Shadow Shot Sunday #26
In Peter Pan the main character loses his shadow. It snaps off when he leaps out of the window, which is slammed closed behind him. It is put in a drawer and later sewed back on by Wendy.
The three Shadow Gallery collages this week feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday plus a couple from the archives. If you’d like to participate in SSS, please do! How you may ask? It's easy peasy! Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or near enough to Sunday), then add your link to the Mr Linky gadget found at the bottom of this post, and visit other players. Have fun!

The Shooters:
1. Lisa'sRetroStyle 2. TwoBarkingDogs 3. Murrieta365 4. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 5. RosebudCollection 6. Me 7. LongIslandDailyPhoto 8. NakedLady 9. ArtSquadGraphics 10. RichiesInspirationalDesigns 11. PP-Designs 12. SweetRepose 13. SummerKitchenGirls 14. ThePaganSphinx 15. Olga 16. LaVieEstBelle

The Shooters:
1. TheSmallThings 2. SpittingImage 3. MolokaiGirl 4. HoosierRoots

The Shooters:
1. BubbleBabble 2. AnnetteHanigan 3. GreyscaleTerritory 4. HotFudge 5. AllThingsAlissa 6. EmBelISH 7. AboutNewYork 8. GalleryJuana 9. AlmostThere 10. Babylonezoo 11. ThisGirlLovesToTalk 12. DoYouSeeWhatISee 13. Charlie&Grace 14. Gingerbread 15. FCP 16. HighDesertDiva
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #26

The base of a big tree in New Farm Park. Wish I could remember what these big trees are called but I can't. They're very impressive. Those big trees. In NF Park. My brain has gone to mush today so I'll shoosh now.
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. Janine 3. High Desert Diva 4. Bobbie-2 5. FCP 6. Gemma 7. Richie 8. annette 9. Naked Lady 10. The Small Things 11. Lisa's RetroStyle 12. Sweet Repose 13. Irene | 14. Gallery Juana 15. me and my camera 16. Olga aka orchidgirl1979 17. Alissa Baptista 18. Charlie and Grace 19. This Girl loves to Talk 20. The Summer Kitchen Girls 21. Michelle 22. BABYLONEZOO (France) 23. ctmott 24. Elizabeth 25. Jan-Murrieta 26. Dianne | 27. maryt/theteach 28. Pagan Sphinx 29. Sara Chapman in Seattle 30. Reverie 31. Jill 32. hoipolloi 33. Spitting Ink 34. Christine 35. Molokai Girl 36. ppdesigns 37. EmBelISH 38. Carin @ Caliope's Eye |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Have a joyous Sunday, T and take care.
Great shot!
I am quite sure that this is a Moreton Bay Fig Tree. There are quite a few monster specimens of this tree around Brisbane.
p.s we've had no sun this week! :(
Might see if I can dig up a SS from the vault..if not, see you next week
I love your tree shot!! It looks like a Banyon tree...but since I don't know what kind of trees you have in your neck of the woods...I had to go look it up. It is in the Banyon family...but is called a Moreton Bay Fig. It's native to eastern Australia. Can you tell I love trees?! I should have read the other comments first and I would have saved myself some time as I now see Gemma and Annette know their trees!!! Anyway it's very cool!!
Guess I'd better get off my ar*e and go find me a shadow of my own:D
They must be huge trees. Yay for trees!
What a lovely tree, it looks like an trollwooden, nice tree.
I have now put in my shadow shot at my site
I have put in my self to Mister linky too.
I hope it will be rigth.
Happy Sunday
happy sunday :)
As always, having lots of fun on SSS!
Karla & Karrie
I imagine children have lots of fun playing on roots like this - I certainly would have done.
my link says it's my first time, I just clicked enter without realizing it was from the actual first time
hey! I'm a virgin again!!
Also, I like your Peter Pan reference. When my sister and I were little, she used to stand by the window each night, praying to Peter Pan to come and teach her to fly.
I posted my shadow shot at 1:00 this morning and just now remembered to link here. Sorry about that!
: )