Shadow Shot Sunday #22
"Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, and of lending existence to nothing" - Edmund Burke
It’s nice to be back. It seems I timed my mid-week post break perfectly, due to an electrical storm causing damage to my computer and leaving me off-line for a period anyways. All fixed now. I learned a valuable lesson. To unplug things from the wall during a storm. Simply switching them off at the wall isn’t enough.
Thanks so much for the lovely birthday wishes and sweet surprises I received during the week. Since I started blogging early this year I’ve enjoyed getting to know so many amazing, creative, clever, funny, kind and wonderful people. It’s a beautiful blogging community out there. Thanks for making it so. xo
The Shadow Gallery collages this week feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to participate in SSS, please do! Simply shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky at the bottom of this post, and visit other players. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery - Ninety-Nine Red/Luftballoons (the other 98 popped in fear of listening to that song)

The Shooters:
1. Bobbityboo 2. GreyscaleTerritory 3. Gingerbread 4. Fog&Thistle 5. ZanesMilkMachine 6. Lisa'sRetroStyle 7. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 8. GalleryJuana 9. ThisGirlLovesToTalk
Shadow Gallery - "It's oh so quiet, it's oh so still, you're all alone, and so peaceful until"...BA!DA!BA!DA!

The Shooters:
1. HoosierRoots 2. HighDesertDiva 3. LongIslandDailyPhoto 4. GiddyJax 5. AnnetteHanigan 6. AlmostThere 7. SweetRepose 8. Aimer 9. TwinkleStarArt
Shadow Gallery - "ARRrrr! Take that you crazy sock puppet" says pint-sized pyjama clad pirate boy

The Shooters:
1. SummerKitchenGirls 2. ArtSquadGraphics 3. EmBelISH 4. RosebudCollection 5. SpittingImage 6. AllThingsAlissa 7. NakedLady 8. TheSmallThings 9. AboutNewYork
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #22

A photo taken of a murky and shadowy pond. The bird, thinking it was a frog, jumped onto a lily pad. As it was slowly sinking a whirlpool formed around it creating an interesting pattern in the water. The second image is a cropped section of the water from the first photo. I like it better than the first pic. Trippy!
I was very happy with my pooch Sophie for finishing the SSS post last week. Sophie did such a fine job that I’m thinking of having her contribute to my blog occasionally in the future. That will not be happening until I’ve purchased Sophie her very own keyboard. It took me a long time to clean the grotty paw prints and slobber off mine last week. Ick! Sophie is a little piggy pooch! A loveable piggy pooch all the same.

Date claimer! The BrisStyle team are busily preparing for this super event. All the details can be found here on the blog. If you’re a local be sure to mark the date in your diary and come along. It promises to be a great day! While I’ll not have a stall set up on the day, I’ll be there doing the all-important coffee runs for my fellow BrisStyle members. I’ll also be running around like a loon buying all my Christmas presents. Yes, MY Christmas presents. I’m thinking whatever I buy I’ll not be wanting to part with! Also, something else fun will be happening in the BrisStyle camp in a couple of weeks and I’ll be shouting all about it here as soon as it kicks off! It’s going to be BIG! And fun! Did I already mention fun? Big & fun!
Ok, I do apologise for this SSS post being so long-winded. I'm just making up for lost time. I did actually have more to say but thought I’d better stop now as all this waffle may be a little coma inducing as it is. Happy Sunday! Perhaps I should yell it for the benefit of those who have nodded off. HAPPY SUNDAY!
Shadow Shot Sunday participants
It’s nice to be back. It seems I timed my mid-week post break perfectly, due to an electrical storm causing damage to my computer and leaving me off-line for a period anyways. All fixed now. I learned a valuable lesson. To unplug things from the wall during a storm. Simply switching them off at the wall isn’t enough.
Thanks so much for the lovely birthday wishes and sweet surprises I received during the week. Since I started blogging early this year I’ve enjoyed getting to know so many amazing, creative, clever, funny, kind and wonderful people. It’s a beautiful blogging community out there. Thanks for making it so. xo
The Shadow Gallery collages this week feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to participate in SSS, please do! Simply shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), add your link to Mr Linky at the bottom of this post, and visit other players. Have fun!
Shadow Gallery - Ninety-Nine Red/Luftballoons (the other 98 popped in fear of listening to that song)

The Shooters:
1. Bobbityboo 2. GreyscaleTerritory 3. Gingerbread 4. Fog&Thistle 5. ZanesMilkMachine 6. Lisa'sRetroStyle 7. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 8. GalleryJuana 9. ThisGirlLovesToTalk
Shadow Gallery - "It's oh so quiet, it's oh so still, you're all alone, and so peaceful until"...BA!DA!BA!DA!

The Shooters:
1. HoosierRoots 2. HighDesertDiva 3. LongIslandDailyPhoto 4. GiddyJax 5. AnnetteHanigan 6. AlmostThere 7. SweetRepose 8. Aimer 9. TwinkleStarArt
Shadow Gallery - "ARRrrr! Take that you crazy sock puppet" says pint-sized pyjama clad pirate boy

The Shooters:
1. SummerKitchenGirls 2. ArtSquadGraphics 3. EmBelISH 4. RosebudCollection 5. SpittingImage 6. AllThingsAlissa 7. NakedLady 8. TheSmallThings 9. AboutNewYork
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #22

A photo taken of a murky and shadowy pond. The bird, thinking it was a frog, jumped onto a lily pad. As it was slowly sinking a whirlpool formed around it creating an interesting pattern in the water. The second image is a cropped section of the water from the first photo. I like it better than the first pic. Trippy!
I was very happy with my pooch Sophie for finishing the SSS post last week. Sophie did such a fine job that I’m thinking of having her contribute to my blog occasionally in the future. That will not be happening until I’ve purchased Sophie her very own keyboard. It took me a long time to clean the grotty paw prints and slobber off mine last week. Ick! Sophie is a little piggy pooch! A loveable piggy pooch all the same.

Date claimer! The BrisStyle team are busily preparing for this super event. All the details can be found here on the blog. If you’re a local be sure to mark the date in your diary and come along. It promises to be a great day! While I’ll not have a stall set up on the day, I’ll be there doing the all-important coffee runs for my fellow BrisStyle members. I’ll also be running around like a loon buying all my Christmas presents. Yes, MY Christmas presents. I’m thinking whatever I buy I’ll not be wanting to part with! Also, something else fun will be happening in the BrisStyle camp in a couple of weeks and I’ll be shouting all about it here as soon as it kicks off! It’s going to be BIG! And fun! Did I already mention fun? Big & fun!
Ok, I do apologise for this SSS post being so long-winded. I'm just making up for lost time. I did actually have more to say but thought I’d better stop now as all this waffle may be a little coma inducing as it is. Happy Sunday! Perhaps I should yell it for the benefit of those who have nodded off. HAPPY SUNDAY!
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. High Desert Diva 3. Charlie & Grace 4. Bobbi 5. Naked Lady 6. The Summer Kitchen Girls 7. Gemma 8. Bobbie 9. Hildegarde (from Flanders) 10. me Ann my Camera 11. Elizabeth | 12. Gingerbread 13. Michelle Pendergrass 14. Bobbie-2 15. Paz's New York Minute 16. Lisa B. 17. GalleryJuana 18. Sweet Repose 19. Alissa Baptista 20. Long Island Daily Photo 21. ctmott 22. EmBelISH | 23. TwinkleStarArt 24. Katanya 25. Richie 26. Fog and Thistle 27. Spitting Ink 28. Toni @ Hoosier Roots 29. Bettye 30. Sweetagring 31. Serenity Now 32. Giddy Jax |
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Glad you had a good birthday week!
Great job as always on the collages T and I must say...I love, love the black and white pond! Brilliant shot!
And I for one would love to see Sophie contribute on your blog in the future, she did a woofonderful job!
The Christmas Market sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun and I can't wait it see what you're going to be shouting about in a couple of weeks!
I won't be participating in SSS this week, I'm too far behind in EVERYTHING and I'm trying my best to catch up. And if I don't stop typing right this minute my comment is going to be as long as your post! lol Not that I didn't mind your long post, in fact I found it quite enjoyable. :D
A very, very Happy Sunday to you too! xo
Delightful collages with most interesting titles!
And your photos are both trippy in black and white! The 2nd one could be some piece of illusionary art, but I feel the 1st one seems to blur the dividing line between reality and illusion! Wonderful!
The monochrome look is amazing.
I'm afraid I've doubled up Shadow Shot Sunday with today's Halloween party.
But there are lots of Shadows -I hope.
So glad you are finding the blogging world fun.
So many cool and creative people out there!
I love your latest shadow shot.
Yes! Sophie should participate more!
The Christmas market looks like it will be LOTS of fun! Wish I lived closer. ;-)
The mosaics look wonderful once that a Bjork quote above the middle one?
Your SS this week is the pattern and lighting/reflection in the little whirlpool..must have been funny to watch the bird :D Happy Sunday! Gxox
These photos are amazing. I love the patterns and shadows on the water, especially in the second pic.
Do you use a tripod for your photos?
I will look forward to your pooch's future posts.
Yup. Bjork lyrics. Sing along! :)
Gallery Juana-
No I don't use a tripod but I should. My hands are often shaky from drinking too much coffee & many of my photos are blurry because of it. I just don't post the blurry ones ;)
I absolutely loved each and every one of the shots today and your duck image was the icing on the cake.
You made the BrisStyle market sound so enticing I decided there and then to come along. Oh, that's right, I'll be there selling stuff.
Hope you are having a great SSS!!
Karla & Karrie
greetings from chilly Stockholm!
am not sure if i linked to Mr.Linky. If not would you mind to assist me w/ that, pls? Thanks a mill
You just click on the 'Mr Linky box' (found above the comments link) & add your link there :)
Bummer about the storm damage to your computer! I can totally relate...Ours was once literally smoked by lightning!
I look forward to Sophie's next post...I love that "piggy pooch"!!
Have fun at the Brisstyle Christmas Market:D Sounds like a good time!
Thank you for hosting this shadow shot meme. I love the collages you make every week & I feel so fortunate to be a part of such creativity.
well, happy Sunday.
: )
Thank you very much! The truth is I didn't see it before that's why I asked but now I see it. Anyway you can copy the photos by simply clicking it. It will take you to my flicker and you can copy there.
Thanks again!
Great ss collages again this week - you sure do have a knack for putting them together (and making me chuckle hee hee hee!)
I love the second ss of yours, without the duck (not that I dislike ducks .... I quite like them actually..) just love the freaky shadow on the water - out of context they would appear very strange, I think.
thanks for adding me to Mr Linky too :)