Shadow Shot Sunday #88

Howdy! The Shadow Gallery collages feature a selection of photos from participants from last Sunday. If you’d like to join in SSS, please do. How? Shoot a shadow, post it on your blog on Sunday (or close to Sunday), then add your link to Mr Linky, and visit other players. First-time participants are required to click here for further info before submitting links. Thanks heaps and I hope you enjoy all the shadows!

Shadow Gallery

The Shooters:
1. Gerald(Ackworthborn) 2. JustB 3. Dorte 4. SarahWallis 5. Birgitta 6. Spiderdama 7. MargaretGosden 8. Ellsea 9. Sylvia

The Shooters:
1. maryt-theteach 2. CraftyGreenPoet 3. Stine 4. Alexa 5. JonnyHamachi 6. TwinkleStarArt 7. FredaMans 8. Nita 9. SweetRepose

The Shooters:
1. Wanderlust 2. Elizabeth 3. Kerslyn 4. MolokaiGirl 5. Chie 6. Ralph 7. Shannara 8. Generik 9. DanKent

Here's my Shadow Shot(s) Sunday #88

My photos this week were inspired by Sam's gorgeous shadow shot from last week of Moreton Bay Fig trees in Sydney. Here is a relative of the Moreton Bay Fig tree. A Banyan Fig tree in the Brisbane Botanic Gardens

"Planted in the 1870s and a native to India, the Banyan Fig acquired its name from the Hindu merchant caste, the Banyans, who set up their stalls under the shelter of the expansive tree. It is renowned for its vast growth and sends down aerial roots to support the large branches. These roots eventually develop into a new trunk and so the tree spreads - one in India covering 1.5 ha with over 1000 subsidiary trunks. A Hindu belief was that the Brahma was turned into a Banyan tree and his spirit lives on in these trees. Because of this belief they are encouraged to grow and are rarely pruned, even though Banyans can cause damage to Temples and buildings" - [this information was sourced from the sign beside the tree]

Shadow Shot Sunday can be both fun AND educational. This educational slant brought back memories of being herded through these gardens countless times as a kid on school excursions. It's so much more fun exploring now without the dinky uniform. And without an annoying classmate called Anthony continually pulling my hair for the entire duration between little lunch and big lunch. And that time Richard pushed Joanne into the duck pond. Well, ok, Richard pushing Joanne into the duck pond was a little bit funny. The ducks thought so. I remember them quacking up! (My silly jokes haven't matured much since my school days)

Happy Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday Participants
1. Sweet Repose
2. Magical Mystical Teacher
3. Quasi Serendipita
4. Golden West
5. High Desert Diva
6. Quiltworks, MA, USA
8. Hot Fudge
9. robin-one still frame
10. Bobbie
11. Spiderdama - Norway
12. Coffeedoff UK
13. Crafty Green poet
14. hapzydeco
15. Tom Hilton
16. Gerald (Ackworth born)
17. Anne
18. Generik
19. Ralph
20. sylvia
21. Beverley Baird
22. Catherine, Mexico City
23. Patti V.
24. molokai girl
25. Freda Mans
26. Jonny Hamachi
27. RamblingWoods
28. Jen
29. Birgitta - Sweden
30. Marcela
31. Cassie
32. Dina - Jerusalem
33. jabblog uk
34. Rinkly Rimes
35. Sam
36. Happily Retired Gal
37. The Summer Kitchen Girls
38. ldh
39. Martha Z
40. Faith Hope...
41. Gemma@Greyscale, AUS
42. Just Like Martha
43. christina sweden
44. Shannara, Sweden
45. Margaret Gosden, USA
46. Rose
47. Jane (Scrappy-Gram)
48. Diahn Ott
49. Gallery Juana
50. Stine, Canada
51. Lisa's RetroStyle
52. John
53. Pagan Sphinx- MA, USA
54. Sallie (FullTime-Life)
55. Everything
56. Angela
57. Tammy WA USA
58. maryt/theteach
59. Amanda, 32 Degrees North
60. Tulsa Gentleman
61. marcia TX USA
62. Christine (Our Family of Four)
63. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
64. rsully2sphotography
65. Joanna Pettit
66. Square Peg Guy
67. alexa in nyc, usa
68. Dan Kent
69. Long Island Daily Photo,USA
70. Magic Box
71. BLOGitse
72. Joysweb
73. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
74. Guy, Regina, Canada
75. Carin
76. narelle serline, BKK
77. Dorte
78. me and my camera
79. Gunsside - Norway
80. Melanie (Kimono Reincarnate)
81. Maria Berg, Sweden
82. Just B
83. foto CHIP
84. Raw Thoughts and Feelings
85. Reach Beyond Limits
86. Maia
87. Paz's New York Minute
88. JazzBumpa
89. Jill, Northern CA, USA
90. Luv N Harmony - USA
91. angie
92. Sarah Wallis
93. wanderlust
94. Sacred Ruminations
95. {S.T.U.F.F.}
96. .Pink
97. Ginger@When Ginger snaps...
98. Kitty Stampede
99. Carly's Photography

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Edit Monday Evening:
Mr Linky is now closed for this week and is having a sleep. Thankyou!


You're too funny.

Love banyan trees...their trunks are so interesting...and the branches make lovely, lacy shadows.
Anonymous said…
He he... jokes won't go away in one's self. It keep going in a mature way, isn't it?

Your shots give me back my memories when I was visiting Yosemite National Park in Californaia. I love to sit between the roots and just chill out.

Lovely indeed, Tracy. TY for sharing.

Hugs for a wonderful Sunday.

I got an email from one of your participant and explain what meme is for.

Many participants here, don't visit to other meme players, she reckoned. And that's not a fair play.

Hope you got my message.

robin. said…
forget about childhood...that looks like an amazing place to hang out and explore now!! i love trees...this looks like such a magical place to be. thanks for the educational info!! love these photos!!

have a great week tracy!!
bobbie said…
Great memories!

Your photos are marvelous. Such beautiful trees!
Tania said…
Great pictures and shadow!:-)
Wish you a happy sunday!
Tom Hilton said…
When I was a kid, I was completely fascinated with banyan trees. The idea that a single tree could be a whole forest...
Gerald (SK14) said…
I've heard tales of banyan trees but never really knew that they were until recently - those twisty shadows are so fascinating.
Anonymous said…
Super photos, and good to have the info as well. Don't worry about your joke - that's about the level of my humour as well!!
Generik said…
I love Banyan trees. There's an old famous one in the town of Lahaina on Maui that I absolutely adore. Every time I'm there, I spend way too much time trying to get a photograph of it that will do it justice. I haven't succeeded yet... that must mean I have to go back and try again!
Ralph said…
The shadows are complex. the look of lace on the ground. Duck humor is an acquired taste for some, but not us! We love to 'quack up' regarding our favorite waterfowl...
Catherine said…
lovely trees and shadows and the snow collages this week are quite stunning...thanks
Patti said…
These interesting trees cast some great shadows for you to photograph!

I am wondering what the difference is between little lunch and big lunch - would little lunch be breakfast?

That would be like petit dejeuner in French, I guess

Love your joke. You quacked us up today.

Happy Sunday~
Cassie said…
Well, I've never seen a Banyan tree, but would surly love to(without a dinky uniform on!). The twists and knots!! And the shadows are amazing. Thank you for the lovely photos & word pictures.
Sylvia K said…
I love your humor! I'm afraid I haven't matured much either since my school days and at my age that can be a real problem!! But I do have fun! I love the shots of the Banyan trees! Never seen one for real! These are just terrific! Have a great weekend, Tracy! And thanks as always for the fun!

fredamans said…
Awesome tree shots!!! Thanks for putting me in the showcase!
Beverley Baird said…
What fabuous trees! Never seen any like it. Great shadows. I can see they would be great places to hide and plan in.
Have a great weekend.
A Wild Thing said…
Love the trees, in Florida we call them strangler figs as they eventually strangle out their host tree, but their beauty is dangerously intoxicating, as it's host well 'em!
Jen said…
These trees are quite different than the ones in my neck of the woods. Great shadow shots of them.
I didn't realize you were a wise quacker. ha ha! cute story.
Birgitta said…
Like your trees and shadows here!
Dina said…
Thanks for the lesson and your memories.
Banyan trees are so mysterious!
jabblog said…
They are fantastic trees and what a clever way to spread themselves across the land!
I giggled at the memories of school trips. Most (small) children are really only interested in when they're going to eat and can they play on the swings/slide/roundabout? Little lunch? Is that we might call 'elevenses'?
Beautiful shadows in your Banyan tree photos ... my only experience with them is in the film South Pacific. Love the Shadow Galley as always. Not many shadows this week with all the rain in Southern California, but I found a couple to share ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Boy! Maybe we ought to find Anthony and get the real!! What a funny story Tracy! Those trees are pretty darn cool....all of those trunks look like long fingers digging into the ground!
Happy SSS!
Sam said…
Wow, wow, wow! You have real Banyan trees up there - so cool - we don't have any. They are related for sure (thanks for the link BTW!!). I wonder how old this grand old man is? Very interesting to read they come from India. I thought they were from Singapore! I love learning about trees and flowers and where they're from - I like impressing my Dad with my knowledge!! I think I'll tell him this info about Banyan's today!!

Sounds like quite an eventful school excursion you had to the Botanics!! Hehehe!

Gorgeous collages as always Tracy - I adore especially that shot of the snow covered tree forest by Chie! Incredible stuff!

Hope your week has been a goody - it's raining here in Sydney today thank goodness! XXOO's
Hot Fudge said…
By coincidence, we took our grandson who was on a sleep-over with us to the New Farm markets yesterday morning and on the way back to the car we stopped at the playground in the park with a bank of banyan trees as a background. It has to be one of the coolest playgrounds in the city, with the trees giving the kids a true feeling of adventure as they climb on the equipment.

Speaking of little lunch, our son, a high school teacher, told us yesterday that a directive has been sent out to some high schools to have lunch moved to 10.30 and a snack break at 2.00pm. Why? To cater for the children who come to school without breakfast. Too bad if you are among the majority of kids who do have breakfast and aren't hungry at 10.30. Crazy world.
admin said…
oh such beautiful trees!! I am back enjoying SSS & missed my few weeks away from this fun & friendly weekly catch up!!!
Deb said…
great photo the memories....
Chubskulit Rose said…
I love those tree shots.

My shadow shots
What a tangled mess below the foliage! I couldn't live near them without wanting to prune them - but the stand does make attractive shadows and creepy hide-outs for those so inclined.
Unknown said…
Tracy, I love those gnarly old trees that have such history! Excellent collages--I enjoy every photo so much even though I don't always post my thanks to each and every contributor--THANKS! Happy new week, everyone! We're still under dark gloomy skies in the Midwest, with more snow predicted tomorrow.
Unknown said…
That's so funny! I'm quacking up with you...

Love those banyan tree intricate and dream like.
Anonymous said…
I never expected to post my shadow shot, then read your post and LEARN something...PLUS laugh at your duck joke. Thanks!!
GalleryJuana said…
I swear I didn't even see that duck joke coming!

Banyan trees are amazing and I rarely get to see them. Thanks for posting that info about them too.

School memories! Hmm ... did Anthony have a crush on you I wonder? Who knows, he may even have pigtails himself now:)
EJ said…
Your shadows are so rich!

My Mugs shadows
Harriet -- joined for the first time today after lurking for a while. And to celebrate I made a dumb mistake! The first link from FullTime-Life is broken, I think its #55. ; I reposted the correct one. Thanks for doing this meme and for putting up with a newbie.
Sarah said…
I like that-that SSS can be both fun and educational! Yet another thing to love about it! These trees are amazing-I didn't realise how they spread themselves. Have you seen Avatar yet? Trees are very important in that film and now I wonder if James Cameron was inspired at all by the Banyan tree. I shall have to give him a call and ask him!
maryt/theteach said…
Tracy, I photographed Banyan trees in Burmuda a few years ago... They are intriguing and a firest of them is amazing! :)
maryt/theteach said…
I love your jokes, Tracy! :)
keiren said…
Those Banyan trees are amazing! I enjoyed your joke. It quacked me up!
Hee, hee quacking up! And what a pest that Anthony!

Wonderful shadows and such magical trees. I remember school trips to Balboa Park in San Diego and playing around a huge tree like these.

Great post! And happy SSS!
Martha said…
I didn't play this week, but I have something really awesome to show you! Come over to my Color Carnival meme ...

You have to see the new Inlinkz linky system I just started using this week. I think you are really going to like it! :-)
TheEye said…
wow... awesome indeed!
great post Tracy
That was very beautiful mine is up I haven't been able to participate for awhile
readingsully2 said…
Fabulous and miraculous trees and shadows. Looks like an enchanted forest.
Joanna said…
now I know what these trees are called. I've seen a few here in Mexico too. Aren't they amazing?
Square Peg Guy said…
I've never seen nor heard of the Banyan Fig tree. Thanks so much for writing about it. The pictures you took are amazing! And so are this week's features.

All the best!
Like Cassie, I have never seen a Banyan tree either and have enjoyed learning about them! They sure are different from trees where I live. said…
beautiful shadow shots you have captured in the gardens Tracy!
I have a feeling Anthony may have had a crush on you.
& btw, I fell into a duck pond once. I was trying to jump onto a little island and didn't make it. my brothers and cousins thought it was funny too!
Hahaha! your school memories sound oh sooo familiar. I love those trees - perfect place to play a game of hide 'n seek. I haven't matured much either from my school days.
Cute story! But those shadowy trees really look quite spooky. Like something out of a classic fairy tale!
Beautiful collages, as usual, Tracy. And of course you must have been in shadow heaven under those branches. I've posted some tree shadows myself this week. One of my top faves from the archives from my days in Northern California

Hope you have time to drop by
Guy D said…
Fantastic shadow shots everyone!!!

All the best
Regina In Pictures
Carin said…
Happy Sunday to you too! Great memories these shadows bring us. I came up with tree shadows too and they brought back memories of a holiday in France.

Enjoy your week!
Chrisy said…
I want to know what you did when when Anthony pulled your I wish you'd pushed him into that duck pond!
ps the photo of the snow on the trees...I want to be there!
pps What did the duck say when he bought lipstick? Put it on my bill.
Anonymous said…
It's been snowing here in the UK and I was just thinking, when I saw your botanic garden shots, how beautiful they'd look completely covered in snow!
Dorte said…
Those trees are so impressive ... great shots.
Have a nice week!
Patti said…
Hi ~ thanks for the info about "Little Lunch" -
you missede my shadow shot when you stopped by.

You saw my second award-winning post I published yesterday. ha ha
Gorgeous fig shots! And yah! I've just joined in for SSS. Will add the button on my blog soon. Thanks for the meme!
Maria Berg said…
I love that tree with all the roots in the air and making al that shadows, MB
B : ) said…
Oh my - your shots just blew me away!
~✽Mumsy✽~ said…
Oh wow..beautiful shadows of the tree, and wonderful information.
Wonderful shadow, and great information on the tree.
Patti said…
Hi ~ Glad you made it back and saw my shadow shot, Tracy.

I wear glasses too. Only take them off when I sleep though. ;-) Oh! and when I take shower.
Maia T said…
Beautiful trees indeed and lovely photos and info. Never seen something like this with so many aerial roots. I love the first shot with the shadows on the ground.
Have a beautiful Sunday!
Anonymous said…
Interesting-looking tree trunks.

maryt/theteach said…
Tracy, thanks for your comment at my SSS. I'm pretty proud of that shot - the singular person, all in black, walking through the arch! :)
Victoria said…
First off... you are a hoot! Love those childhood survivor stories!

Secondly, I am totally enthralled by what you are showing! What a magical place... I would love to see it, and thank you for sharing it with us!
Darcel said…
Nice shadow shots. That looks like a very fun place to explore.
Unknown said…
Wow. Twisted and tangled makes for some very good shots!

Come visit my museum shadows post!

Have a great week, Tracy.
Golden West said…
Nicely done, Tracy - banyan trees are a marvel!
Serendipity said…
Beautiful series. I love the tree with the knotted branches!
angue said…
I discovered your blog and happy meme through Juliet and her Crafty Green photos -- beautiful! I can't wait to visit everyone's contributions. I am a newbie with the camera so I'm looking forward to some inspiration.
wanderlust said…
What beautiful trees, and what a beautiful place to go for a walk! I'm sure it's easier to appreciate as an adult, ahh, if we knew then what we know now! Enjoy your weekend!
Back again to actually *read* your blog post (and quacking up) and to study the gallery; what a fun learning opportunity you are providing with this meme. Thanks again from this shadowy newby. quack me up:D Nice to hear of your childhood memories...or were they just a set up for your joke;)
I love the story of the Banyan tree. I'd never heard that before. I love the first SS best. I love that patterns they are making on the ground.
storyteller said…
Enjoyed your post and the shadow gallery again and am grateful the sun's out so I can photograph shadows again and that my computer has cooperated long enough without crashing to publish at Sacred Ruminations and add my link here. I'll be catching up with others once the WLAN card issue gets resolved with Dell (keeping my fingers crossed for a quick solution).
Hugs and blessings,
Christine said…
The first photo with the shadows scattered about the walk, beautiful, my eyes are drawn right out to the patch of sunshine. How the branches disappear into the top of the image, forever stretching, I love it!

This is only my second SSS but already I am hooked, find myself absolutely drawn to shadows now! Thank you for hosting and Happy SSS! Christine
Ginger said…
These are so lovely. You should do a collage of all of YOUR best photos! Please!
Kitty Stampede said…
These trees are so amazing. That was a funny little story..haha! it can be funny when people fall, when its not yourself.
Hope you had a great weekend and I am so sorry I'm not as regular on this as I'd like to be. It seems there is always something that comes up. I need better time management. hehe.
Take Care...
BLOGitse said…
I miss the nature of Australia!
You have there amazing trees, flowers etc.
Great SS tree pics you've taken...

Tracy, have a gooooood week ahead!
Tracy said…
OMG--SSS has almost 100 participants this week! :o) Even more shadows to appreciate... love that! Your own shadows this week are terrific, Tracy--shadows everywhere! Happy Week, my friend ((HUGS))
Darcel said…
It was still sitting in my drafts folder. Not sure how that happened....pregnancy brain I suppose.

Here's the link.
picciolo said…
I love the tree in your shadow this week, it looks amazing
: )
myan said…
oh what beautiful shots!
i have a thing for figgy trees! :)
Dan Kent said…
These are beautiful! I'd love to go for a walk through there. We have similar trees here in parts of the Everglades. The last shot is magical!
Unknown said…
Hahaha! Your jokes certainly are good, made me smile while struggling to do a post grr...but I like it...well, glad that at least the rest of the gang and the ducks had a good laugh :)

Love the shadows this week, reminded be of all those big twisted banyan trees in Cambodia. I just noticed your list was 99....and I am kicking myself for not checking in last I'd like to be no. 100, always wanted that! Next time maybe. How do you do it...all the visiting? I'm poofed, cant even do a proper hat's off to you for doing all this! ciao for now...hugs, muah2 and all....M
muchlove said…
those trees look amazing. I wish I had visited the Botanic Gardens more often when I did live in Brissy.

hope you had a nice australia day, Tracy! :)
Jonny Hamachi said…
Again to 99. Soo close.

Triple digits next week.
Nishant said…
good to have the info as well. Don't worry about your joke - that's about the level of my humour as well!!

Work from home India