Shadow Shot Sunday #37
Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature one photo from each participant from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for a little further info before submitting your link. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!
Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. HeartToArt 2. Me 3. MolokaiGirl 4. Chie 5. PaganSphinx 6. AllThingsAlissa 7. LongIslandDailyPhoto 8. Bobbityboo 9. Tea&HoneyBread 10. Fotodiod 11. Raven'sNest 12. TwinkleStarArt 13. Fog&Thistle 14. 2SweetNSaxy 15. HighDesertDiva 16. JagatFotografi

The Shooters:
1. LaVieEstBelle 2. DigitalPolaroids 3. AlmostThere 4. SummerKitchenGirls 5. GalleryJuana 6. HotFudge 7. WaysISeeTheWorld 8. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 9. Whatever 10. RosebudCollection 11. Murrieta365 12. Charlie&Grace 13. Lighthousegal 14. AboutNewYork 15.MoreOfMe 16. TwoBarkingDogs

The Shooters:
1. TheSmallThings 2. Mamapippa 3. MemoriesThroughPhotography 4. Abstractions 5. SweetRepose 6. Carin 7. EmBelISH 8. Lisa'sRetroStyle 9. GreyscaleTerritory 10. JillRuth&Co 11. Olga 12. WorkOfThePoet 13. Babylonezoo 14. SacredRuminations 15. Clearview 16. IcePonyTrekking
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #37

These shadow shots are following on from the public art sculpture themed shots of last Sunday. The big metal balls (there's 15 in total), called Steam, were created by artist Donna Marcus and are located in Reddacliff Place (just a hop, skip and a jump away from the City Roos of last week). They are made from thousands of copies of World War II steamers welded to spheres, the same pattern as a soccer ball, ranging in size from 1.3m to 2.6m wide. Filled with coloured florescent lights, they are a stunning sight to see at night. I’ll take some night shots of them next time for a future blog post. The artist says that the sculptures weren’t yet finished because her original concept was to have a mist coming out of the spheres to turn them into water features. The on-going water restrictions here in Brisbane have put a hold on those plans.
Apologies to those few shadow shooters who were too late to enter their links in Mr Linky last week. The Mr Linky now stops accepting links on Tuesday Australian time, then all added urls are immediately converted to permanent html links to remain displayed on the post they were added to. Mr Linky accepts links for a period of 48 hours and I guarantee that Sunday falls within that timeframe, regardless of what part of the world you live in. Of course there is always the chance of the Mr Linky hosting site experiencing difficulties during this time and the Mr Linky not always appearing as he should. I have no control over this happening I’m afraid. Hope this all works in with people. I am truly sorry if it doesn’t. Also, if your shadow shot from last week isn't appearing in a collage it will be due to it not being a jpeg image. I'm only able to include jpgs in the collages. I may not have mentioned that previously, so I'm sorry about that.
I received two cool blog awards this week. I am so very lucky! This first one is from the lovely Gina from The Pagan Sphinx. Gina also has a super photo blog called The Pagan's Eye. If I was asked to pick a favourite of the two blogs I couldn't because they're both brilliant for different reasons. Thanks Gina!

This one is from my good buddy Lisa of Lisa’s RetroStyle. I've been a fan of Lisa's blog for ages now and I've always appreciated Lisa's crazy sense of humour. Funny retro girl always makes me laugh. Thanks Lisa!

Thanks so much to both of you! I’m touched and very grateful, as I’m a big fan of your blogs and have also enjoyed your regular participation in SSS. As have many others! I hope that it’s ok with you both that I pass this award along to shadow shooters because I know that you both enjoy all the wonderful shadow shots as much as I do. So, shadow shooters, past & present participants, please accept these awards from three of your fellow shadow shooters, Gina, Lisa and myself. The awards do come with rules, so if you’re not an ole’ stick in the mud type like myself and would like to have some fun playing along with the questions then please do. The info for Gina’s award can be found here. The info for Lisa’s award can be found here. Or simply accept them as no-obligation awards given to you because we love your blogs. Geez, I sure hope this is all ok with Gina and Lisa. If not, at least I live on the other side of the world and far enough away for either of you to be giving me a kick in the butt for doing the wrong thing…hehe.
Believe it or not, I always have the intention of keeping the waffling to a minimum on these SSS posts. Ha!
Happy Sunday!
Shadow Shot Sunday Participants

The Shooters:
1. HeartToArt 2. Me 3. MolokaiGirl 4. Chie 5. PaganSphinx 6. AllThingsAlissa 7. LongIslandDailyPhoto 8. Bobbityboo 9. Tea&HoneyBread 10. Fotodiod 11. Raven'sNest 12. TwinkleStarArt 13. Fog&Thistle 14. 2SweetNSaxy 15. HighDesertDiva 16. JagatFotografi

The Shooters:
1. LaVieEstBelle 2. DigitalPolaroids 3. AlmostThere 4. SummerKitchenGirls 5. GalleryJuana 6. HotFudge 7. WaysISeeTheWorld 8. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 9. Whatever 10. RosebudCollection 11. Murrieta365 12. Charlie&Grace 13. Lighthousegal 14. AboutNewYork 15.MoreOfMe 16. TwoBarkingDogs

The Shooters:
1. TheSmallThings 2. Mamapippa 3. MemoriesThroughPhotography 4. Abstractions 5. SweetRepose 6. Carin 7. EmBelISH 8. Lisa'sRetroStyle 9. GreyscaleTerritory 10. JillRuth&Co 11. Olga 12. WorkOfThePoet 13. Babylonezoo 14. SacredRuminations 15. Clearview 16. IcePonyTrekking
Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #37
These shadow shots are following on from the public art sculpture themed shots of last Sunday. The big metal balls (there's 15 in total), called Steam, were created by artist Donna Marcus and are located in Reddacliff Place (just a hop, skip and a jump away from the City Roos of last week). They are made from thousands of copies of World War II steamers welded to spheres, the same pattern as a soccer ball, ranging in size from 1.3m to 2.6m wide. Filled with coloured florescent lights, they are a stunning sight to see at night. I’ll take some night shots of them next time for a future blog post. The artist says that the sculptures weren’t yet finished because her original concept was to have a mist coming out of the spheres to turn them into water features. The on-going water restrictions here in Brisbane have put a hold on those plans.
Apologies to those few shadow shooters who were too late to enter their links in Mr Linky last week. The Mr Linky now stops accepting links on Tuesday Australian time, then all added urls are immediately converted to permanent html links to remain displayed on the post they were added to. Mr Linky accepts links for a period of 48 hours and I guarantee that Sunday falls within that timeframe, regardless of what part of the world you live in. Of course there is always the chance of the Mr Linky hosting site experiencing difficulties during this time and the Mr Linky not always appearing as he should. I have no control over this happening I’m afraid. Hope this all works in with people. I am truly sorry if it doesn’t. Also, if your shadow shot from last week isn't appearing in a collage it will be due to it not being a jpeg image. I'm only able to include jpgs in the collages. I may not have mentioned that previously, so I'm sorry about that.
I received two cool blog awards this week. I am so very lucky! This first one is from the lovely Gina from The Pagan Sphinx. Gina also has a super photo blog called The Pagan's Eye. If I was asked to pick a favourite of the two blogs I couldn't because they're both brilliant for different reasons. Thanks Gina!

This one is from my good buddy Lisa of Lisa’s RetroStyle. I've been a fan of Lisa's blog for ages now and I've always appreciated Lisa's crazy sense of humour. Funny retro girl always makes me laugh. Thanks Lisa!

Thanks so much to both of you! I’m touched and very grateful, as I’m a big fan of your blogs and have also enjoyed your regular participation in SSS. As have many others! I hope that it’s ok with you both that I pass this award along to shadow shooters because I know that you both enjoy all the wonderful shadow shots as much as I do. So, shadow shooters, past & present participants, please accept these awards from three of your fellow shadow shooters, Gina, Lisa and myself. The awards do come with rules, so if you’re not an ole’ stick in the mud type like myself and would like to have some fun playing along with the questions then please do. The info for Gina’s award can be found here. The info for Lisa’s award can be found here. Or simply accept them as no-obligation awards given to you because we love your blogs. Geez, I sure hope this is all ok with Gina and Lisa. If not, at least I live on the other side of the world and far enough away for either of you to be giving me a kick in the butt for doing the wrong thing…hehe.
Believe it or not, I always have the intention of keeping the waffling to a minimum on these SSS posts. Ha!
1. La Vie Est Belle 2. Charlie & Grace 3. Gallery Juana 4. High Desert Diva 5. Sweet Repose 6. Bobbie 7. Long Island Daily Photo,USA 8. Bobbi 9. PJ 10. Olga aka orchidgirl1979 11. More of Me - EG WoW! 12. Chie 13. Raven 14. Hot Fudge 15. maryt/theteach 16. Two Barking Dogs 17. Aimer 18. Lisa's RetroStyle | 19. Pagan Sphinx-Massachusetts 20. Fog and Thistle 21. Paz's New York Minute 22. The Small Things 23. EmBelISH 24. Carletta 25. In This Life 26. The Summer Kitchen Girls 27. Twinkle Star Art 28. Jill 29. Terri - teelgee 30. t. allen-mercado 31. Molokai Girl 32. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA 33. Lighthousegal 34. Kitty Boo Boo 35. Carin 36. Mamapippa - Belgium | 37. ctmott 38. Sherrie 39. Elizabeth schmid 40. Martina 41. Ginger 42. Dianne 43. ramblingwoods 44. Junie Rose 45. BABYLONEZOO (France) 46. Vicki/Maraca 47. An Aerial Armadillo 48. Noner 49. sylvia 50. VINTAGE SHADOWS 51. Rebecca 52. Ice Pony Trekking, WI. USA 53. JAGAT FOTOGRAFI |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
I love those 'steam' balls, they are so cool. I do wish we have more artistic people over here, it seems like there's plenty of art everywhere. I think the people over here are a bit slow in catching up on art stuff, how sad.
Hey, a big congrats to both awards and there are many to come. It's great to pass it on to everyone..I always have problem choosing. You know there's this Chap Goh Meh where on the 15th of Chinese New Year, the unmarried ladies will throw oranges into the river, hoping for a match. So, dont throw an orange at your boss..I am sure there's a river somewhere nearby haha!! Congrats too to your ever growing SSS...very soon it will hit 100. Happy Sunday T, big hugs too.
Your shadow shots are incredible. The photo technique you used really enhances the shapes and shadows of these sculptures.
I love your photo, with all the little shadows on the balls, and under them.
also love your shots this week. I think outdoor sculpture is wonderful. it gets people more involved in art & you've captured this artists work beautifully.
Your photos for this week are wonderful, just wonderful. I love them. Have a great weekend and thanks for this week's effort.
Congratulations on yet another fantastic collection of collages - no wonder you are the recipient of two such prestigious awards.
Love your street art post, Lady! Nice, clean & sober=classy §:-)
Hugs from a chilly Stockholm!
Good work in spreading the award love! No butt kicking needed;)
I'm so glad for your roundups, since I don't have much time to visit all the blogs and leave comments (which I like to do).
Congrats on your awards and Happy Shadow Shot Sunday!
Thats so exciting about them only being phase 1 and will one day have mist! I nearly was reloacted to Brisbane Square(the building above them) in our recent office move, I was mildly disapointed as it would have made a great view..
Just posted more shadow shots. (says the dog owner)
Congrats! on your blog awards too! well deserved :)
I'm learning toward the second one - the simplicity of this one appeals to me more.
I've been lurking around for a few weeks and had a good shot so I posted my first entry. Thank you for hosting.
Thanks for the wonderful photo montage, I was giddy to see my premier photo amongst the masses.
You did a great photographing the sculptures, Tracey. I love your Brisbane art posts!
Mine is up on The Pagan Sphinx.
Happy Sunday to everyone!
And thank you, once again for taking all the time that you do to host this 'collaboration'. It looks like it takes a lot of work and time (and if, for some reason it doesn't, you should still pretend that it does!).
Sorry that Mr. Linky somehow didn't include me last week. Oh, well, disappointing but not fatal. The metal balls are tres interessant! Teensy shadows everywhere. This week some grape leaves in sunshine for you.
They give nice shadows.
Missing this week too unfortunately..the family have desserted and gone camping (while I look after doggie and go to work)..and worse..they've taken both the cameras! :(
Love the metal spheres, what cool public art in Brissy! Hope to join in again next time. Hope your weekend was enjoyable...I've tagged you next time you pop over :D
p.s congrats on your awards
Love your Shadow Shots!! Those are some awesome sculpture!! My Shadows are posted. Have a great day!!
Such amazing silver balls.
Lovely pictures.
Yes, what a big group we have become.
This is quite something Tracy......
Some keen type with organizational skills (therefore not me!) should make a book of the top 24 collages.
Happy what's left of the w/e!
Congrats on your awards
I've joined in!
Harriet, those sculptures are amazing, and I'd love to see them with the mist turned on. Congrats on your awards, too.
Hugs and blessings,
If you want to chill out for a day, pls visit my place.
Take care...