Shadow Shot Sunday #32
Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. Before submitting your link, if you could click here for a little further info it would be most appreciated. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy the shadows!
Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. AboutNewYork 2. AlmostThere 3. Me 4. SweetRepose 5. RosebudCollection 6. TheSmallThings 7. ThePaganSphinx 8. EmBelISH 9. RandomThoughts 10. Lisa'sRetroStyle 11. MolokaiGirl 12. LaVieEstBelle 13. HighDesertDiva 14. Babylonezoo 15. PP-Designs 16. Olga

The Shooters:
1. NakedLady 2. LifeAroundLevittown 3. AllThingsAlissa 4. Mamapippa 5. TwinkleStarArt 6. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 7. Richie 8. ArtSquadGraphics 9. WaysISeeTheWorld 10. HotFudge 11. KittyBooBoo 12. SummerKitchenGirls 13. Lucy'sLogic 14. GreyscaleTerritory 15. Murrieta365 16. DoYouSeeWhatISee
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #32

This shadow shot is from the first lot of TtV photos I took earlier in the week. I’m totally smitten with the TtV technique and my Argus camera! Again, thanks Claire! I’ve been obsessively snapping anything and everything like a lunatic. I think I'm slowly improving with all the practice. I really like this earlier one though. Sophie was eagerly following me around the yard while I was playing with my new toy and she stopped for a rest in the shade amongst the flowers. And I wanted to sneak in a last shot of Soph for 08.
Well, this is the final SSS for 2008! Thanks so much to all those who have played along and I hope to see all of you and your wonderful shadows again next year. Also, thanks to all the lovely folk who visited my blog throughout the year as I dearly appreciate you popping in. And a special mushy thanks to those who left comments. I always enjoy reading them and some of you guys are so amusing! I feel so very fortunate to be visited by such kind, talented, witty and entertaining people. I feel even more fortunate to have become friends with people I’ve met through blogging. I’ll see you again next Sunday and I wish you all the very best for the New Year. May 2009 be filled with much love, friendship, happiness and peace. Oh and shadows of course! Let's not forget the shadows. Lots of interesting, crazy and fun-filled shadows! xo
Happy Sunday & Happy New Year!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants

The Shooters:
1. AboutNewYork 2. AlmostThere 3. Me 4. SweetRepose 5. RosebudCollection 6. TheSmallThings 7. ThePaganSphinx 8. EmBelISH 9. RandomThoughts 10. Lisa'sRetroStyle 11. MolokaiGirl 12. LaVieEstBelle 13. HighDesertDiva 14. Babylonezoo 15. PP-Designs 16. Olga

The Shooters:
1. NakedLady 2. LifeAroundLevittown 3. AllThingsAlissa 4. Mamapippa 5. TwinkleStarArt 6. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 7. Richie 8. ArtSquadGraphics 9. WaysISeeTheWorld 10. HotFudge 11. KittyBooBoo 12. SummerKitchenGirls 13. Lucy'sLogic 14. GreyscaleTerritory 15. Murrieta365 16. DoYouSeeWhatISee
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #32
This shadow shot is from the first lot of TtV photos I took earlier in the week. I’m totally smitten with the TtV technique and my Argus camera! Again, thanks Claire! I’ve been obsessively snapping anything and everything like a lunatic. I think I'm slowly improving with all the practice. I really like this earlier one though. Sophie was eagerly following me around the yard while I was playing with my new toy and she stopped for a rest in the shade amongst the flowers. And I wanted to sneak in a last shot of Soph for 08.
Well, this is the final SSS for 2008! Thanks so much to all those who have played along and I hope to see all of you and your wonderful shadows again next year. Also, thanks to all the lovely folk who visited my blog throughout the year as I dearly appreciate you popping in. And a special mushy thanks to those who left comments. I always enjoy reading them and some of you guys are so amusing! I feel so very fortunate to be visited by such kind, talented, witty and entertaining people. I feel even more fortunate to have become friends with people I’ve met through blogging. I’ll see you again next Sunday and I wish you all the very best for the New Year. May 2009 be filled with much love, friendship, happiness and peace. Oh and shadows of course! Let's not forget the shadows. Lots of interesting, crazy and fun-filled shadows! xo
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. Bobbie-2 3. High Desert Diva 4. Mamapippa - Belgium 5. Sylvia4 6. Sweet Repose 7. Richie 8. Gemma 9. Jan 10. Naked Lady 11. Fog and Thistle | 12. Summer Kitchen Girls 13. Olga aka orchidgirl1979 14. Paz's New York Minute 15. Alissa 16. Dianne 17. Long Island Daily Photo 18. Terri - teelgee 19. The Small Things 20. BABYLONEZOO (France) 21. ctmott 22. EmBelISH | 23. Sherrie 24. Pagan Sphinx 25. Julia 26. maryt/theteach 27. Raven 28. Molokai Girl 29. Christine 30. Spitting Ink 31. Lisa's RetroStyle 32. Twinkle Star Art 33. Gingerbread |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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TTV's are too cool....
Happy New Year!
Very nice shadow shot!
Your picture is so clear, no specks of dirt. Did you take your Argus apart and clean it? I know a lot of people do, but I get a wee bit scattered and am afraid once I take mine apart to clean, I will never remember how to reassemble it!
Happy New Year to you, too!
Have a wonderful fun-filled New Year, oh crazy one!!! (takes one to know one)...CHEERS!!!
Thank you so much for all your great hosting of this meme! Always fun with a few surprises to keep the party alive!
Happy New Year!
This will be the last SSS of the year & hopefully we're going to be more smarties next year!
Am happy to be one of your friend in the blogland. I jst wish, one day, when I come over to the land downunder, will meet you all. Soon!
Have a Peaceful & Blissful New Year and wish all the best.
So much love to you & your fam,
//chie 4evah
That little Sophie is a sweetie - too cute!
Happy new year to you!
what a hoot that random surreal generator thing is. i've never noticed it there before. i've been hitting page reload for the last 20mins to read more nonsense quotes. hours of fun. wishing you a great new year harriet.
Happy, Happy New Year to you!
P.S. - When you have talked about how hot is at your home the image that comes to my mind are the Christmas scenes from The English Patient. More Collin Firth! Even tho I felt bad for him in that roll. Oh well.
I just love that technique. I am on the look out for one of those cameras. When I find one I'll have to ask you about the tube that goes with it.
Great collages.
Happy New Year to you too!
Soph is a sweet girl and I love how she looks in the shade among the tiny flowers.
Thank you so much for hosting Shadow Shots and for making the lovely collages each week!!
Happy New Year
Also, your collages are beautiful as always. I like the colors you put together in the groupings of photos. Nice job.
& thanks for your lovely new years message. Happy New Years to you & yours as well!
I'm lucky that my Argus is in really good condition & clean. Some of my shots have dirt specks in them but most don't. I actually really like the gritty TtV shots though. If I was brave enough to pull apart my Argus it would be to dirty it up a bit. Like you, I'm afraid if I dismantled it I'd not be able to put it back together again either! :)
What a fun year you made with your idea of Shadow Shots..
I have to admit, never cared about taking pictures..but between the blog and shadow shots..I drive my family a little nuts with the camera...
Happy New Year to you and may all your wishes come true..
Sophie looks like she needs a rest in the shadows! She's very cute!! Have a great New Year!!
Now, I need to go find out what Ttv is...
I droping by, to tell you that I have a new years greatings at my blog, to you and all my blogfriends. If you scroll down at my site you can reed it in english.
Sunwarm hugs from Irene
Hope you had at fabulous Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Tracy! :)
Happy new year T..may it be full of shadows! Gxox
Sooo, uuuummmm, by the way. I left an award for you on my blog! Yeah yeah. You can thank me later for the sending it to you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Big hugs my dear!
Thanks for being a friend in bloglandia. So much appreciated and I just want to let you know that, am so glad I found you...
Hope this will last at least for long §:-)
Cheers Mate!