
Eeeek! Panic is beginning to kick in. I now have less than a month to complete these canvases for an upcoming exhibition and this is all I’ve done so far. Prepared the backgrounds with vintage book pages (choice of pulp being Peanuts…no surprise to anyone who knows me!) and I’ve yet to add the paint. They are going to be paintings. Which of course means that they require painting. I have paint. I have brushes. I even have this very clear plan in my head of what I want to do. It’s just not happening. Why? Dunno. If I wasn’t in panic mode my brain would work properly and I’d be able to list a gazillion concise, yet extremely mundane reasons. Stress is a funny ol’ thing. Causing an inability to focus. Leaving one with an attention span of a flea. Is flea correct? It doesn’t seem right somehow. I think of fleas as being quite attentive little critters. Maybe I’ve read them wrong. Whatever. And performing the simplest of tasks becomes all too overwhelming. Even attempting to reply to text messages while on the bus was a complete impossibility. My hands failed to work and I kept dropping the phone. I gave up in the end. On the bus. On edge. Route #345. The crowds, the noise, the drunken Melbourne Cup Day revellers…
St dwn kd, y’r mkng m nrvs.

Today at least was made a little sweeter with the arrival of this Etsy purchase from Esme's Fudge. I LOVE homemade fudge and this is the first Brisbane Etsy shop that I've discovered to sell food items. Oh boy is this fudge yummy! 350 grams of hand whisked creamy milk chocolatey goodness! It was also wrapped and packaged so pretty in lovely fabric and ribbon and was sent fresh from the kitchen via overnight express post! I discovered this shop on Little Mary Moo's fab blog and I'm so glad I did!
: )
HaHa! I am more than happy for you to imagine that I look like Naomi Watts! :D
The panels are off to a good start, hope you have better luck focusing today. I feel like I have been unproductive for weeks, with the US election stress. But now I can begin to breath again!
I can't wait to see what you paint on those cool looking canvases!! So snap out of it girl...and get to work! Did that help?!
I hope the stress easy a little for you, I'm sure your paintings will be fantastic.
They don't have to do the actual painting, (unless they know how) maybe they can do the dishes or pick up some groceries, anything to give you more time.
Good luck.
the fudge looks delish!
And I can't wait to see the finished product of your paintings - I love them so far!! I have a 'thing' for old, yellowed book pages! ;)
Maybe I should order some of that tempting fudge. Is it hot?
And oh how I love fudge! I must try out this shop, especially cos it's local!
You take care and try not to stress too much! xx
I really like how she wraps it in fabric.
Anyways, I can relate to you about focusing. The early month of September I could hardly get anything acomplished and the more I stressed about it, the more harder it was to get anything done. I feel a lot better now, so what I am trying to say is, those times are terrible, but I know that you will wake up with calmness and focus you need soon. Hope that doesnt sound corny, but I really feel that life just hits me with phases where I feel like I am a major disapointment.
Then it always turns around.
I have faith in you..
Food sure looks good..One bite of that chocolate and you should be done in a jiffy..
Missed you..
EXHIBIT? That's a kinda cool stuff, huh? Show us d outcome, mb?
thanks for the tip on picassa too have done a few collages on our blog today... SSS posted, just no Mr Linky yet