Shadow Shot Sunday #87

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Patti.V 2. Rose 3. Paz'sNewYorkMinute 4. Jacqui 5. Maggie 6. BeverleyBaird 7. BlessingReflections 8. ColorMagic 9. SquarePegGuy

The Shooters:
1. SaraChapman 2. MariaBerg 3. Catherine 4. SacredRuminations 5. GalleryJuana 6. Gena-ThinkingAloud 7. Jabblog 8. LDH 9. HighDesertDiva

The Shooters:
1. Carin 2. Bobbie 3. Amanda 4. Gemma 5. HotFudge 6. Toby 7. QuasiSerendipita 8. ReallyRainey 9. LyndaHowells

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #87

Last Sunday I mentioned the long stint of rain we had the previous week. This week has predominately been blue skies and high temps. And fish. And chips. And enjoying some cool ocean breezes at Wynnum Manly.

* Just a little note for shadow shooters who have multiple blogs and are participating with more than one blog: Feel free to enter the links of all blogs you've posted your shadow shots to, but please only do this if the photos are not the same on each of your blogs. If you post the exact same image on more than one blog, it would be very much appreciated if you only entered the one blog url into Mr Linky. Thanks a bunch!

While on the subject of adding links to Mr Linky, I'd like to direct you to a post by BLOGitse HERE with regards to entering blog urls vs. permalinks. It will remain up to you as to which you add as I'm not going to make it a rule one way or another. I can suggest that if you are a prolific blogger and post many times a day and join in many memes it would be easiest for people to find your specific submissions by adding permalinks to the memes you participate in. Especially so if you enter a meme early and other participants enter the day after (considering most are open for at least 2 days to accomodate for the different timezones). And then also consider that those who have entered later may not have time to visit fellow participants immediately. A prolific blogger may have published so many posts by this time that the original one linked for the meme may no longer even be on the front page of the blog. For those who blog once a day or less, adding a standard blog url rather than a permalink, I don't believe would be at all problematic for other participants finding your post. Something to think about. In the end it's your call.

Geez that's a whole lot of waffling isn't it? Bravo to those who actually read it all! xox

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Quiltworks, MA, USA
3. Golden West
4. Stine, Canada
5. barrieeden, Australia
6. Bobbie
7. High Desert Diva
8. Spiderdama - Norway
9. chie
10. robin-one still frame
11. Molokai Girl
12. Hyde Daily Photo
13. Tom Hilton
14. Gerald (Ackworth born)
15. sylvia
16. Jane (Scrappy-Gram)
17. Anne
18. Crafty Green poet
19. jabblog uk
20. Magical Mystical Teacher
21. Dimple
22. Ralph
23. Beverley Baird
24. christina
25. Catherine, Mexico City
26. Martha Z
27. BLOGitse
28. Happily Retired Gal
29. Rinkly Rimes Australia
30. Hot Fudge
31. Jen
32. Gemma
33. Freda Mans
34. ldh
35. Sam
36. Birgitta - Sweden
37. Shannara, Sweden
38. Cassie
39. Kerslyn
40. foto CHIP
41. Small Reflections
42. Generik
43. Margaret Gosden, USA
44. Quasi Serendipita
45. Dianne
46. photo phase
47. Amanda, 32 Degrees North
48. Reach Beyond Limits
49. Elizabeth
50. maryt/theteach
51. angela
52. Just Like Martha
53. Twinkle Star Art
54. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
55. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
56. the evolution of nancy
57. alexa in nyc, usa
58. toby
59. wanderlust
60. B : )
61. Sarah Wallis
62. Raw Thoughts and Feelings
63. Maria, Sweden
64. KaHolly, US
65. Ricepatty
66. MOO ~ DC, via NE WI
67. rsully2sphotography
68. Tammy WA USA
69. Dorte
70. JazzBumpa
71. VickiS~FL
72. Carly's Photography
73. carolynUSA
74. Nita
75. Martha@Menagerie
76. Patti V.
77. Gagiers- Canada
78. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
79. PrettyFireFly
80. Square Peg Guy
81. Gallery Juana
82. Ginger@Wilmington Daily
83. Ellsea, Surrey UK
84. Jonny Hamachi
85. Dan Kent
86. Christine (Our Family of Four)
87. Mono Skyline

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


Golden West said…
That Australian sky is bluer than bluer - lovely shots!
Anonymous said…
I'm envious of your blue, blue sky!
Oh...that blue sky is gorgeous!
Tania said…
Very nice blue sky..I like the last one best:-)
Have a great sunday!
bobbie said…
I love your assortment of shadows today. And yes, that blue sky is gorgeous.
Chubby Chieque said…
Good info, T... I need my reading glasses...

Anyways, real bloggers always find it's way one way or another. I scroll to the posted meme though and it's not hard to find.

Am I waffling here too? Neither.

Loving the blue sky and the background is something white, gray and lil touché of every colour. Lovely.

Enjoy your Sunday & Always take care...

xoxo a bunch!
robin. said…
definitely drawn to the blue sky and the last photo with the fish shadow. there is nothing remotely blue in our outside today. temps did rise yesterday to 30 degrees we have fog hanging around.

happy sss.
Tom Hilton said…
I love that fish shot--it makes me smile.
keiren said…
Cute fishy fishy! Fish and chips by the ocean sounds good to me!

I read you waffling even though it doesn't apply to me because I'm only an admirer of the shadow shots at this stage. I will keep it all in mind for when I do find the courage to actually participate :)
Gerald (SK14) said…
O for blue skys and fish and chips - we should've had fish and chips last thursday but we cancelled as the roads were still snowy and icy - good advice about permalinking - trouble is the ones who ought to know about them and use them are often the very ones who are so afraid of simple html coding - anyway I have myself done shadow posts on two blogs this week as I wanted to link them - was going to only link one to here but they are different photos but both with shadows so have done a three-way link on both (if you see what I mean).

sorry for waffling so long.
It looks very warm there right now!

I love that fish shadow!
Unknown said…
Wires, wires everywhere! And a floating fish! Beautiful shots--I soaked in your azure skies and pretended I was there for a moment or two. Thanks, T!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blue skies! After all the snow, we now have a major thaw - bringing with it the threat of floods!! Never mind, I can forget the weather when I browse through the other shadow shotters! I agree with the bit in your waffle about having to wade through posts to get to the SSS - I now post mine on Sat evening (early Sunday for you) and don't post again until Monday evening, so that all time zones should see the SSS!!
Mr Linky doesn't seem to like me at the moment so here's my link:
jabblog said…
Beautiful blue, blue skies. I really like the palms and the fish brought a smile to my face!
I read the information on permalinks but got more and more confused (not uncommon for me . . . ;-/) so while I'm pretty sure it's a brilliant idea I think I'll leave it for now :-)
Sarah said…
I read it all and I agree! I like the lines in your shots this week-especially in the third one-the way they go across the picture faintly.
Sylvia K said…
Yes, I read it all, too and I also agree! Love all your shots this week, so sharp and clear and what a gorgeous blue sky! Wow! Have a great weekend, Tracy!

Beverley Baird said…
That blue sky is gorgeous! Great shadows as well!
Thanks for including my shadow! You do a wonderful job of creating the mosaics each week - thanks for all your hard work!
Ralph said…
This is a nice neighborhood, full of many shadows. I do like the flying fish, pushing his leap to almost roof height. The look we see of Brisbane is one of style and beauty!
Catherine said…
The collages are particularly gorgeous this week -thanks - and love your crisp blue architectural shots this week too!! the sun is back today in Mexico after a strange absence of 10 days so i am off out with my camera to see what I can find - Greetings from mexico...
Martha Z said…
Beautiful blue skies! Your first collage shows that many of us in the northern hemisphere would enjoy blue sky and warm weather.
I have thought about the issue of how to link and come to the same conclusion you have, it depends on how active I am at the time.

Personally, I enjoy scrolling through if I don't have to far to go. It gives me a push to explore a blogger I might overlook. To me, memes are an invitation to link thoughts and minds not just to take a quick peek and move on.
BLOGitse said…
It's so funny that you have summer with palm trees and bright blue skies and other parts of the world countries are packed with snow! :)

I'm so tired I go to watch a movie and start exploring blogs tomorrow.
Goooood night!
And goooood morning to you! :)
Anonymous said…
Such VIBRANT blues in your skies ... deeper than I'm used to seeing where I live! That 3rd shot is my fav this week (right now anyway) though I suspect on another visit I might choose another. As always, I enjoy the Shadow Galleries as looking at them remind me of what folks shared last week as I begin to visit today. As for your 'waffling' ... methinks your points are well made and clearly designed to assist participants. Thanks for all you do ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Jen said…
I read it and understand it too! :D
Great blues skies make for your great shadow!
fredamans said…
Awesome shots!
Hot Fudge said…
Wynnum Manly. Fish and chips. How could you when I have vowed to eat nothing but lettuce leaves for the next six months? Washed down with a vat of wine, of course.

Thanks for the tips on Mr Linky. You know, I never even noticed the URL option before - I just hit the enter button. Dumb, huh? Anyhow, I'll try to keep it in mind for next week, but I'll probably forget!
Just amazing blue skies!
Birgitta said…
Like your shadows!
Such beautiful blue sky!
Sam said…
Oh my Tracy!! Those collages you've done this week are totally awesome!! Really gorgeous work!!

...and your photos are superb - look at that blue blue - it's divine!! You'll be making all our Northern pals very envious!!!

We didn't get that at all this week and I'm quite thankful actually because if that blinking sun had come out, it would have been sooooo hot! I'm dreading Feb - the thought of trying to sleep in muggy 35+ heat! I'm guessing that happens up your way too? Do you have air con? I would consider it if the ghastly heat went for any longer than jan and feb! Still, I think it's better than being snowed in by a blizzard which is a more serious type of weather than just heat...?

Look at my ramble!! Hope your first week at work was OK! The second week is better again - I'm really into the swing of it now and not dreading it at all - well not too much!!! :)

Have a great Sunday and thank you again for SSS - it's so much fun!! XO
Shannara said…
Lovely blue sky!

I like that last pic that you are showing!
Gemma Wiseman said…
Love the subtle shadows round the rooflines! Especially love the last one frm the little fish! It's cute!
Read your advice! Every bit! And agree that it is hard at times to find posts that don't permalink!
The easiest way is to right click on the time at the bottom of the post, copy and then paste into Mr Linky! Voila! A permalink just to the post!

Happy Sunday!
A Wild Thing said… about a blue sky...all we've seen is gray, gray, gray and damp cold snow so I won't complain too loudly!!

Hope you've had a wonderful Sunday Tracie, enjoy your week ahead scouting for shadows!

Kerslyn said…
I love all the photos! so nice shadows, indeed!

Mine's up. Happy SSS!
Diana said…
so YOU are the one behind Shadow Shot Sunday!! I love these! Such a great project!
Generik said…
Nice lines in all of those, and I love those deep blue skies! Hope you're enjoying your summer!
Serendipity said…
That fish shadow is really cute!
Dianne said…
I love a good waffle ;)

you're incredibly easy going and very kind to 'splain things to folks

I love the tree shadows and I really love all those lines
The fish shadow shot is funny. I wonder if you eat fish and chips to take away in newspaper wrapping!
Love them, but they seem awfully full of fat, then guilt!
What a gorgeous sky! And the peak of that roof is lovely too -- love that style with the palms. Happy SS!
Those are beautiful shots! I am glad you look way up there to see those..
Anonymous said…
Lovely blue skies and tempting glimpses of architecture.
Sorry I have been absent so long!
I am a new Granny and rather caught up with family.
hope all is well with you in OZ!
maryt/theteach said…
Tracy, when I see a day like the day you've photographed. I can't stay inside (even if it's really cold out). I have to get out and shoot every shadow I see...
Martha said…
Remember me your long lost player and friend? I'm playing this week again - finally! But my post won't be up until tomorrow. I hope all is well in your world. Your shots and the gallery are wonderful as always! :-)
readingsully2 said…
Wonderful variety. :)
Well bravo to me then...I read it all. Not sure I understood it all...but I read it. I'm thinking it does not apply to me anyway, so I won't bother reading it again.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the thrid collage! Beautiful!

Weren't you once talking about shooting roofs? I think you were. That's what these shots make me think of. You've finally gotten around to shooting more roofs.

I love #3. I would like to live in that house I think. Beautiful sky and palms and I like the style and the patina of the roof.

The last one makes a cute shadow shot...Mr. Fishy:D

I don't have a shot yet to post. I don't seem to plan ahead for this very often and it was totally overcast today. I guess I could have made my own shadows. If the sun doesn't shine tomorrow I'll do just that.
I'm enjoying the blue sky and the fish and chips too. I just wish it wasn't so hot! Have a great week :)
Lovely sky & shadows, adore the fish shadow the most - so cool!! thanks
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
Chrisy said…
Fish...Chips...just what I feel like!
ps loved your last comment on my blog about trying to live your life like a golfish lookin keeps coming back to me...the comment that is...and I find my eyes getting all googly! said…
love your summery photos & summery themed collage as I sit here & wish for summer!
good post about the perma-links too. I find them very helpful for archiving purposes. If I look back on an old post, I want to be connected to your proper page as well. So when I include a link to your SSS blog, it is always linked to the current shadow shot Sunday post.
Have a great week Tracy!
toby said…
I read the whole thing - well spoken :) Thanks for including me in your gallery, that's always a big honor :)

Oh, and I especially love your plump little fishy shadow! Have a great week!
wanderlust said…
These are great, really like that fish shadow! Have a fun weekend!
Sarah said…
Thanks Tracy! Another blogger let me know that too. I am going to investigate it today. It is a really good idea.
B : ) said…
Wonderful shots. thanks so much for sharing.

Why don't you come on over to my blog and visit a while
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Gorgeous photos with such blue sky!
Toni said…
Beautiful pictures!

I haven't done this challenge in a long time, but wanted to say how happy I am to see so many participants now! Hopefully someday soon I'll find time to take "creative" pictures again :)
Tracy said…
Ooo... the sky, sun and palms in your photos, Tracy... they are a happy sight for my winter-sore eyes... Thank you--LOL! Another wonderful SSS week... Blows me away each time. :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))
Sarah said…
A lot of our eggs seem to yes! Weird eh? I bet the job of stamping them gets a bit tedious after a while! Don't worry-it was a good tip to leave thanks!
MOO said…
Your cool captures remind me that I miss summer-A LOT!

Come Fly with Me
Lovely images, I too love the fishy one the best, makes me smile.
Peace, Judi
Dorte said…
Love your selection ... so full of summer which I look forward to very much :-)
Carin said…
Oh that terrific blue sky and the SUN! Your pictures make me long for better weather! Didn't play today as the day was gray and dark. No shadows to be found and I couldn't find one in my collection. Anyway I like your pictures and wish you a happy week!
Victoria said…
Wow, when those skies clear up, they really clear up!
Here's to blue skies, a big fish and great shadow pics!
Patti said…
Wow, those are gorgeous blue skies. You deserved them after all that rain you endured!

Thanks for featuring my elongated self photo in the top collage.

I just posted; I'm running really late this week. It's probably almost Tuesday where you live. ha ha
Martha said…
Finally got mine posted :-)
Nita said…
I posted my shadow shot. Not easy on a gloomy day such as today.
What incredible blue skies. It's nice to think that they are somewhere, certainly not here in Seattle in January. I do love the fishy shadow on the bottom. Fish and chips, yay!
Square Peg Guy said…
Thanks for featuring my shadow shot from last week! What a gorgeous blue sky you have!
GalleryJuana said…
Looks like the rain cleared up the air and sky really well.

The sun seems to have a different hue and strength depending where we live on this globe. The skies always seem so blue in Australia.

Thank you for including my little darling in this week's photo montage.

This meme has grown! I had started thinking I should post a permalink, so it was perfect timing to bring this up.

Fish and chips. OOOh, now I am hungry:)
Anonymous said…
oh my. I haz envy. It's so cold here, I'm just longing for summer and warm and bright blue skies and fish'n'chips ... your beautiful photos have really hammered home just how much I hate winter!
Unknown said…
Hello T, great to know that you've got blue skies there..we are back to our hot and humid weather with the monsoon tapering off. Just got back from Bangkok and posted for SSS last Saturday......BUT.....sorry, my apologies, I didn't link to you. It was an unfinished post, did it halfway...had to leave office and later I could not edit it. Not so possible to edit it over the weekend via mobile :( Anyway, great compilation of shadows as usual! I think your meme is the best and largest ever :) Chat soon.....hugs.M
Anonymous said…
Nice dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
Maria Berg said…
I missed it here you have a shadow fish an mine was a shadow about birds today,
See you next week,
Dan Kent said…
I love your shadow shots and especially like the composition of the last one, and the third one takes me away.. Love that blue!
Anonymous said…
By the way, try Bluetooth jammer to jam all secret devices in your room or at work.
Nishant said…
that blue sky is gorgeous!

Work from home India