorry about your computer woes..too bad you didn't live near here. I'd get my Cameron to help you out! He is a true computer geek. ;-)
Unknown said…
I love your shot of the Jacaranda Tree, New Farm Park is an awesome place, I had a great time with my family there a few years back.

Hope your computer woes are not too drastic.
I just love your stuff. Have you thought about licensing these images for textile design or images on totebags or something? I have a friend quite expert in that business, actually. Email me if you're interested.


P.S. Fingers crossed about your computer! said…
I love the local folklore of the Jacaranda! Great post Tracy.
Happy SSS & I hope everything works out OK with your computer too.
: )
Sarah said…
Truly amazing shot. The color of that sky is awesome. Thanks for sharing the information about the jacaranda tree and thank you for hosting Shadow Shot Sunday. ~ Sarah @ QCI
Marilyn & Jeff said…
It's such a beautiful tree that it's a shame that it is known as purple panic, in spite of this I shall continue to love them and their showy blooms.
As always, I appreciate being able to join your SSS group.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!

I would appreciate if a staff member here at could repost it.

robin. said…
beautiful tree many yummy colors. sorry about your computer!! hate it when that happens!! hope you have a great week!!!
Beverley Baird said…
I especially love the sky in your photo! Wonderful shadows!
Have never seen this kind of tree - lovely!
Kay L. Davies said…
A beautiful tree and a fun legend about exam time. Thanks.

Kay, Alberta
E Makes Art said…
Beautiful shot, such a lovely tree. Hope your computer behaves!

Limarea said…
Gorgeous tree! Hope your computer will recover soon :)
Maggie said…
Such a beautiful tree, I don't think I've ever seen one as gorgeous before.
Hope your computer gremlins go away soon.
Pekka said…
In Finland we have snow on the groud and naked trees. Winter is coming, but in your photo is warm atmosphere. ;-)
Kelli said…
lovely shot as usual, very gentle looking
Risa Tzohar said…
Not just a tree but an education!
Linda said…
That is an amazing looking tree.
EG CameraGirl said…
I enjoyed reading the folklore about the Jacaranda tree!
Anonymous said…
love the shot reminds me of home-South Africa where these are common in some areas. Sorry about the PC probs what a nuisance, still glad we are able to post this week would miss it if we could not there are some pretty great shots out there.
Hope your week gets better/

Angie said…
Hope it all works out OK. I love Jacarandas & that is some great shot. Thanks, Tracy.
Anonymous said…
Oh Tracy. So sorry to hear about your computer problems. Computers! I have a love/hate relationship with mine (and I've never even had any problems with it!). I hope yours will be sorted out soon.
Love, love Jacarandas! But the litter...
Alexa said…
Here's hoping no jacaranda blossoms fall on your computer's head (so to speak)!
MOO said…
What a beautiful tree...have a Happy Sunday!
Chubby Chieque said…
With your nice shot & the prose or tale? UR excuse §;-)

Nahh... can't do anything with that if that's the only pc you have!

Just enjoy then. Have a happy week ahead.
Anonymous said…
Fun story and beautiful photo. Hope you enjoy your week. Good luck with your computer. They can be a pain at times!
Square Peg Guy said…
I enjoyed reading about the folklore behind your Jacaranda photo!

Hope you get your computer issue sorted out soon!
Lighthousegal said…
What a beautiful tree. Its branches spread out showing the light purple glow against a perfect sky, while the ground below shows its own wonder of green. Nice shot! Thanks for sharing!!
Christine said…
that image is extremely gorgeous & breath-taking! sorry to hear of your computer woes, hope they all get worked out, happy SSS & as always thanks for hosting!
Betsy Brock said…
This is a wonderful shot! I love the idea of Shadow Shot Sunday! I'll have to join in some time!

thanks, too for reading my roast! ;)
DougVernX said…
The greens really accentuate the blues in this photo. Beautiful shot:)
Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog.
Unknown said…
That jacaranda tree is really something T..sorry you are having some computer's such a pain at times like this. However, I hope the pc will behave after a visit to the doctor and everything is ok later. Hugs...M
That shot is beautiful Tracy!! It must be lovely to see its flowers littering the lawns.

So sorry about your computer problems. I hope it's a quick and easy fix.
hey, i just discovered your blog and the sss. love the idea. i've posted my link and hope you'll come visit.
FiveSibesMom said…
Hi, it's my first time participating in Shadow Shot Sunday. As a photographer, I love the idea and a chance to be extra creative! This is fun and I am happy to be part of it. Your tree photo is great! Stop by and visit me and the FiveSibes some time!
picciolo said…
Hope your computer is feeling better! I love the colour of the sky in your photo - amazing!
: )
Alan said…
Lovely photo. And the "Feathered friends" photo is very good and funny.