Shadow Shot Sunday #77

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Jen 2. maryt-theteach 3. MelindaOwens 4. Gemma 5. Dimple 6. JustB 7. Ralph 8. DianeAZ 9. CraftyGreenPoet

The Shooters:
1. rsully2sphotography 2. Vicki 3. SaraChapman 4. Chie 5. BevBaird 6. HighDesertDiva 7. LongIslandDailyPhoto 8. Anne 9. Kenobiitti

The Shooters:
1. SarahWallis 2. Joops 3. Clorivak 4. Sam 5. Thorgun 6. Carletta 7. Ladyhightower 8. PaganSphinx 9. Aubrey

Here's my Shadow Shot Sunday #77

I took my shadow shot earlier this week while watching a film at the Gallery of Modern Art. The short film, A Begger Woman (Lagos) is a performance art piece by Korean born, New York based artist Kim Sooja.

"In the isolation of her artwork, Kim seeks out a generalized correspondence with the world, but on her own terms and from her own experience. Her allegories are successful because they originate, despite seeming otherwise, from a highly individuated sense of purpose. In a way, Kim's anonymity is a subterfuge, a manner of relating a sense of self whose boundaries are so extended as to do away with the notions of limit entirely. The odd thing about Kim's isolation is that it in fact completely engages with her audience; just as she offers solitude as a way of emphasizing universal implications, so she underscores her autonomy as a way of proceeding toward a wide involvement with others. Indeed, her lonely actions appear to call for help; in the video A Beggar Woman, done in Lagos in 2001, she sits crosslegged, her palm extended for alms. Someone gives her some change, and the muteness of the scene intensifies the artist's vulnerability. We read the interaction as evidence of need everywhere; in her dramatization of want, Kim reduces herself, and us as well, to an egoless composite of desires, an enactment of utter poverty." ~ [excerpt from Conditions of Anonymity: The Performance Art of Kim Sooja by Jonathan Goodman]

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. High Desert Diva
3. robin-one still frame
4. Thorgun, Sweden
5. Tom Hilton
6. Molokai Girl
7. Quiltworks, MA, USA
8. Ralph
9. Nadine, Bulgaria
10. BLOGitse
11. Sylvia K WA USA
12. Ellie,NC
14. ramblingwoods
15. SacredRuminations
16. Bev Baird
17. PrettyFireFly
18. Dimple
19. Whizkid
20. Bobbie
21. Jonny Hamachi
22. Gerald (Ackworth born)
23. Generik
24. Terri - teelgee
25. Sara Chapman in Seattle
26. Gemma, Australia
27. Rinkly Rimes Australia
28. ctmott
29. Martha Z
30. Just Like Martha
31. Hot Fudge
32. Jen
33. EmBelISH
34. Small Reflections
35. Faith Hope...
36. Desert Colors
37. maryt/theteach
38. Jacqui - Scotland
39. Patti V.
40. Kacy~allhorsestuff
41. Deb (Stoney Moss)
42. Marcela
43. christina sweden
44. Chie
45. Moe Lauher - Sc, USA
46. Cathy~Ohio
47. MonikaRose
48. Diahn Ott
49. Paz's New York Minute
50. foto CHIP Sweden
51. Magical Mystical Teacher
52. Margaret Gosden, USA
53. Dan Kent
54. pat
55. Everything
56. the evolution of nancy
57. Square Peg Guy
58. Mona Sweden
59. Catherine Bardrick
60. Emma
61. Long Island Daily Photo
62. alexa, ny, usa
63. Carpe Diem Sweden
64. toby
65. Clorivak
66. John d'Sailor
67. Maria Berg, Sweden
68. Sam
69. wanderlust
70. Anne
71. freegal1000 @ MOO
72. Gabbi
73. Sarah Wallis
74. Elizabeth
75. Joe Todd USA
76. Ginger~Wilmington, NC
77. Teneale
78. Joy...Uncanny Festoon
79. Jane (Scrappy-Gram)
80. JazzBumpa
81. Linda M
82. hapzydeco
83. Joanna in Victoria
84. rsully2sphotography
85. Icy-Reach Beyond Limits
86. Kenobiitti - Finland
87. Two Barking Dogs
88. Ricepatty
89. Noypee
90. Melinda Owens
91. The Cunning Runt
92. Tomas | lopec

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


Sounds like a thought provoking film....
robin. said…
i agree with hdd...very thought provoking...there is a peacefulness about her in the softness of the photo. quite lovely.
keiren said…
That's a beautiful photo of the film. Films are not the easiest things to photograph! If you didn't include the title of the piece I would have thought the woman was meditating. Thanks for including the info about the artist. I'm wanting to learn more about Kim Sooja now!
Tom Hilton said…
Interesting film, and a lovely capture.
Wow...such courage to go where seldom do to make a statement. And, to succeed by having your work on exhibit in gallery! Brava!
Ha! Most people eat popcorn while watching movies. Not you! You're too busy taking photos of the movie! I love it! Your photo and the article you provided about the artist make me really want to see this film now. Happy Sunday!

I'm currently cameraless and that's why I haven't joined in SSS for a while. I miss participating!
maryt/theteach said…
Hi Erika, I'm posted early too! Beautiful shot throough the eye of the camera... :)
Quilt Works said…
Good photo, I like it!
Quilt Works said…
Good photo, I like it!
A Wild Thing said…
Fascinating and wonderfully blissful, this beautiful shadow shot...have a wonderful Sunday Tracy!!!
Sylvia K said…
What a terrific shot! Very peaceful and beautiful and different! Thanks, as always, Tracy for the fun each week!

Lovely photo for today and marvelous shadow gallery as always ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Victoria said…
beautiful... shot and excerpt. She sounds like a very interesting person. I am intrigued by the courage she demonstrates to be so vulnerable and her ability to go so deep, shedding the personal limitations and conditions that bind us to our ego, (whose seemingly insatiable appetite for attention seems to be the real thing that keeps us separated from others and from our true selves and abilities.)

... oh my, that almost sounded intellectual! It's just that my ego and I are having some interpersonal problems lately... she is oh so tiresome in her pursuit, and I just wish she would go on vacation sometimes and give me a rest!
whizkid said…
Sounds like an interesting film, and beautiful shot too :)

have a happy week!
Generik said…
I like the Holga feel of that shot. Happy SSS!
Terri said…
I love the circle of soft light around her, as if it's holding her in safety. Nice shot.
I do love the vignetting of the image and how soft and dreamlike it is. No longer living in NYC, the analysis is a bit deep for me these days. I just look and feel, more than understand in words. More power to the artist and filmmaker, and the writer.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Your film would have been awesome to see! The body language screams a low state of being, and yet there is a humbling beauty there. A very interesting post today!
I think the picture says it all..
I can only thank God for never feeling that type of poverty. Although some can have all the material wealth and be just as poor.
Beautiful shot.
Happy SSS.
I think the picture says it all..
I can only thank God for never feeling that type of poverty. Although some can have all the material wealth and be just as poor.
Beautiful shot.
Happy SSS.
Kitty Stampede said…
Very nice! And sounds really interesting and touching.
Jen said…
Thanks for hosting this SSS!
Hot Fudge said…
Aha, I see you had to resort to an indoor activity to create your shot for this week. Thunder storms and deluges don't encourage good shadow shots, do they? Thanks for reminding me that I must get back to the gallery - I love that place.
Diane AZ said…
It sounds like a fascinating film. Thank you for sharing the thought provoking photo and passage.
Ralph said…
This person seems to spatially distant here. The slight blurriness combined with the shadow is beautiful, as he transcends the worldly to the spiritual realm...
maryt/theteach said…
Harriet, my first link on Mr. Linky is not good... I'm sorry. Dimple told me about it. I posted my name again. I hope that's okay... :)
Jacqui said…
What a powerful image and story.
Patti said…
"an egoless composite of desires" - that is a stunning phrase

the photo seems otherworldly ~ the spiritual realm, as Ralph said
Chubby Chieque said…
Million thanks for choosing my entry last SS, T! I do appreciate it. Am jst enjoying whether am on or not.

So cool to be with & less cool when I missed it §:-)

Profs collage and your participants are going so clever huh?

hugs T and enjoy your soon summer weather.

Cathy said…
My first Shadow Shot.. Hope you enjoy.
Martha said…
Love your shot! I don't know if I have any shadow shots for this week again (I really need some time to shoot!), I'll be back to link up if I find anything worthy :-)
MonikaRose said…
Hey there! I am back this week, check out my colored shadow shot :) Great one you have taken, looks so surreal and peaceful and a bit spooky with the brightness. Enjoy your Sunday and week ahead :) cya MonikkaRose
Unknown said…
Wonderful shot - very dreamlike with the border and behind the head perspective.
Anonymous said…
perfect photo capture.

pat said…
hi there: this photo shot is a powerful statement in itself. i've posted my first shadow entry. you do cool collages, thanks!
Gabbi said…
Beautiful shadows! I love the small Halloween theme in many and your shadow is lovely Tracey. It has a surreal quality.
Square Peg Guy said…
Hi Harriet:

The woman in your photo looks as though she is meditating. I can imagine that she's in full lotus position. The only thing amiss is her extended right hand. Then when I read the text to learn that she's begging, the shift in perspective unsettled me.

My SS for today is scheduled to post in a little less than two hours, or 6:00am GMT. said…
wow! an intriguing fine art piece for this weeks shadow shot. love this tracy!
thanks for hosting this every week, it is always fun.
& of course your collages are beautiful.
So unreal, Moving, too. An inspiring capture!
Catherine said…
what a lovely shot and her work sounds very interesting..
toby said…
Thanks for doing this week after week - it's always so nice to see the gallery!

And I like your shot, too :)
EJ said…
I haven't heard of this movie since we arrived here in S.Korea, it sounds like a very interesting movie to watch.. Great shadows!

Come and find out on how to become tall at my page.
BLOGitse said…
Peaceful picture.
Happy SSS evening to Australia! :)
Sam said…
Love your SSS Tracy! I wonder if we'll get that exhibition down here? Fingers crossed!

Yay - thanks so much for including my shadowy birdy - love your collages as always - I love Kathleen's big old black and white pussy cat - so glad she's joined!!

P.S. Love your chatty comments on my blog Tracy - they always make me smile if not chuckle out loud you funny fing you!! Have a lovely week!!XXX
wanderlust said…
My first time posting here, some beautiful photos in these galleries. Happy Sunday!
Anonymous said…
My first thought was that she was meditating - how sad that she is begging!
Amalou said…
Sounds like a really fascinating film. You've captured in beautifully. Your photo is so soft and tranquil... makes me want to sit on a mountain and find my sense of self.
Tracy said…
Hi, Tracy! LOVE your photo this week--it has such a magical, mystical, other-worldly quality to it... and that film sounds very interesting with much to consider...hhhmmm... Another week of exciting shadows too! Since reading your blog all these months now, I really look differently at shadows play now and look out for shadow effects--thanks for helping me see more around me. :o) Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS))
MOO said…
Love this capture! You say it's a snap of the film? Quite thought-provoking.

Surveying the Landscape
Anonymous said…
You always stumble upon the most interesting shadows! Somebody commented about your shot having a Holga feel. That's what I thought when looking at it! Whatever type of camera you used, the photo is very nicely done!
Quilt Works said…
Another great collection of shots! I had a great time visiting
Anonymous said…
loved your subtle shadow shot!
our daughter Claudia is staying with us in NY

The halloween collage was extra super
much love and greetings
Dan Kent said…
Interesting how she seems illuminated. Thanks for having me on SSS. Wonderful thing you got going here!
Unknown said…
You captured a very soft, serene SS, Tracy! And thanks for providing the excerpt--sounds like a film to watch! I so enjoy SSS! Happy week, full speed ahead!
Linda said…
Oh, I just love the Halloween flavored collage this week -- what a fun bunch of shots!
This photo of the film is a perfect capture. I don't know how you did it! Wonderful!
Great gallery this week.Your shot looks almost ghostly, fantastic!
readingsully2 said…
Great work. :)
That's a fantastic picture!
Sam said…
Thanks so much Tracy for spotting that error I made with Mr. Linky! I must have defaulted to last weeks one...!
Sandrine said…
Great gallery Tracy, intriguing photo of a film ...;)
Tomas [lopec] said…
Hi! Thought I should add myself to this week's SSS :)
maryt/theteach said…
Tracy, I apologize for calling you Erika again!! I'll try not to do it anymore... My bad! :(
Unknown said…
Hey there! Nice shadow and for a moment, I thought it was a picture of you, so my heart skipped a beat hehe :O Look Tracy, it has gone to no. 92, congrats!! I told ya it will touch 100 soon...and missing your midweek post too, come back soon will ya..when you have the time. Muah2
Heavy. I think I'll have to read that again. Nice shot.
BrisStyle said…
Hi Tracy! wow! 92 participants all sharing the loveliness of shadows.
there were some great halloween-inspired ones last week. Ali x
picciolo said…
hello! I love the quality of light in your photo, it ha a great atmosphere
: )
Unknown said…
I like this location better than the first. I space is really awesome, and doesn't feel claustrophobic.

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