Urban Wall-Capers (Part 2)
I haven’t been able to follow up with photos of graffiti from the same location as featured in my Urban Wall-Capers (Part 1) post yet, but have found some other interesting public art elsewhere in my travels about town. Well that was a long-winded sentence wasn’t it? I realise sentences as a general rule require full stops, but I sometimes have an aversion to full stops. Full stops, minimalist by design and misleadingly innocent in their simplicity, yet the impact often confronting and abrupt. It’s about the timing, when to let go, when to end. Like a relationship going nowhere, drifting, with nothing left to say, procrastinating with a splattering of ambiguous commas only delays the inevitable, it’s over, finished, full stop. Oh. I got a little sidetracked. Just thank your lucky stars that I didn’t get started on semicolons.

The first two pieces I found in West End, at the entrance of the building that houses the ever-awesome Reverse Garbage Co-Op. The last photo was taken of a large-scale stencil mural in Paddington. The majority of the mural was obscured by a big shadow from the neighbouring building so much of it wasn’t clear in the original photo, so I cropped the clearest section of it. I was surprised to not find more graffiti style art in the West End area. Well, maybe not that surprised. Sadly, West End isn’t the ratbaggy and unique inner-city suburb it once was. It seems to be the way of many Brisbane inner-city areas now. Progress and development has bulldozed the character and charm out of them. ‘Tis now a never-ending skyline of cranes. BrisCrane. Ugh! I'm sure this phenomenon isn't unique to this city, but it still bugs me.

The first two pieces I found in West End, at the entrance of the building that houses the ever-awesome Reverse Garbage Co-Op. The last photo was taken of a large-scale stencil mural in Paddington. The majority of the mural was obscured by a big shadow from the neighbouring building so much of it wasn’t clear in the original photo, so I cropped the clearest section of it. I was surprised to not find more graffiti style art in the West End area. Well, maybe not that surprised. Sadly, West End isn’t the ratbaggy and unique inner-city suburb it once was. It seems to be the way of many Brisbane inner-city areas now. Progress and development has bulldozed the character and charm out of them. ‘Tis now a never-ending skyline of cranes. BrisCrane. Ugh! I'm sure this phenomenon isn't unique to this city, but it still bugs me.
I am sooooo happy you decided to stick with Shadow Sunday!
First ~ Love your ramblings on full stops and commas. Utterly brilliant! Would love you to try semi colons too! PLEASE!
Second~ The graffitti art is fascinating! Quite different styles altogether!
Third ~ Your comment about tall buildings and cranes ~ Have you ever noticed how there always seems to be a crane on top of some tall building? I am never sure why, especially when the building is already finished and lived in!
Fourth ~ Your comment about personality ~ I live in a semi-rural, semi-cosmopolitan, semi-touristy (summer) mountain area by Port Phillip Bay. If ever there is a place with multi-personalities verging on schizophrenic, it must be here! And I love going on a voyage of discovery for different profiles in different seasons and weathers!
Fifth ~ Most important ~ Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog!
Now its FULL STOP!
I love the "Greed Is The New Black!" and the "Blah Blah Blah". Who am I kidding? I love all the graffiti art!
The never-ending skyline of cranes scares me. There's been a few that have caused a panic here in the States by falling down.
And there's nothing wrong with a long-winded sentence T! I do it all the time! lol Nice to know I'm in good company! :D
Hope you enjoy that recipe - it is pretty delicious!
Karla & Karrie
I tooo love 'greed, the new black', says it all doesn't it, as America sinks into new lows...but I look at it as a good thing, America needs to go on a diet, we've become too fat through the years and haven't been paying attention to the shadow government that is now more blatant and corrupt than ever.
I love the scene in the movie Independance Day, when the aliens nuke the White House...is there a message there???
And I for one, am famous for long comma'd sentences...and maybe a few dots...but, the semi-colon...what is that all about?!!!
Have a wonderful day girl...you crack me up and make my day;;;;;
PS...about the confusing post I wrote, to you gals down under on the big island, Marburger Farms, Texas has a HUGE flea market twice a year and a bunch of my blogger friends are down there right now whoopin' it up. They also have what is known as a Bloggers Ball, where everyone that has a blog congregates to finally meet in person. They dress up in crazy outfits and probably (ha) drink too much gin and Lone Star (Texas) beer. You can check out their antics on Chippys, Trash Talk or Garden Antiques Vintage...these girls are a hoot...now talk about long-winded...later;
Always interesting to see different styles of graffiti. The last photo is especially engaging...
Great graffiti...I love "greed is the new black". Oh how true it is!!
: )
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on semicolons one day. YOu always manage to make me laugh out loud ;D
those wall capers photos are great, though I cant say the same for ours over here. Hope you are well, I am kinda out of SSS for now I am sure I can find something...wouldn't want to miss the SSS. HUGS!!
Great pics too. Brisbane has GREAT wall art. Thanks for sharing it.
Great art you're sharing here esp love the first one and it's splatters of colour..R has to do a 5 minute speech for school..she chose headlice..but I swayed her to do it on graffiti..so we're both learning about it's history and different styles..very interesting stuff.!! Gx
Thought you might like to look at this graffiti site from Melbourne - if you haven't already seen it - the hippo is my favourite!
Oh, and of course, some great stencil art there!!