Shadow Shot Sunday #34
Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. If first-timers could click here for a little further info before submitting your link it would be appreciated. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy the shadows!
Shadow Gallery
The Shooters:
1. SummerKitchenGirls 2. Lisa'sRetroStyle 3. SweetRepose 4. RavenRidgeGarden 5. AboutNewYork 6. Babylonezoo 7. HighDesertDiva 8. Murrieta365 9. GreyscaleTerritory
The Shooters:
1. LongIslandDailyPhoto 2. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 3. Richie 4. Charlie&Grace 5. IcePonyTrekking 6. PaganSphinx 7. JillRuth&Co 8. ArtSquadGraphics 9. Black&White&Colours 10. HeartToArt 11. AllThingsAlissa 12. TheSmallThings 13. Abstraction 14. Mamapippa 15. RandomThoughts 16. Me
The Shooters:
1. RamblingWoods 2. MyPhotoJourney 3. AlmostThere 4. WorkOfThePoet 5. RosebudCollection 6. MolokaiGirl 7. ViewFromRaven'sNest 8. LaVieEstBelle 9. DoYouSeeWhatISee
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #34

Some jazz shadows for an early Sunday morning. Imagine the aroma of fresh coffee accompanying the tunes. Oh yeah! Now imagine the loud and annoying sound of the coffee grinder. That noise is remarkably close to the sound that the trombone above makes whenever I attempt to play it. Stupid trombone.
Something I didn’t mention last week was that my blog turned one year old on the 1st of January. I didn’t mention it because the birthday passed without me even realising until the week after. I’m hopeless at remembering birthdays. Also I received a sweet Spirit of Christmas award from Laura of Any Occasion Boutique a while back and failed to mention that as well, being so consumed with the spirit of Christmas and all that. A very belated thanks to Laura! I’m sure all of this forgetfulness is due to being in holiday mode. My brain shuts down. Sleepy brain better wake up soon because I’m back at work tomorrow. Aaaarrrrgh!
Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
The Shooters:
1. SummerKitchenGirls 2. Lisa'sRetroStyle 3. SweetRepose 4. RavenRidgeGarden 5. AboutNewYork 6. Babylonezoo 7. HighDesertDiva 8. Murrieta365 9. GreyscaleTerritory
The Shooters:
1. LongIslandDailyPhoto 2. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 3. Richie 4. Charlie&Grace 5. IcePonyTrekking 6. PaganSphinx 7. JillRuth&Co 8. ArtSquadGraphics 9. Black&White&Colours 10. HeartToArt 11. AllThingsAlissa 12. TheSmallThings 13. Abstraction 14. Mamapippa 15. RandomThoughts 16. Me
The Shooters:
1. RamblingWoods 2. MyPhotoJourney 3. AlmostThere 4. WorkOfThePoet 5. RosebudCollection 6. MolokaiGirl 7. ViewFromRaven'sNest 8. LaVieEstBelle 9. DoYouSeeWhatISee
Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #34
Some jazz shadows for an early Sunday morning. Imagine the aroma of fresh coffee accompanying the tunes. Oh yeah! Now imagine the loud and annoying sound of the coffee grinder. That noise is remarkably close to the sound that the trombone above makes whenever I attempt to play it. Stupid trombone.
Something I didn’t mention last week was that my blog turned one year old on the 1st of January. I didn’t mention it because the birthday passed without me even realising until the week after. I’m hopeless at remembering birthdays. Also I received a sweet Spirit of Christmas award from Laura of Any Occasion Boutique a while back and failed to mention that as well, being so consumed with the spirit of Christmas and all that. A very belated thanks to Laura! I’m sure all of this forgetfulness is due to being in holiday mode. My brain shuts down. Sleepy brain better wake up soon because I’m back at work tomorrow. Aaaarrrrgh!
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. Sweet Repose 3. High Desert Diva 4. Gallery Juana 5. Bobbie-2 6. Hot Fudge 7. maryt/theteach 8. Gemma 9. Mamapippa 10. BABYLONEZOO (France) 11. kden 12. Giddy Jax 13. me Ann my camera 14. Charlie and Grace 15. Richie 16. Pagan Sphinx | 17. Olga aka orchidgirl1979 18. Terri - teelgee 19. PJ 20. Summer Kitchen Girls 21. Lisa's Retro Style 22. Twinkle Star Art 23. Raven 24. Jill 25. Long Island Daily Photo 26. Rebecca (Clearview) 27. JAGAT FOTOGRAFI 28. Ice Pony Trekking 29. Carin 30. Dianne 31. The Small Things 32. Paz's New York Minute | 33. ctmott 34. TWO BARKING DOGS 35. Fog and Thistle 36. More of Me 37. Elizabeth 38. Daily Vintage Square 39. ramblingwoods 40. Sylvia4 41. Sara Chapman in Seattle 42. Naked Lady 43. Debbie 44. Molokai Girl 45. Julia 46. Tessa 47. magpie |
Learn more about Shadow Shot Sunday here.
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Have a great Sunday Tracy!!!
You play the trombone???
Thanks for linking....I'm at my mom's and I'm trying (not successfully) to not be rude by blogging. Ahem.
We leave for the beach soon (hurry up mom!)
The beach in Oregon is fabulous in the winter. I love storm watching...but we're actually expecting no rain and temps in the '50's. Damn near tropical for the Oregon coast.
I LOVE your photo for this week. I'm looking for a viewfinder camera, they get snapped up on Ebay pretty quickly. I'm going to have to pick one and just go for it I guess.
On a more personal note... You my be pleased to know that just the other day I dived mouth first into a large, full and delicious bag of parmesan garlic potato chips and did not come up for air until I hit the bottom of the bag... yummy!
Another fantastic collage, but I love that trombone shadows best :D So what other instruments do you this point, I am quite sure you play or sing at some club part time ;p
Happy Sunday T
Back to your shadow shot~ Love the latticework of shadows behind the trombone! Great contrast of shadow lines and reality vertical lines of the trombone!
Have a great jazz and coffee Sunday! (Perfect combination!)
Nice Shadow Shot !
Greetings from Belgium !
A cafe latté, pls? *wink
HAve a wonderful w/end to you & all!
Lovely trombone shadows Tracey - I like the silence of it all!! (and am imagining the coffee brewing ... )
Happy last-day-of-the-holidays Sunday to you!
It's great to have such a story behind it. I'm impressed you can get sounds from the trombone :) I'm sure a good coffee helps!
Sorry you have to get back to work tomorrow:( Enjoy your last day off! :D
Love the trombone. Hate the coffee grinder noise - except it means that my cuppa isn't far behind!
Happy blogiversary Harriet!
Fabulous shadow Tracey!
& Happy blog birthday!!
Also big Congrats on your blog award-you so very much deserve it & your one year anniversary!
Happy SS Sunday!
This was a super photo to celebrate - wonderful shadows indeed.
Pretty cold here........
all best wishes
I had a revelation... I think you should make a website called or something!
(and of course crediting the snapper!)
You must have hundreds on your blog by now!
With so many big talents, it's easy to expect that playing the trombone should be one more, but sometimes you just have to accept that you are not gifted in everything. In those cases, practice can achieve an awful lot, if not perfection. So keep on grinding, for now.
Love yours! Always so creative :D
I feel inspired and I think you just raised the bar a bit! : )
I've edited it now. Wow..45 links, very impressive, and soon you'll have to do this SSS full time. Enjoy work :)
Your Shadow Shot is spectacular - I'm blown away (so to speak!)
first time shadow poster - i think i've done it properly...
: )
I thought you'd been blogging longer than that..but pleased you haven't because it means I didn't miss too many posts! Love the shadow gallery and looking forward to posting my holiday shadow on Sunday :D
btw - i can't see the link anymore to add my site to participate??