Fun, Food and Fungi

Only three more sleeps until this exciting event! I’ll not babble on about it here because I just posted about it over on the BrisStyle blog. So head on over there for all the details and some pretty pictures.
I received two awards from my friend Laura of Any Occasion Boutique. For some weird reason the award pics will not upload so I can't display them here. Grrr. One is a Marie Antoinette award and I'm not sure what this award is all about but I appreciate receiving it anyways! It looks a little too classy for my unruly blog. Better watch my Ps & Qs now. Whatever that means exactly. The other is a cute award that Laura made and passed along to me as a thankyou for volunteering my services as a taste tester for Laura’s baked goods. Laura has just opened a second shop on Etsy called Laura Lee’s Tasty Treats and has sent me some of those tasty treats to sample so that I can provide feedback to her. I’m very much looking forward to the parcel arriving so I can commence my very important assignment! Can you believe it? I receive free baked goods in the mail AND receive an award for sampling them. Life is good! I’d just like to put it out there that I’m willing to offer my taste testing services to anybody wishing to send sweet treats my way to sample. It’s my little way of contributing to the community in an attempt to make the world a better place. Gosh, I may even be up for a Nobel Peace prize before long for my good heartedness!
And here, uploaded without any problems are a few photos I took of some fungi that I found interesting.
The last shot looks like an army of mushrooms marching 'round the bend. See you again on Sunday!
I totally love these photos. The middle one looks as if they are butterflies gliding across a rock. Totally cool!! And the last one looks like a field of mini marshmallows :-D
Thank you again for the mention. You are a dear friend ;-)
I'd be happy to sign up for that little taste testing assignment too:)
Congrats on your awards...and have fun at the BrisStyle event!!
i'll be competing with you for that one!
: D
well, good to have you back on your regular postings and have a great more on my behalf :P
Those are amazing fungi photos!! I am not sure if we even have the little white army kind here, but they are adorably cool and cute! (That is until they multiple by the millions and take over the world while we sleep! Yikes! Attack of the Fungi!)
In answer to your question, those 'magic mushies' are found in Roma Street Parklands. And don't go stealing 'em! ;D
i'm not sure why, but you should. I really like your description of the third musroom picture. Tis true, it does look like an army of mushrooms!
Congrats on your awards. Much deserved as usual. I have to agree with you, "Life IS good." It's good when you can taste for and get an award for it.
Keep contributing to make the world a better place. Now, where do I go to nominate you for the Nobel Prize?
The way they crowd together like that makes them look like little people wearing big hats. They make me smile!
I love it.
: )
Congrats on your newest awards!
The fungi pics are incredibly cool. My fave is the second shot.
I didn't know that this blog was you! I have been reading here on and off for a few months and now I stumble across you in the real at BrisStyle ... cool. Now I love your stuff even more because you are aces little lady.
Good to meet you on Saturday and I hope I see more of you!